Diwali, Diwala, and music in the mornings

@vandana7 (101558)
November 3, 2021 10:23pm CST
Diwali the festival of Hindus. As a child I enjoyed it. But by the time I reached 8th grade, I did not want those noisy crackers. I wanted plants, and I became non-Hindu. No environment expert told me that nor any Christian or Muslim friend. I just developed my logic. I asked, show me in the holy books that they used contemporary noisy and poisonous fumes releasing crackers to scare the god returning home, then I will re-convert. Diwala, well, that has been the fate of my father on this day for more than 60 years. He gets to buy me most expensive clothing, shoes etc. for this festival. I accept it with as much humility as possible, knowing fully well, how empty his purse must feel. Diwala means turning a person bankrupt. And music outside. The holy songs in background make me think why on earth would I exchange this for those noisy crackers. Sadguru says let children light crackers. Let him show me in which Hindu holy scripture they have asked Hindus to light crackers that have contemporary chemicals that unleash harmful gases in air. So yeah, I disagree with the holy man. I also disagree with Kangana Ranaut. She says walk to office for three days instead of using cars - to reduce pollution, instead of stopping crackers. Madam, you set an example. Let us see, if it is feasible then others will follow suit. So yeah, I am against crackers the way they are used in our country. I am not a Muslim, or Christian. I am just a human being, with selfish needs.
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10 responses
@Shavkat (140362)
• Philippines
4 Nov 21
I am not that religious but I know what is right or wrong.
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@vandana7 (101558)
• India
4 Nov 21
If our pleasure makes others life uncomfortable, then there is something not right about it.
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@Shavkat (140362)
• Philippines
5 Nov 21
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@DaddyEvil (143322)
• United States
4 Nov 21
You do? Really? I can't tell that on myLot...
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@DaddyEvil (143322)
• United States
4 Nov 21
Thinking for yourself isn't a crime... yet. Have you ever asked @hora_fugit his opinion on this kind of thing?
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@vandana7 (101558)
• India
4 Nov 21
@DaddyEvil Add that as f point to my list. :)
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@DaddyEvil (143322)
• United States
4 Nov 21
@vandana7 I don't know that Hora will have different opinions than you. He's a smart man, so we should let him speak for himself, if he still monitors what happens on myLot... I don't disagree with you but I have my own reasons for disliking the noise and pollution of fireworks. I'm allergic to the smoke given off by them. I LIKE being able to open my eyes whenever I want and being able to see. I also like to breathe without being hooked up to a machine.
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@DaddyEvil (143322)
• United States
4 Nov 21
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@RebeccasFarm (92831)
• United States
4 Nov 21
This is logic indeed ...I understand Vanny. Noise and excessive spending is not holy.
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@vandana7 (101558)
• India
5 Nov 21
@RebeccasFarm We Indians are not that rich Oshy. Kinda, you all have social security, we don't. You all have better law system, we don't. Better employment data, we don't.
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• United States
4 Nov 21
@vandana7 Yes that is a waste in my mind. But they also do it here.
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@jstory07 (142430)
• Roseburg, Oregon
4 Nov 21
You are a human and have a mind of your own. Good for you.
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@vandana7 (101558)
• India
4 Nov 21
Somethings have crept in our religion without our knowledge. They have to go because they are harmful to the environment, as well as for health of people. Feel like a lone crusader.
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@jstory07 (142430)
• Roseburg, Oregon
4 Nov 21
@vandana7 You probably are a lone crusader but that is ok.
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@Fleura (31293)
• United Kingdom
4 Nov 21
The idea of walking to work sounds like a good one, if it is feasible. We all know that air pollution is a big problem.
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@vandana7 (101558)
• India
4 Nov 21
@Fleura I agree. People who can go on bicycles to their place of work, should use that. Nowadays, we get nice covers also so they can protect themselves from heat or rain if they have those concerns.
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@LindaOHio (184442)
• United States
4 Nov 21
I totally understand. Is Diwali a one-day festival?
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@vandana7 (101558)
• India
4 Nov 21
Oh no...they start with Dhan Teras, then Narka Chaturdashi, then Amavasya, then New Year, then Bhai Dooj. Totally 5 days.
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@LindaOHio (184442)
• United States
5 Nov 21
@vandana7 Very good!
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
4 Nov 21
It is just crazy here at Diwali many of my neighbours let off fireworks for many hours. Thankfully it is today & Guy Fawkes is tomorrow so hopefully it will just be the 2 nights. I heard some earlier but there will be may going off later. It scares older people young children & animals.I agree with you stop the fireworks as not only do they let off nasty fumes they also cause many injuries!
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@vandana7 (101558)
• India
4 Nov 21
I am so against this. Many things in our religion are no longer making sense. But people do follow them blindly. Take for example using mango leaves on the doors. In the past, the reason was to enable new leaves and branches to come up so that the tree gives good fruit. But now, with as much population as we have, and as few trees as we have, using mango leaves indiscriminately feels so... dumb. We all are taught in school that leaves release oxygen. But theory is kinda nothing to imbibe. Only religious rituals have to be followed. And I ask, ok, we followed these rituals, still we lost wars to Muslims, and then Brits. Even today, we go around begging. How then are these rituals bringing us prosperity? But such questions are blasphemous.
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@vandana7 (101558)
• India
5 Nov 21
@garymarsh6 My logic is ... the questions should be asked IF it benefits majority eventually. A few of us will be laughed at, thought ill off, ridiculed, troubled, whatever. It will happen. But eventually, thought process will takeover. We left barbaric games behind, we will hopefully leave barbaric customs too. We have to evolve. In the meanwhile, I do raise questions like how can I respect a woman who is willing to sacrifice 7 of her children to get the eighth one for killing her brother. I find most ardent followers of religion out of depth there. They say values of that era were different. Agreed. So change. Why ask us to conform to values of that era? And why not accept that values of era of another religion were also different? Nah...there is comfort in rigidity.
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
4 Nov 21
@vandana7 People especially the poorly educated get much comfort & hope from these rituals. No matter where l went in India l watched with my own eyes the poor bringing money & fruit to the priests. Religion is so bad in my opinion allowing paedophiles access to the vulnerable. People who are in positions of trust abusing their position. Taking money from those who can ill afford it. I think we could talk for days about this very subject. The dowry system is very much alive even if covertly. There is much wrong with society forcing people into further poverty while the church/temples gets richer. Vanny they are blasphemous if you believe in it but should not be done in a way to harm peoples feelings.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
5 Nov 21
I like your logic.
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@vandana7 (101558)
• India
9 Nov 21
Thanks Valerie. You are one of the right thinking folks who can say it without sounding harsh. I need to learn the art from you.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
9 Nov 21
@vandana7 I didn't know it was an art. Thank you.
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@andriaperry (118449)
• Anniston, Alabama
4 Nov 21
I take religion out of life's logic because no matter what God is praised I believe that God would want us to save his earth and people from harm
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@vandana7 (101558)
• India
5 Nov 21
Exactly. His property. Who gives us right to ruin it. Somewhere we need to draw lines.
@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
4 Nov 21
We should all be allowed to express our opinions.
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@vandana7 (101558)
• India
5 Nov 21
But believers want us to conform to their views. That is so ...words fail me.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
5 Nov 21
@vandana7 I do undersatnd.
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