Uhm... A Problem Yesterday...

@DaddyEvil (142425)
United States
March 27, 2022 9:36am CST
What would you think if a father brought his daughter in to the Emergency Room with her hand bandaged up and she was complaining that she couldn't bend one of the fingers on that hand? I took Pretty to the ER yesterday afternoon. We spent over four hours there while the doctor and nurses talked with her, examined her hand, gave her several x-rays and ask me to leave the room while they talked with her alone. (Pretty is 34, so is old enough that I wasn't worried about her being talked with when I wasn't around, but I didn't know how close I came to being arrested yesterday.) Pretty was helping me change the trash bag; I was holding the trashcan while she pulled the trash bag out of it. She started screaming and holding her hand... After a few minutes, she told me she hurt her index finger on her right hand. She wrapped gauze bandages around that finger and the next finger beside it and told me we needed to go to the hospital. The doctor and nurses thought I broke her finger... She said she had to keep telling them we were just changing the trash bag and I didn't do anything wrong. She's wearing a splint on that finger now. *sigh* I got cold chills when she told me they thought I broke her finger on purpose. Pretty. Photo is mine.
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51 responses
@moffittjc (122829)
• Gainesville, Florida
27 Mar 22
What were they planning on doing IF you had broken her finger? Take your daughter away from you and turn her over to child protective services? Geez. I'm glad you two went and got her finger looked at. Sometimes people don't think their bones are broken and think they'll be okay...until the bones heal wrong or crooked. Better to be safe than sorry. Hope Pretty feels better and heals quickly.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
27 Mar 22
No, they told her they would call the police and have me arrested. Thanks. She's alternating Tylenol and Advil every four hours.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
27 Mar 22
@moffittjc Not here they don't!
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@moffittjc (122829)
• Gainesville, Florida
27 Mar 22
@DaddyEvil I'm sure the police have more important matters to attend to than arresting people for breaking someone else's finger! lol
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@FourWalls (71761)
• United States
27 Mar 22
And yet, the parents who are really abusing their children get to keep on doing so, no matter what the children say. I’m sorry you had to go through that. I’m sorry Pretty had to go through that.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
27 Mar 22
Thank you. I KNOW! I worked as a GAL for a few years when Pretty was little. I couldn't believe all the terrible things that people did to their kids or their friends' kids! It was disgusting!
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@Sojourn (13835)
• India
28 Mar 22
What is a GAL? BTW, its good that everything is AOK now.
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@Sojourn (13835)
• India
15 Apr 22
@DaddyEvil Very nice explanation !
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@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
27 Mar 22
It is sad the medical profession has to do this - but considering how much domestic abuse goes on - as well as all sorts of other unthinkable scenarios- I’m glad they are diligently doing their job - the same way I don’t complain about (and usually express thanks to) security officers who check my bags at the airport. It’s not their fault - it’s the fault of the ones that made it necessary to question everyone. It is just more evidence of the fulfillment of Jesus words: ‘ because of the increase of lawlessness, the love (and trust) of the greater number (society) will cool off’ You know, I’m sure they were relieved that this was just a normal family dealing with an accident that happened in the course of their daily routine. Hope she’s feeling better
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@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
27 Mar 22
@DaddyEvil 180 wpm!!!!??? Whoa! Super power!
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
27 Mar 22
@sulynsi She makes fun of me. I only type around 50 wpm.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
27 Mar 22
Thank you. Right now she's complaining more about not being able to type at 180 wpm than she is about the finger hurting. She is taking Tylenol or Advil every four hours for pain.
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@LadyDuck (472503)
• Switzerland
28 Mar 22
Oh my goodness, I cannot believe they thought you broke her finger on purpose. They did not even ask to my niece when she broke her finger and she was only 18 when it happened.
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@LadyDuck (472503)
• Switzerland
29 Mar 22
@DaddyEvil They could see very well that she was not an abused young woman.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
29 Mar 22
@LadyDuck I would have thought they could see quite plainly... but maybe not.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
29 Mar 22
It didn't help that Pretty doesn't have any medical records since Missouri forced me to drop her from my insurance when she turned 26. That could be taken as she didn't go to the doctor because I was hurting her and didn't want any records of it.
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@1creekgirl (42637)
• United States
27 Mar 22
Oh wow, that could have ended badly. Sorry, though that she got hurt.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
27 Mar 22
Thanks. Yeah, neither one of us even thought about it ending with me going to jail.
