Short story: A College Professor talks on the real art of Communication
@innertalks (22295)
May 5, 2022 11:40pm CST
The college Professor, George Gadow, was giving a talk on the art of communication, and getting your message across to others, so that they could understand clearly what you were really meaning to be saying.
Here is what he said:
'What is good communication?
Can it be learnt from abiding by certain principles, or must it be rather caught by us, when we move along our spiritual journey and life path enough that we grow more aware?
With this added awareness then comes a better level of communication, because now we are more understanding, empathetic, kinder, more thoughtful, and allow others more their space and freedom.
Is good communication based on empathetic listening, and about connecting heart to heart with our partner with greater understanding, then?
Whereas talking is just talking without really listening, and so is not really communicating anything much at all.
We talk to our partner sometimes without really listening, so that it's not really proper communication, is it, when we do that?
To me, communication is about first getting the person's attention, and secondly, it's important to get the words in the right order before you begin to speak.
For example, if I say to my wife just before I go to bed, and while she's watching the television, something like this:
"I'm going on ahead to bed, now dear",
she invariably never hears me.
But, if I phrase it like this:
"Dear, Dear (and I take notice of her level of responding, and so otherwise, if there is no response, I just keep saying Dear, Dear, again and again, and again! Until I do get a response) I'm going ahead to bed now,"
she nearly always gets my message properly then, and also responds.
She might just say,
"OK, dear", or "I'll be there soon too, dear."
As we probably all know at a deeper level, the basis of communication and communicating effectively is when you communicate heart to heart.
And this always involves a level of love in your communication.
And so love ensures that you listen, and give attention to the one speaking. All communication is only possible because of the creation by God of souls. And only possible because of the freedom you have to communicate with love.
Without freedom, you could never really communicate with love.
Simply because without freedom you are not aware of love. Without freedom, you go back to being what you were once before, an unconscious part of God's body.
With freedom God allowed parts of himself to be separated from himself by this actual allowance and granting of freedom to his creation, these parts of himself which then became us, as souls. And so God could love what he had created because it was free.
And so it is with real communication.
You can only communicate for real, when you realise your own freedom and so realise your true ability to do this. And then to allow others this same freedom.
Freedom of speech allows you to talk freely and so communicate as the real you openly.
In the past, this freedom was restricted, and so it was much harder in a way to really understand, and really communicate effectively.
Almost nobody ever did this.
All talk was hidden and camouflaged or veiled in some way.
Think of Nostradamus's predictions, and Jesus and his parables.
The communication and message was there all right, but it depended more on the listener who wanted to hear and to receive the true message to be able to interpret it and so to get it. So the true communication and message was lost on the masses of other people around at the time. But, they always had a feeling that they were missing out on something at a deeper level.
And so a feeling of resentment was created in their ego, and this was what was responsible for all the destruction and havoc and trouble caused to these more highly enlightened and gifted people, who all funny enough, were also gifted and much-loved communicators to their close admirers.
Now this situation of restriction has mostly gone, and it is much more relaxed in these times, and we can talk our truth more freely and openly, and so communication has responded by being quicker and more easy to achieve these days.
At most times, it is instantaneously possible to communicate with nearly everyone else anywhere in the world. Think here of text messages, and Email, for instance, and of course the extensive telephone system, and even the media. We can nearly always be aware of what is happening almost anywhere in our world today.
And so communication is now at a higher level, and we need to stay at that level ourselves to be able to communicate to another at that level, and also to draw others of similar ability or vibration to us.
This is of course only again, "the Law of Attraction " working in our lives.
We communicate to someone well and with love and we will attract that type of person to us that will tend to talk in that same way back to us.
So, with your wife or partner, or anyone else, for that matter, talk to them with love and understanding and allow them the freedom to respond.
They almost always will respond in kind, as the Law of Attraction will also attract their own love and understanding and kindness of speech out from them, and return it to you to match what you are giving out to them.
This is really then how this law operates.
What we give out, we get back.
Communicate well and thoughtfully with kind words, and you will often then have people talk this same way back to you.
At its most fundamental level, Communication is a form of living.
Living is loving.
Loving is simply being enthusiastic, and letting this spill happily from your heart.
Apparently, even the word enthusiasm originates from the Greek word "enthousiasmos", which derives from the adjective "entheos".
