New week.. some chit chat and updates.

@arunima25 (87217)
Bangalore, India
August 29, 2022 12:55am CST
Good morning from this side of the planet . It's 11:11 AM here and I am done with the work at school for today. I had three sessions today starting from 8:30 AM. We have holidays on Tuesday and Wednesday on account of Gauri Ganesha festival. I am happy as I really need a good rest. Still feeling a bit tired after the viral and all the travel. I am just waiting in the staff room to collect few reports from the Montessori teacher. I need to go through them at home. Teachers and students are busy with the clay workshop for Ganesha idol making. I would love to be a part of that but I would excuse myself today as I am not keeping well. Would like to go back to home sooner. Happy to see the golden sun peeping out. It's been raining continuously since the last night. It was horrible traffic in the morning. I thought of taking my car but glad I did not. I walked down to work with my umbrella and could take a short route. I didn't get paid last month. I made around two dollars this month , but still a little shy from the minimum payout and I would not mind to miss it this month too. . Last two months have been quite handful in offline life and with the house renovation that has started last week, I see the busy schedule going on till another two months. But then I will keep peeping in here to relax and catch up with all mylot friends. I could travel after recovering from viral in time and go along with my daughter to her college orientation program. Dropping her to her college hostel in a far away city was heartbreaking but definitely a proud moment as she got into college of her dreams.. We are getting used to the house without her. She has made friends there at the campus and getting used to her new independent life away from home. That's the little chit chat here with all my mylot friends. I got the file and now I should be heading to home. Will catch you in some time as soon as I reach home. Take care. Have a good time in your mylot corner
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14 responses
@LadyDuck (467835)
• Switzerland
29 Aug 22
I am sorry you are not keeping well, the clay workshop for Ganesha idol making sounds so interesting. I imagine that dropping her daughter at the hostel was heartbreaking, but at least you were there for her. Take care.
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@LadyDuck (467835)
• Switzerland
29 Aug 22
@arunima25 It was important for your daughter to have you with her for this important step in her life. I know she will feel home sickness, but I am glad that she likes where she is.
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@arunima25 (87217)
• Bangalore, India
29 Aug 22
@LadyDuck She is enjoying it and that's what matters. We will get used to this new phase of the life soon.
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@arunima25 (87217)
• Bangalore, India
29 Aug 22
It's a good workshop. I enjoy being a part of it every year. This year I had to miss it. I am happy that I could be there for a big day in her life. She is enjoying it there. A little bit of home sickness happens to everyone for some time.
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@DaddyEvil (137232)
• United States
29 Aug 22
I hope you get a good rest during the holiday and you feel much better when you return to work on Thursday.
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@arunima25 (87217)
• Bangalore, India
29 Aug 22
I hope for the same. The renovation work at my place is noisy. But they give a break from 2_4 in the afternoon. That's the rule in our apartment complex. I will catch a nap then. The workers would be off for the two days for the festival. I hope to get a quiet home to relax.
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@DaddyEvil (137232)
• United States
29 Aug 22
@arunima25 Oh, that's nice... Here, once someone starts work we don't want them to stop until they're done. You could always put your younger daughter and hubby out on the roof if they decide to be noisy.
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@arunima25 (87217)
• Bangalore, India
4 Sep 22
@DaddyEvil My terrace is being used as dumpster to dump all the things right now that comes out in the renovation work. The workers will get their truck when they have enough to throw away. Poor husband and younger daughter, they don't have the liberty to be thrown out on terrace.
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@DianneN (247186)
• United States
29 Aug 22
Hopefully, you are home now and resting. These years will be among the best for your daughter as sad as it may be to let her go. Feel better soon!
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@DianneN (247186)
• United States
29 Aug 22
@arunima25 I’m happy that you have the time to nap and rest. Happy holidays, too. I agree. We do have to embrace it. It’s part of life.
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@arunima25 (87217)
• Bangalore, India
29 Aug 22
@DianneN Thank you. No rest seems enough. I am so tired and exhausted. I fear that it might be the relapse of the viral that I had two weeks ago.
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@arunima25 (87217)
• Bangalore, India
29 Aug 22
The renovation work going on in the home makes a lot of noise. I kept lying on the couch. The rules in the apartment make sure that all such work stops from 2_4 in the afternoon. I took a long nap then and that helped. Tomorrow and Wednesday are holidays. So, no renovation works are allowed. I can catch up with the rest in peaceful house. College years are the best years of life. I had a blast and I am sure that she too would have it. It's a part of life to let your children grow and go. We have to embrace it.
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@JudyEv (335364)
• Rockingham, Australia
29 Aug 22
I hope you are able to rest up. I'm sure you are missing your daughter but it's good she is making friends already.
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@JudyEv (335364)
• Rockingham, Australia
30 Aug 22
@arunima25 Renovation noises can be very intrusive. I'm glad you'll have a couple of quiet days.
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@arunima25 (87217)
• Bangalore, India
29 Aug 22
It's a part of life and we have to embrace it. I had a wonderful college life. It was a blast and the best years of my life. I would want the same for my daughter. The renovation work going on in my home makes a lot of noise. They give a break from 2_4 PM and that's when I took a nap. Good that it's two days holidays and there would be no renovation work. I hope to get enough rest in peaceful house.
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@arunima25 (87217)
• Bangalore, India
30 Aug 22
@JudyEv So am I.. The tiles replacement in the bathroom makes the most noise.