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@1creekgirl (42637)
• United States
27 Mar 22
@DaddyEvil I guess medical people have to be so suspicious these days. But innocent people have gone to jail. Glad you weren't one of them!
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
27 Mar 22
@1creekgirl I guess so, but I keep wondering what made them think I would hurt her like that? Thanks. Me, too!
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@oahuwriter (26777)
• United States
28 Mar 22
Wow, how could changing the trash can liner cause such a finger bender? Glad, everything worked out fine. But what a scare!
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
29 Mar 22
Yeah, I don't know, either. She doesn't know how it happened.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
29 Mar 22
@Sojourn Before I deleted the comment of one new user here, she asked me how Pretty REALLY broke her finger... as if I'd hurt my daughter. Pretty gave me the name... Do you think she was crying out for help?
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@Sojourn (13835)
• India
28 Mar 22
I wonder as well. Not that I secretly suspect @DaddyEvil of doing so. Though coincidentally his pseudonym has a bad dad kind of meaning in mylot.
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@much2say (57291)
• Los Angeles, California
29 Mar 22
Why in the world would they think you did it . . . omg that is a serious accusation! WTH??? I know fingers can get like that so easily. An old boss' did that one year while cooking Thanksgiving dinner. She lifted something with handles on it (roasting pan maybe) and her finger on one hand bent back. She had to wear that splint thingie too. I hope Pretty's finger is feeling better . . . sorry you guys had to go through all that .
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@much2say (57291)
• Los Angeles, California
29 Mar 22
@DaddyEvil I am thinking her finger couldn't hold the weight of the trash - just enough to break her finger. Though I've never broken a finger, there are times I did the simplest stuff and thought maybe I did. So crazy they suspected you of causing it. Bumbling old guy . Yah, these injuries make us realize how much we really take our healthy parts for granted. By the time she completely heals, she'll be the fastest 9 finger typist ever !
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
29 Mar 22
We don't know... Pretty thinks she got the bag twisted around just the one finger when she tried to lift the bag out of the trash can. She's been growling about not being able to type 180 wpm... She says she feels like some bumbling old guy who can only type around 50 wpm now... (I don't feel like I type slowly but she makes fun of me a lot!) Thank you.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
29 Mar 22
@much2say I keep hearing her cussing because the splint gets in the way.
@sjvg1976 (42001)
• Delhi, India
27 Mar 22
Hope she gets well soon. That might have been painful for her and as well as for you. We don't have such rules here, I don't think here anyone would have thought that a father would have broken the finger of his daughter.
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@sjvg1976 (42001)
• Delhi, India
27 Mar 22
@DaddyEvil doctors and nurses are trained here too but not for child abuse. Maybe that's the reason child abuse cases are abundant here but are not reported and no one gets punished for it.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
27 Mar 22
Thank you. Yeah, it could have turned out very bad. Doctors and nurses here are trained to watch for child abuse or what looks like abuse to grown women and turn it in to the police. It can get innocent people in a lot of trouble.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
27 Mar 22
@sjvg1976 That's what happened here before laws were enacted that meant doctors or nurses who suspected child abuse but didn't report it were just as liable as the person who caused the abuse.
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@prashu228 (37520)
• India
2 Apr 22
ahhh you are saved but how did she hurt her finger is the trashcan edge sharp or broke
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@sjvg1976 (42001)
• Delhi, India
2 Apr 22
@DaddyEvil what minimum punishment would someone gets if he/she had done it.
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@prashu228 (37520)
• India
2 Apr 22
@DaddyEvil how interesting that would have been ..spending sometime there
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
2 Apr 22
You were hoping I'd go to jail? She thinks she got just one finger tangled in the trash bag when she was pulling it out. It's a plastic trash can and yes, she broke her finger lifting the trash bag out of the trash can.
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@Juliaacv (52320)
• Canada
27 Mar 22
That is terrible, they need to stop assuming the worst and take the patient's word for how the injury occurred and treat it.
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@Juliaacv (52320)
• Canada
27 Mar 22
@DaddyEvil Here you would not be allowed into the ER waiting room due to covid.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
27 Mar 22
@Juliaacv There are no restrictions anywhere here now. Even though Covid is still rampant here.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
27 Mar 22
I guess they're trained to do that. You have to think, what if I did cause the broken finger and Pretty was just scared that I'd do worse if she admitted how it happened.
