Can You Believe It's December?

United States
December 1, 2021 9:23am CST
Happy Wednesday Everyone and hello to our new month December. Can you believe this year is almost over and we'll be saying good-bye to 2021. It's not quite as cold today and the sun is shining I got a good nights sleep and have more energy today than I have for the last few days. Yay me!! My painting job that was postponed from a few weeks ago is now rescheduled for next week. I'm excited about having it done but it does put a kink in my getting the tree up and decorated. Usually I'm all gung ho right after Thanksgiving but this year it's on hold until mid month. I know plenty of people don't put their tree up or decorate until later in the month but not me! I love this time of year and can't wait to get it started. Yes...I've already had my Alexa playing the holiday music playlist of all my favorite songs. My daughter made this playlist either last year or the year before. It's filled with all sorts of music from silly to traditional. Many of my neighbors have their houses decorated and lit up and it does look pretty. Hopefully this weekend we can get the lights up outside. Today I'm going to check my ingredients and see what I need for the cookies I want to bake. I decided to make cookies this year and surprise my family with some that I haven't made in years. Guess I'm feeling nostalgic. Anyway, it's time for my coffee and chatting here for awhile. What's going on with you today??
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14 responses
@LadyDuck (467868)
• Switzerland
1 Dec 21
I cleaned the refrigerator and the freezer, tomorrow I go grocery shopping I want to be sure to have enough space to store what I have listed to buy.
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@LadyDuck (467868)
• Switzerland
2 Dec 21
@Marilynda1225 I am also stocking up. I do not want to go to the store more than once a week. This Sunday I go to Italy to buy a few things that are a lot better there. I think I will not go anymore before 2022.
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• United States
2 Dec 21
@LadyDuck I'm trying to stock up so that I don't have to go too often. Not being able to predict the weather I like to have stuff on hand in case the weather gets bad
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• United States
1 Dec 21
I did that last week and now I don't have to shop for another week or so. Lately I've been stocking up so my trips to the store aren't as frequent. Are you stocking up too?
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@Juliaacv (50342)
• Canada
1 Dec 21
This would be an excellent week to bake and then store it in the freezer as you will lose time when the painting is happening. In anticipation of another stay at home order over the holidays, I am not baking extra this year. Just enough for us to enjoy.
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@Juliaacv (50342)
• Canada
1 Dec 21
@Marilynda1225 I am worried because of this new mutant of the virus. But after last year, I can get thru Christmas again without seeing our family, but I don't think that I could make it without seeing the twins within the first little while after they come home when they are born. I think that would devestate me. That isn't the way to become a grandparent, waiting from afar to hold your grandbabies. I hope that doesn't happen.
• United States
2 Dec 21
@Juliaacv we just have to hope and pray that this new strain of virus isn't anything like when covid hit last year. I'm sure you'll be able to hold those precious babies when they arrive.
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• United States
1 Dec 21
This is a good week for me to bake I'm hoping we don't have another lockdown but it's anyones guess at this point. Who would have thought we'd be at the mercy of a virus
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@Nawsheen (28643)
• Mauritius
1 Dec 21
I took a day off work today to visit my grandparents. I had dinner with them and I'm now heading back home
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• United States
1 Dec 21
I'm sure your grandparents loved having you visit. I love when my grandkids come by
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@Nawsheen (28643)
• Mauritius
2 Dec 21
@Marilynda1225 Oh yes they loved it. Yesterday was my grandpa's birthday
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@DianneN (247186)
• United States
1 Dec 21
Our painter was here this morning. He starts the work next week.
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• United States
2 Dec 21
So we'll be having simultaneous painting going on. What color are you painting?
@nela13 (57357)
• Portugal
1 Dec 21
We put our Christmas tree today but my kids also want to decorate the house outside with some lights.
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• United States
2 Dec 21
I'm hoping we can get our outside lights up this weekend
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@nela13 (57357)
• Portugal
3 Dec 21
@Marilynda1225 it will be the first time we put lights outside.
@oahuwriter (26777)
• United States
2 Dec 21
I know we the year seems to be exiting, quickly! I like it too! I'm almost done decorating home. Just got an idea with ribbons to put up. In Hawaii, Christmas tree very expensive, si I can't afford it. Wholefoods has a very nice Christmas bouquet if different pines & Christmas tree's branch for 6.99, I might get.
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• United States
2 Dec 21
Those Christmas branches would definitely be a good idea and certainly festive. Any sort of decorations work
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@oahuwriter (26777)
• United States
3 Dec 21
@Marilynda1225 Indeed. I just saw one today, comprised of just Christmas tree branches, looks like Douglas Fir ones, 10.99, pretty with a festive bow.
@dodo19 (47278)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
1 Dec 21
It's so hard to believe that December is here. I'm currently at work doing my morning shift. Don't have to much longer. Then I have a few things to do before getting my kids.
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• United States
1 Dec 21
Enjoy the rest of your day
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@marlina (154131)
• Canada
1 Dec 21
Will you be baking a LOT of cookies?
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• United States
1 Dec 21
Not a lot but two different kinds that we haven't had in awhile.
@wolfgirl569 (102597)
• Marion, Ohio
2 Dec 21
You will have the tree up soon.
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@just4him (317036)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
2 Dec 21
It's the most wonderful time of the year. My tree went up in early November. I now have it lit every day from now until New Year's Day. Yesterday and today, I'm helping a friend get her book published.
@Courtlynn (67094)
• United States
2 Dec 21
Yay! Glad you decided to make those cookies!! I'm sure they're going to love them! Goodluck with the house
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@Dena91 (16509)
• United States
1 Dec 21
I always think that from the 4th of July until Christmas time goes by in a blink of an eye. I don't decorate like I use to. I put out our ceramic Christmas tree, Christmas flag and wreath. I've been listening to some Christmas songs when in the car. I am sure your family will love getting the cookies this year. I'm cooking us some chicken and potatoes. Got the laundry caught back up. Will be going to bible study this evening at church.
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• United States
1 Dec 21
I'm going to surprise my family by making cookies they haven't had in years. They mentioned it at Thanksgiving so I think it's a good time to bring back some good memories. Chicken and potatoes sound like a good choice for dinner. I'm going to make pasta.
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@Faster16 (3186)
• Indonesia
2 Dec 21
fine, with the same expectations and routine
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@Atikaa1 (118)
2 Dec 21
I usually fill my activities with cooking, reading, and writing. Hopefully this December will be the best closing year for all of us in 2021
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