Living Near A Shooting Range

United States
January 30, 2022 2:35pm CST
I live about a half mile from a shooting range. It was already there when I moved in 33 years ago. At first, the noise from the discharge of rounds was unsettling but after some time, I barely noticed it. It got me to thinking about hearing reports every day and how I could just dismiss them as just the normal noises in here. I wondered about other people that hear gunshots near their home and how terrifying that could be when you don't know it comes from a shooting range. If you hear gunshots near your home, do you worry that your life could be in danger or do you dismiss it as normal?
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15 responses
@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
30 Jan 22
There are hunters in the woods here, so usually it is considered normal. However, for personal reasons, gunshots are always alarming. Nothing to do with being in danger.
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• United States
30 Jan 22
If I hear gunshots after dark, I'll worry too. It's a heavily wooded area here and well outside any city limits. A gunshot every now and then isn't unusual but if it comes from a direction other than the shooting grounds, I'll take notice.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
30 Jan 22
@Vikingswest1 When you have PTSD, gunshots are not your friend.
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• United States
30 Jan 22
@CarolDM I can imagine. My guess is that fireworks are hard to deal with too.
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31 Jan 22
Gunshots are also frequent here. That's beside the fact that there's a firing range about a kilometer away. I get jolted by nearby gunshots and instantly worry about the kids who always wander about.
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• United States
31 Jan 22
Can you tell when the shots aren't coming from the firing range?
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• United States
31 Jan 22
@stewartclint Yes. Air rifles have a distinctive sound. Kids around here have paintball wars. Thick clothing and goggles protect them for the most part.
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@flapiz (23055)
• United Kingdom
31 Jan 22
I am easily startled I would probably get a heart attack if I live near a shooting range.
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@flapiz (23055)
• United Kingdom
31 Jan 22
@Vikingswest1 You might have gotten a little deaf from living near there. Like people who lives near train stations and airplanes.
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• United States
31 Jan 22
It's funny. I hardly notice it anymore. At first I was startled a few times a day, but I guess that I just got used to it. It was here before I moved in.
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• United States
31 Jan 22
@flapiz That could be too but I don't have trouble hearing anything else. I think it's selective hearing and I have learned to ignore it.
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@RebeccasFarm (89231)
• Arvada, Colorado
31 Jan 22
Oh it is nothing unusual around here, the crime rate is astronomical. And it is not from a shooting range. I mostly stay indoors or only walk on the trail, so don't worry too much. Good you dont worry either.
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• Arvada, Colorado
31 Jan 22
@Vikingswest1 I am glad you had the sense to move away. That is what I am working on too. Had enough of this ...course even out in the sticks, you would have to have some protection.
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• Arvada, Colorado
31 Jan 22
@Vikingswest1 That will do also.
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• United States
31 Jan 22
@RebeccasFarm I do. I hope I never have to use it, but it's there.
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@jstory07 (138935)
• Roseburg, Oregon
30 Jan 22
I would go outside and look around to see if I could figure out where it is coming from.
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• United States
30 Jan 22
Yep. I can tell if the shots are coming from the shooting grounds. If they aren't, I'm likely to stay inside lol
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• Indonesia
31 Jan 22
I live in the countryside so if I hear gunshots it must be people hunting birds so I'm not surprised or scared
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• United States
31 Jan 22
@qianamalayeka I like the country for the same reasons as you. I live between the mountains and the ocean several miles outside of a very small town of about 4000 people. I have fruit trees and vegetable and flower gardens. I enjoy working in the gardens. It's kind of a therapy for me.
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• United States
31 Jan 22
I live in the country too. It's common to hear gunshots. I only worry if they are close by. I prefer country living to city living. Have you always lived in the country?
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• Indonesia
31 Jan 22
@Vikingswest1 I like living in the countryside because the atmosphere is quiet, the nature is still beautiful, close to the mountains, the soil is fertile so you can plant anything here, I also sometimes go to the city to watch movies at the cinema ^^
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@wolfgirl569 (104153)
• Marion, Ohio
31 Jan 22
I sometimes look around but as we are in the country I dont worry about it
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• United States
31 Jan 22
I am country too and it's pretty common to hear shots that come from a different direction than the shooting grounds. I don't worry unless it's close.
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@1creekgirl (41236)
• United States
30 Jan 22
Here it would be a greater chance of someone hunting than a reason for alarm.
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• United States
30 Jan 22
Yes. Even outside of hunting seasons there are still hunters around here. I'm thinking now about war torn countries and the fear they must face or people in large cities here where shootings happen daily.
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• United States
30 Jan 22
@1creekgirl Hahaha. You read my mind.
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@1creekgirl (41236)
• United States
30 Jan 22
@Vikingswest1 Yeah, like Chicago and NYC.
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@TheHorse (216607)
• Walnut Creek, California
31 Jan 22
In Caifornia I might, as there is no shooting range near my house. In Montana I would not, as we all shoot off a few rounds if we're bored.