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@LindaOHio (171927)
• United States
29 Aug 22
Thank you for the update. I hope you get some rest on your days off. Congratulations to your daughter for getting into the college that she wanted. Have a good week.
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@LindaOHio (171927)
• United States
30 Aug 22
@arunima25 I'm sorry for all the noise. I hope it ends soon. Yes, my husband is back home! He is tired and a little dizzy and in quite a bit of pain...he has RA. But he's home!
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@arunima25 (87217)
• Bangalore, India
3 Sep 22
@LindaOHio It's a major renovation work and it would continue for another few weeks. So, we are mentally prepared for it. Sending prayers for your husband. What is RA??
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@arunima25 (87217)
• Bangalore, India
29 Aug 22
There is renovation work going on in my home and the noise does not make me sleep. They stop it from 2_4 in the afternoon as a rule here in the apartment. I took a nap then. Tomorrow and Wednesday are holidays. So, no renovation work. I plan to get enough rest in the peaceful house. Thanks for your wishes. I hope you are doing good. How is your husband? Is he back home?
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
29 Aug 22
We have hot sunshine. I hope we get ran soon. I can only imagine how hard t was leaving your daughter.
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@arunima25 (87217)
• Bangalore, India
30 Aug 22
Our city got flooded due to heavy rain in the last two days and the ongoing continuous rain for one month. Today school, colleges and other places were closed under government order. People were suggested to stay indoors and work from home. Many trees uprooted last night due to heavy rain and wind. The whole city was badly effected. Today we got some sunshine around noon and the sky is clear now. Hope that the sunshine continues for few days. We badly need it. I wish I could send some rain to your side. My daughter is making new friends and enjoying her college time. I had a good time during college days. I hope the same for her.
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@arunima25 (87217)
• Bangalore, India
1 Sep 22
@CarolDM Today we had virtual classes as the roads are in bad shape for students and teachers to commute to physical school. It's been sunny since the morning and I hope that it helps by staying that way. Glad to hear about the rain there. You must be happy We are happy to see our daughter enjoying it there.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
30 Aug 22
@arunima25 So sorry about the flooding and the damage. Many states here have the same. Many have lost it all. So very sad. Glad to hear about the sunshine. We actually got rain last night and today as well. Your daughter is making forever memories.
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@snowy22315 (177351)
• United States
29 Aug 22
YOu have a lot on your plate. A rest sounds good indeed!
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@arunima25 (87217)
• Bangalore, India
29 Aug 22
I could take some good rest today and I plan for the same in the coming two days of holidays.
@anil02 (24688)
• India
30 Aug 22
I am happy that you recover from viral. Today I working without skipping 4-5 days after long time yester I too work and earn some with surveys. I have backache problem but now I feeling some relief. Here we have not holiday on this festival. Today after an hour my younger daughter is coming with new born baby for one month. I am very happy.
@RebeccasFarm (88703)
• Arvada, Colorado
29 Aug 22
I hope you will feel tip top soon Arunima. I know you will be missing your daughter but this is wonderful for her !!Congrats!! Happy Ganesh too
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• Arvada, Colorado
29 Aug 22
@arunima25 Yes any little tickle and it is fearful with the sickness I understand
@arunima25 (87217)
• Bangalore, India
29 Aug 22
I hope for the same..I just fear that it's not a relapse. I had bad viral fever two weeks back. Thank you for your wishes. College years were wonderful for me and I am sure that it would be the same for my daughter. Thanks to the technology, we get to see her every day for few minutes on video call.
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@jobelbojel (35115)
• Philippines
31 Aug 22
It is start of another school year here and mostly are done in the classroom set up. Hoping that there will be no spread of the viruses. I hope that you can reach the minimum payout soon. I am sorry that you are not feeling alright. I hope you are feeling well as you read this. Congratulations on your child making it to college. She will be fine.
@jstory07 (137894)
• Roseburg, Oregon
29 Aug 22
I hope she does good in college. Have a good day ahead.
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@arunima25 (87217)
• Bangalore, India
29 Aug 22
Thanks for your wishes. She has made friends and is enjoying her campus life. Well, it's a hectic schedule and she is getting used to it slowly. Well, it's a good start and we keep fingers crossed for the future.
@Kandae11 (54851)
29 Aug 22
Do you have a cold right now? I know how you feel about leaving your daughter in a far away city, but you appreciate that college is an important step in her academic life.
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@arunima25 (87217)
• Bangalore, India
29 Aug 22
It's not cold as such but irritating sore throat with exhaustion and tiredness. I had viral two weeks back and I fear that it might be a relapse. I enjoyed my college life. They were the best years of my life. I am sure that my daughter will have the same. It's a part of life and we have to embrace it.
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@cabuyogty (2766)
• Philippines
29 Aug 22
That's good . Have a good day to you
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@arunima25 (87217)
• Bangalore, India
29 Aug 22
It's 11 PM here and I am in bed. I rested enough today and it was an okay day.
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@cabuyogty (2766)
• Philippines
30 Aug 22
@arunima25 i slept on my bed last night because im too sleepy
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@MrDenata (12228)
• Indonesia
29 Aug 22
You have to get rest then, glad that you still managed to tell us you story here. Have a great day
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@arunima25 (87217)
• Bangalore, India
30 Aug 22
Thanks. I was sick earlier too. Sometimes too much of rest can be annoying. A bit of mylotting helps to lift my spirits.
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@MrDenata (12228)
• Indonesia
30 Aug 22
@arunima25 indeed, spending time here helps a lot.