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@wolfgirl569 (112287)
• Marion, Ohio
28 Mar 22
Glad it isnt anything serious. My parents got asked constantly if they felt safe in their home and things like that when just going in because they didnt feel good. Its like they look for trouble anymore
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
29 Mar 22
I'm not sure if they're more aware that things like that could happen or if they were just trying to find something for some reason. I've gone in several times to a hospital ER this year and not once did anyone ask if Pretty hurt me. (On our way home she said she was glad I didn't jokingly tell them about her hitting me in my sleep and making my eyes swell up. We joke that she's been punching me in the eyes when my allergies make them swell closed.)
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
29 Mar 22
@wolfgirl569 They never ask that kind of stuff when I go in hurt. Yeah, so we found out.
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@wolfgirl569 (112287)
• Marion, Ohio
29 Mar 22
@DaddyEvil I think its a little of both. Some seem very persistent in trying to ask when you go in because you got hurt. Now you know you dont want to say anything like that in there
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@DeborahDiane (40372)
• Laguna Woods, California
11 Apr 22
@DaddyEvil - That is very scary that they could have arrested you. Accidents happen. I remember one of our daughters accidently slammed her sister's finger in her closet door and broke it. Things like that happen. I didn't know taking out the trash was so dangerous, though!
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
11 Apr 22
I didn't know, either. She thinks she got the one finger wrapped around with the trash bag when she was pulling it out. She was supposed to wear the splint for a month and then go to our GP to have it removed. She's walking around without it now.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
12 Apr 22
@DeborahDiane Why do kids... and some adults.... have to be so weird?
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• Laguna Woods, California
12 Apr 22
@DaddyEvil - One of our daughters had to have a pin put in her finger when she was a teenager. However, she would sit and watch TV and pull out the pin, then push it back in. I shudder just thinking about it. She used to totally gross me out! She is now 40 years old, and that finger still has a slight bend in it, because she did not leave the pin in. Oh, well. At least it wasn't something potentially fatal!
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@kobesbuddy (78871)
• East Tawas, Michigan
30 Mar 22
Yes, we went through this intimidation when my shoulder got injured. They kept trying to prove, that Jay had caused this to happen. I got mad and refused to take the pain medication, I wanted to leave the ER and go home!
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
30 Mar 22
I can understand if the person being seen seemed to be scared to talk to the doctor or nurses. I could understand if the person being seen had bruises visible above the collar or under their sleeves. I could even understand if the person kept glancing at everyone and refusing to tell them what happened or stammering out the story of what happened. Pretty did none of those things, she had none of the signs of an abused person. It made no sense to either one of us. We were just in that same ER for me two months ago and they never said anything to either one of us about abuse. I don't understand.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
30 Mar 22
@kobesbuddy They asked me to leave the room while they talked with Pretty. I'm not sure I could have remained calm even though I was innocent of any wrongdoing.
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@kobesbuddy (78871)
• East Tawas, Michigan
30 Mar 22
@DaddyEvil Domestic violence is running rampant, at this time. Thus, every case is treated like a crime scene. I told then twenty times, my very large dog tripped me. They ignored this information! Then, the nursed asked if I was dizzy, had neurological issues. The facts, I kept repeating the same thing over and over again! Jay was calm, he knew he was innocent. I was highly insulted, they ignored what I said happened!
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28 Mar 22
Even if the accusation felt real to them, Pretty would have testified no to that. It's not like she's 4 or something. Glad she's doing okay. You stay well too, daddy.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
29 Mar 22
Apparently, they thought she was protecting the person who hurt her. Thank you.
@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
29 Mar 22
29 Mar 22
@DaddyEvil Maybe that's why.
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• United States
30 Mar 22
Wow, I’d say that was a close one. Sad that they wouldn’t listen to your daughter and realize that it was an accident. Accidents do happen in some of the silliest situation’s.
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• United States
30 Mar 22
@DaddyEvil perhaps they let someone go that actually caused harm to someone so they are covering their backsides.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
30 Mar 22
We still don't understand what made them think it wasn't an accident.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
30 Mar 22
@ElusiveButterfly In my state, doctors and nurses can be sued if they ignore signs of abuse. But we were in that same ER two months ago when I had unexplained pain and they never mentioned abuse to either my daughter or myself.
