I Captured the Biggest Tilapia

@Shavkat (137762)
November 12, 2021 3:41am CST
Today, my younger brother and I took the chance of going to the public market to buy raw food. We ran out of food supply and do not usually go out on weekends. Friday is the best time for this task. As we walk along, we stumbled upon seeing the biggest freshwater called 'tilapia' or cichlid fish. It was around 4 kilograms and captured in a pond. Thus, I only capture with a photo only. If we are going to talk about the legend, some people believed that it is this fish that Jesus of Nazareth distributed a thousandfold to feed the people in a mass. Being said, it is commonly called 'St. Peter's Fish.' Are you fond of eating this kind of fish? What do you call it if it does exist at your country?
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28 responses
@DaddyEvil (137232)
• United States
12 Nov 21
Tilapia is sold in the grocery stores here but I don't eat fish.
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
12 Nov 21
Why you do not eat fish? How about seafood?
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
12 Nov 21
@DaddyEvil Yeah, I remember now. Well, you can have some anti-histamine pills after eating them.
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@DaddyEvil (137232)
• United States
12 Nov 21
@Shavkat I don't like fish and I'm allergic to seafood.
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@Geoffmax (275)
12 Nov 21
In my country is called nila fish
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
12 Nov 21
It is nice to know. How do you cook it if you have some?
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@cacay1 (83320)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
12 Nov 21
@Geoffmax, have you tasted that fish?
@Jenaisle (14078)
• Philippines
12 Nov 21
That's huge. Fried Tilapia tastes good with pepper and soy sauce or fish sauce. You can couple this with rice and some fresh boiled sweet potato tops. Delicious!
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@marlina (154131)
• Canada
12 Nov 21
Only once in a while
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@cacay1 (83320)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
12 Nov 21
@marlina, haven't tasted that fish.
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@marlina (154131)
• Canada
12 Nov 21
@cacay1 , I did, nothing exciting
@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
12 Nov 21
@marlina We also consider this not to have them often.
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@franxav (13736)
• India
12 Nov 21
We do get tilapia in Bengal and it is sold in the markets.
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
12 Nov 21
In my country, it was not that pricey. How about there?
@cacay1 (83320)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
12 Nov 21
@franxav, it has the same name.
@Icydoll (36717)
• India
12 Nov 21
I eat fish ! It's great to see big fishes .
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@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
12 Nov 21
Yes, it is sold alot here and is one of our cheaper fishes. They usually farm it or that is the kind of stuff they sell in these parts. I think wild tilapia would be much better for you honestly.
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@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
13 Nov 21
@Shavkat I don't know...I don't think tilapia has much cholesterol.
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
13 Nov 21
I agree with you. I assumed that it has less bad cholesterol if being cooked.
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
13 Nov 21
@snowy22315 I agree.
• United States
13 Nov 21
I'm a vegetarian, so I stopped eating fish several years ago. However, I do have two cats who are always interested in discussing the finer points of all things related to fish.
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• United States
14 Nov 21
@Shavkat I haven't gone vegan; I do still consume some dairy and eggs at times, which do carry with them ethical issues. I became vegetarian for a variety of reasons. Pigs are as smart as dogs; cows have friends and love to play; I grew up playing with chickens. How could I choose to eat another sentient being? I started by cutting out certain things when I was in college due to them not being healthy, and it expanded. The health concerns, ethical issues, and environmental consequences of choosing to eat other creatures are horrendous. Humans have a choice in how to eat. We are not obligate carnivores, and our access to food (except in certain regions of the world) allow us choices that our distant ancestors did not have. There was a time when humans needed meat to survive; most of the world has moved well beyond that. As it currently stands, we are doomed to a 1.5 degree temperature rise; COP26 has made that clear. Meat is only one of the pieces to that, but it is there. So, too, are cheap flights, fast fashion, same-day shipping, space tourism... Essentially, every bit of modern life is driving us toward our doom. As it stands, there are reasonable people who are not certain that humans will be around in another 100 years.
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
14 Nov 21
@wilsongoddard That's the reason why my granny still lives at the age of 103. She chose to be a vegan. I also think that it is a good way to cleanse one's body by not eating meat.
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
14 Nov 21
That's good to know. Can I ask why you turned to be a vegan? Is it because of health conditions? I am sure your whiskers would love some fish meat in the house.
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@cacay1 (83320)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
12 Nov 21
It's huge I haven't eaten that kind of fish.But it's famous in our country.
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
12 Nov 21
I do not like to eat this fish with soup. Or, even the other fishes.
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
12 Nov 21
@cacay1 I love grilling or frying them with some side dishes. I prefer having some shredded tomatoes or green mangoes, fish sauce, and extracted lemon juice.
