September 13, 2006 10:30pm CST
There is always a fight might be open or in a form of cold war, but somewhere in life a questions comes in mind. Whether man or woman is the greatest gender......what u feel like abt this question plz answer loyaly and also plz justify your answer in some or other way..............kunal
4 responses
• Netherlands
13 May 07
relationship - a couple enjoy each other company
I don't think one is greater than the other. We stand equal and we need each other. I couldn't imagine if life will be easier and happier when there will only be man living in this planet or only woman. Don't you think ????
@slimfox (900)
• United States
14 Sep 06
its a tie.women are greater at something that men are not and men are greater at things that women are not.
• United States
14 Sep 06
Both, depending on which man and which woman both can be great
@aindnow (165)
• India
14 Sep 06
Man of course. Is there a doubt(then he is a dumbo)