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@TheHorse (223852)
• Walnut Creek, California
30 Mar 22
I've never heard, in all of my "Mandated Reporter" trainings, of breaking fingers as a common form of abuse. Odd. Do you have wild eyes and smell of bad Scotch?
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
31 Mar 22
@TheHorse I can't drink. The meds I take for my thyroid won't work if I drink.
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@TheHorse (223852)
• Walnut Creek, California
15 May 22
@DaddyEvil Ah. Can you smoke pot?
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@TheHorse (223852)
• Walnut Creek, California
31 Mar 22
@DaddyEvil That's her problem. You're her dad and letting her stay at your house.
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@DianneN (247183)
• United States
2 Apr 22
We would all vouch for you that you are not a child abuser, so don't worry. They were just doing their job. I hope her finger heals up quickly and the pain goes away soon. She is very, very Pretty!
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
2 Apr 22
Thank you! She'll wear the splint for a month and then see our GP to have it removed. The first few days after the ER visit she was taking Tylenol or Advil, alternating them every four hours. I haven't heard he in the medicine cabinet since then. Mostly, I hear her cussing because the splint gets in the way when she's typing.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
2 Apr 22
@DianneN She normally makes fun of my 50 wpm but right now, I type faster than she does.
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@DianneN (247183)
• United States
2 Apr 22
@DaddyEvil You're welcome I'm happy she's not in pain, but I can imagine the nuisance of having a splint on. I'd cuss, too
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@nela13 (58817)
• Portugal
27 Mar 22
That is insane, there was no reason for them saying that, sometimes they want to see things that don't exist. I am glad it end up well.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
27 Mar 22
I agree, in this case... but doctors and nurses are trained to watch for signs of abuse to children and women that they suspect may have been done deliberately. I can't fault them on their watchfulness but maybe on the way they were badgering Pretty to "report" me for hurting her when she kept insisting it was just an accident. Thank you.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
27 Mar 22
@nela13 It took over half an hour for her to convince them I didn't hurt her.
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@nela13 (58817)
• Portugal
27 Mar 22
@DaddyEvil if she was saying that it was an accident and she had nothing else, like bruises, they should have believed in her.
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@arunima25 (89168)
• Bangalore, India
4 Apr 22
So sorry about that. That must have been a traumatic experience. I hope all is well and Pretty is doing fine. Pretty is 34 but she will always be your little girl. Hugs to her. Keeping her in prayers. She should be all okay soon. Take care.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
4 Apr 22
Thank you. She's doing much better. Mostly she's griping that the splint keeps her from typing as fast as she could before she broke her finger. The splint should come off her finger four weeks after we went to the ER.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
5 Apr 22
@arunima25 I think Pretty is removing the splint already while she types and just puts it back on when she's out in the house with me... I told her this afternoon that if she causes the healed bit to break again it can take even more time to heal the second time. But she wants to type fast NOW. Are your kids crazy sometimes, too?
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@arunima25 (89168)
• Bangalore, India
4 Apr 22
@DaddyEvil So, it's just a matter of four weeks and she will be okay. Take care. My elder one had a bad fracture of left arm when she was in 8th Grade. They won Inter school basketball tournament and the whole team jumped in happiness and hugged her as she was the star of the match. The girls got carried away a bit far in jumping. She fell down and few fell on top of her. Her left arm got twisted and she screamed in pain.I was confused in the audience and never anticipated such a bad accident. She was rushed to emergency and needed an immediate surgery to fix a spring in her wrist. It was literally twisted and hanging. It took eight weeks of plaster and then a minor surgery again to remove the spring. Then a sling for few weeks. And three months of physiotherapy. She missed all the sports for six months and was so sad. She still has a a dot scar and a depression there in her left arm. She calls it a prize for being star of the match
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@Fa_Maverick (9491)
• Australia
15 Apr 22
You didn't see that coming but oddly as soon as I started reading I had a feeling they were going to be sus. They are trained to be sus though and likely taking a bag of rubbish out of a bin wouldn't strike the staff as being a task that would induce enough physical trauma to cause a break.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
15 Apr 22
We don't know what triggered their behavior, either. It was so weird!
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
15 Apr 22
@Fa_Maverick Yeah, I know... It just doesn't make sense.
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• Australia
15 Apr 22
@DaddyEvil Hope she is doing a lot better now though :D
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