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@cacay1 (83320)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
12 Nov 21
@Shavkat But I was told it's tasty fish. Better cook in deep frying then beside you, Gibys or Red Horse
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@Bullshark (3477)
• Netherlands
12 Nov 21
I love tilapia. I am a shark...
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
12 Nov 21
I am sure you can have it in one gulp.
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
14 Nov 21
@Bullshark That's nice to know.
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@Bullshark (3477)
• Netherlands
14 Nov 21
@Shavkat Yes, but I do not do that. I chew my food...
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@DocAndersen (54402)
• United States
12 Nov 21
that is a favorite of ours - a nice whitefish that has a good flavor!
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
12 Nov 21
If I am going to have a picnic at the lake or river, it would be nice to grill it.
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
12 Nov 21
@DocAndersen That would be yummy, too.
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@DocAndersen (54402)
• United States
12 Nov 21
@Shavkat it is truly amazing grilled - we usually put a little fresh lime and cilantro when we grill it!
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@Chakimmm (999)
• Indonesia
13 Nov 21
Wow that's huge, when i saw the picture i thought you got it while fishing, but after reading your article i know the truth. In my place, maybe it's like Mujair fish.
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
13 Nov 21
How I wish I could catch and do fishing in the future. It is one of my wishes in life. Did you ever try to catch fish in your entire life?
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
13 Nov 21
@Chakimmm I agree that it needs to have more patience when doing this.
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@Chakimmm (999)
• Indonesia
13 Nov 21
@Shavkat Yes, I used to often fish when I was in school, on holidays or even when I came home from school, it was quite fun even though I had to be a little patient in fishing
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@sinari (4997)
• Indonesia
13 Nov 21
Wow, the tilapia is huge. Did you fish it? or catch it straight from the fish pond?
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
13 Nov 21
No, I only captured using my mobile phone. In fact, I have not tried to catch fish in any sea bodies in this world. Have you tried it before?
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
13 Nov 21
@sinari If I have them, we prefer they will be fried.
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@sinari (4997)
• Indonesia
13 Nov 21
@Shavkat I also have never caught fish in the sea. What do you want to cook with your big tilapia? will it just be fried?
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@Faster16 (3139)
• Indonesia
13 Nov 21
In my country it is called tilapia mujaer. In the wild it can weigh up to 5kg. I used to go fishing and got one that weighs 2kg. Today I will go fishing, pray that I can get a lot, later I will show off the results in My Lot.
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
13 Nov 21
Wow! How's the fishing stunt? Did you get anything?
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
14 Nov 21
@Faster16 Let me check it, thanks.
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@Faster16 (3139)
• Indonesia
13 Nov 21
@Shavkat you can see it here
This is my catch today. Too bad I didn't get much[em]cry[/em], because it was raining heavily. Usually when the weather is good, I can get tilapia mujaer and...
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
12 Nov 21
Large tilapia is called " pla pla" in our country, it's the Nile or African variety. The original tilapia introduced to the Philippines in the 50s are a much smaller but tastier variety
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
12 Nov 21
@Shavkat maybe it depends, I don't know too but lapu -lapu or red grouper gets more expensive and sought after the bigger they are. It's like what they say that soft drinks in small bottles are stronger than those in liters
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
13 Nov 21
@louievill In my city, it is Php 100 per kilogram. I estimated that this fish is around 4 kg. It will be Php 400 if I am going to buy it.
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
12 Nov 21
I am not sure if I can validate this claim by my mother. According to her, it is not tasty if a fish is so big.
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@rebelann (112254)
• El Paso, Texas
26 Jan 22
I would call it a fish. I live in a desert so I would not know the difference between any fish unless it is a shark or dolphin, I have seen those in videos.
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
28 Jan 22
I cannot blame you. When I was still living in Tajikistan, I cannot distinguish what kind of fish they sell in the public market.
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@sol_cee (38219)
• Philippines
20 Jan 22
I didn’t know tilapia was the fish in that famous bible story
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
25 Jan 22
I have the same feeling as yours at first.
@RubyHawk (99410)
• Atlanta, Georgia
12 Nov 21
I don’t eat fish, I’m vegetarian. That’s a huge fish.
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
13 Nov 21
It was a huge one and my first time to see it, too.
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@RubyHawk (99410)
• Atlanta, Georgia
13 Nov 21
@Shavkat A catch like that should be a feather in your cap. Congratulations.
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@Rashnag (30593)
• Surat, India
12 Nov 21
It's a huge fish. Hope you enjoyed eating it
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
13 Nov 21
Oh, I did not buy it. I just took a photo of it only.
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@Rashnag (30593)
• Surat, India
13 Nov 21
@Shavkat ok dear
@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
12 Nov 21
Yes we have that fish here. It is good cooked.
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
13 Nov 21
It would be great food while having a picnic at the riverside with the family.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
13 Nov 21