And "entheos" translates into English as meaning "having God within." The "en" translates as, "in or within", and of course, you probably recognise "theos" meaning God.
And having God within is having love inside us as well. For, after all, God is love.
So, I have worked my way around to the real truth of communication.
Real communication is only ever really about real love.
A connection from heart to heart, as the messages of love travel between each heart and from each heart, heart to heart and touching each heart as it goes with its love.
So to improve your communication, become alive with love, by dropping your fear. The fear of being you. Be you, and if others can't accept it, this is just too bad for them, but be you nicely, lovingly, and not powerfully.
The only real communication ever possible will only come out of you when you are the real you.
So be you now as much as possible, and at all costs be you.
When you are you, your communication is real, and comes authentically from your heart and is always tinged then with the traits of your heart. Love, peace, honesty, truthfulness, and understanding.
So my message in a nutshell is:
Love so that loving becomes powerful communication, rather than using powerful communication to try and obtain love.'
And with that, he finished up his talk for that day.
Photo Credit: The photo used in this article was sourced from the free media site,
Picture: The Professor here is seen giving his talk to his college students
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5 responses
@RebeccasFarm (91531)
• Arvada, Colorado
6 May 22
Yes with freedom, we can express and feel and be human.
Without it, we are hostile inside and sometimes out.
This is why people rise up and love is not present.
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@innertalks (22295)
• Australia
6 May 22
Yes, I agree with what you said there.
Freedom frees us up to give us the chance to be our real selves, and to be true to this real self too.
When we are real, we are free. When we have no freedom, we are restricted, and stunted, in who we could ultimately be.
@Kandae11 (55635)
6 May 22
There is a saying: ' goes through one ear and comes out the next' - meaning the person you are talking to is not really listening to you. Some may appear to be listening intently, but ask them what was the last thing you said and they wouldn't be able to tell you. It is hard to make people listen if they don't want to or already have preconceived opinions on the subject matter.
With all the modern forms of communication available it is still a hard task trying to get through to the unbelieving and hard headed.
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@innertalks (22295)
• Australia
6 May 22
Yes, some shut off on purpose too, as I used to do during my Dad's one-way lectures to me.
Sometimes, we do not even listen to our own selves. We are thinking of some thought, then think of another, and then we cannot even remember that first thought now again.
It has been said that we can only think one thing at a time, and really take it in. We cannot listen, if we are otherwise occupied with our own thinking then.
This is where love comes in. If we love the other person, we should at least give them our listening ear, and an open heart, and mind, as to what they are saying.
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@innertalks (22295)
• Australia
9 May 22
Yes, a good listener provides just as much value to the communication/conversation as the speaker does too.
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@Shiva49 (26891)
• Singapore
6 May 22
I have found people reading between the lines too to understand the real import of what we say Some are glib talkers without sincerity, leave alone, love
Now it is more of a level playing field unlike in earlier times when it was more of commanding others to fall in line. In Asia, men used to lord over their women but then it is comeuppance times for their lot with the "me too" movement giving them a severe backlash too even for indiscretions that they thought were done and dusted!
I like to address directly from my heart to others' hearts and that does give a breakthrough. People tend to understand where we come from and do not like to be hoodwinked with smooth talk.
We are in better times as there is more freedom to express ourselves. During my younger days, it was more of one-way talk when elders talked down on even teenagers. Now the latter has the last laugh with technology giving them a head start with the elders fumbling to catch up.
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@innertalks (22295)
• Australia
8 May 22
@Shiva49 I must admit, one, or two gadgets, are more than enough for me.
I do not even want to learn about smartwatches; a mobile phone, and a computer, are enough for me to get my teeth into for now, as my teeth too, are not want they used to be now, as
@innertalks (22295)
• Australia
8 May 22
@Shiva49 My head is well below water, and I do not like it when my wife drags me up, above water, to show her how to use an apple IPAD, or something, when I do not know either, but she expects me to have the nous to figure it out better than what she can.
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@Shiva49 (26891)
• Singapore
8 May 22
@innertalks I just manage to keep my head above rising waters to get by with regard to gadgets though I am dragged into a cesspool at times.
They say we haven't seen anything as yet as the pace is more scorching now as the days go by.
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