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@thelme55 (76750)
• Germany
31 Jan 22
I would worry and feel scared hearing gunshots. I would find a new place to live if I knew very late about the shooting range nearby my home.
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• United States
31 Jan 22
It was here when I bought the house so I was committed to stay at least until I could sell for a profit. After a short time, the shooting didn't even bother me as long as it came from the direction of the shooting range. I knew that there was no threat and it was just people practicing.
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@thelme55 (76750)
• Germany
3 Feb 22
@Vikingswest1 I am glad you are used to it.
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@Kandae11 (54973)
30 Jan 22
Thankfully l live in an area where it would be very surprising to hear gunshots - but these days anything is possible.
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• United States
30 Jan 22
I just can't imagine how people deal with hearing gunshots every day that aren't coming from a shooting ground.
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@dgobucks226 (35362)
3 Feb 22
Hearing gunshots in my neighborhood would definitely be a scary thing I imagine for a good number of people depending on where you live, you think something like a shooting could never happen near me. But location is a major factor as other towns not far from my area experience shootings, robberies and other types of violence. I have heard that people can get accustomed to loud noises when subjected to them on a daily basis. Like people who live near railroad tracks for example.
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• United States
3 Feb 22
Yep. You can get used to it. If those shots come from a different direction from the shooting range, I'll notice but won't worry too much. It must be awful to live in a place where gunshots mean crime or war.
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@dgobucks226 (35362)
6 Feb 22
@Vikingswest1 Living in the middle of a crime ridden violent city would be definitely terrible. One reason so many seem to be leaving cities in states where they no longer feel protected to go elsewhere.
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• United States
6 Feb 22
@dgobucks226 I can't imagine living in a high crime area. I moved away from one many years ago and never looked back.
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@sinari (4997)
• Indonesia
31 Jan 22
If I heard gunshots near my house, I would be shocked, and worried too. Because I was afraid, the bullet might stray, and it would hit one of the residents around the place.
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• United States
31 Jan 22
That's always a concern. The shooting grounds are safe as the elevation of the outdoor range has been lowered so any stray rounds hit dirt. The indoor range isn't an issue.
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• United States
31 Jan 22
@sinari You're right but it has never happened here in the 50 years it's been open. They have dug out a low spot and built up walls of earth all around the line. You would have to TRY to fire it intentionally into the air above the walls for rounds to escape. The shooting grounds were actually here before most of the houses were built, including mine.
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@sinari (4997)
• Indonesia
31 Jan 22
@Vikingswest1 Yes, that's good too. But the name is technical error, or human error can occur. It is better if the shooting range is not close to where the residents live in the vicinity.
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@akruser13 (475)
• Los Angeles, California
31 Jan 22
I actually worry more that I won't know they're even gunshots. One thing people don't realize about living in LA? People here LOVE their frikken fireworks. I don't want to sound stereotypical, but just from the few places I've bounced around in while in LA county? It's mostly been among the Mexican communities where fireworks go off most often. I live in a predominantly Mexican neighborhood now. Fireworks go off for EVERYTHING. New Years and July 4th? Sure. But also every single other major holiday, every time there's a birthday, every time someone's favorite team wins a football game, a kid got an A on their math homework, idek. The point is, they go off all the time, and they're the loud ones. My neighborhood in itself is not an unsafe area. It's very family friendly, no big issues. We did have that one neighbor who moved in down the street though that wound up bringing in gang activity. Twice now in the four years I've lived here there have been drive-by shootings at that particular house. Twice. One of them occurred while I wasn't home but the other one? Yep. Overnight and I slept right through it. My brain probably assumed fireworks. So, yeah. It is a thing I worry about because I've already missed the danger right down the street. I think those people are gone now, but it makes you wonder.
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• United States
2 Feb 22
@akruser13 In that old Minneapolis neighborhood there was always street corner crowds. It made me nervous too when they would stare me down. I'll bet it made you doubly nervous.
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• United States
31 Jan 22
Fireworks go off here New Year's, the 4th and when the Seahawks win. So, now it's only a handful of times a year lol. I lived in a bad neighborhood just outside Minneapolis. It got so bad that I had to move. I am glad your neighborhood is relatively safe. Worry can make you crazy. The fireworks likely affect your dog too which adds to your angst. I hope the people that lived in that house never come back.
• Los Angeles, California
1 Feb 22
@Vikingswest1 Me too! Sometimes they'd be outside their house at dusk looking shady and they'd stare at you while you were driving past. I just wanted to go home! Haven't seen anyone out for awhile though which is why I think they're gone.
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@xander6464 (43316)
• Wapello, Iowa
31 Jan 22
I live way out in the country so I hear gunfire all the time. It increases whenever there's a hunting season open. It would concern me if I lived in the city but out here, it's just part of the landscape.