5 January - What I'm Thankful for Today

@just4him (317027)
Green Bay, Wisconsin
January 5, 2023 9:26pm CST
Today was a good day. I'm thankful for getting up early and getting everything done on the computer before I took my nap. I'm thankful for taking a nap. I needed it with going out with my sister and brother tonight. I'm thankful I got all my steps. I finished them when I got home. Here are today's stats. Walking: 66 Minutes, 6801+ steps, 1.29 Miles, 276 Calories Burned Bike: 22.57 Minutes, 5 Miles, 126 Calories Burned, Speed 13 MPH Food Calories - 1140.5 Grand Total - 738 Considering I ate out tonight, I think I did very well. I had Fish and Chips - Baked Atlantic Cod - breaded, French Fries, and a cucumber salad. I needed to look up the calories online and found it very reasonable. I did my best to stick with my diet. I'm thankful for the time spent with my sister and brother and their spouses. We had a good time at the restaurant. My son and his girlfriend were also there and to my surprise, my son paid for my dinner. I told him I would pay for him and his girlfriend because I needed him to pick me up to get me there. That was an unexpected blessing. I'm thankful for the Sistine Chapel Exhibit. It was fabulous and that's an understatement. I got pictures of the entire exhibit including the information about each picture and learned how to use the video on my phone. Above you will see the most iconic of the paintings from the Sistine Chapel. There you have my day. It was wonderful. What are you thankful for today? Thanks for reading. The image belongs to me from the Michelangelo exhibit.
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9 responses
@RubyHawk (99405)
• Atlanta, Georgia
6 Jan 23
Beautiful art, glad you had such a good day with family. Sleep well tonight.
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@just4him (317027)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 Jan 23
Thank you. It was a wonderful few hours with my siblings. The art is simply amazing. One picture amazed me. It was of the prophet Isaiah with his finger in a book. I didn't think they had books back in his days.
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@just4him (317027)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
7 Jan 23
@RubyHawk They always had parchment scrolls. I just looked up bookbinding and found it began by monks in the sixth century. Michaelangelo was a little off on this one.
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@RubyHawk (99405)
• Atlanta, Georgia
6 Jan 23
@just4him I didn’t know that either. I thought paper was invented later. Maybe they had a way to make books from cloth. That’s interesting.
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@noni1959 (10042)
• United States
6 Jan 23
I'm thankful for the time spent with my son and granddaughters these past few days before heading home tomorrow. Thankful for waking early and watching all the geese landing on the snow while dawn breaks. Thankful for keeping my food intake fairly normal but indulged in fish and chips for lunch. Thankful my girlfriend's leg is healing better and she is getting stronger.
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@noni1959 (10042)
• United States
6 Jan 23
@just4him At home in Oregon, I have deer, turkey, bear and more. I'm not sure what I'll have when I move later this spring but won't move to the city.
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@just4him (317027)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 Jan 23
@noni1959 I'm glad you'll stay in the country. If I could have, that's where I would love to live. My parents lived on a farm for two years, rented, and I loved it. I loved the wide-openness of it. Neighbors not breathing down your neck because their home was right next door. As much as I like where I'm at right now, if given the opportunity to move to the country, I would be packed and ready to leave in a heartbeat, or two. I'm not as young as I used to be.
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@just4him (317027)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 Jan 23
You have wonderful things to be thankful for. Spending time with your family is awesome. I'm glad you could do that. You will have many new memories and I'm sure pictures to remember those days. Nature always excites me. Seeing geese land at dawn would be amazing. I'm glad you could keep your food intake under control. Wonderful news about your girlfriend's leg. I'm glad she's getting stronger as it heals.
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@LadyDuck (469199)
• Switzerland
6 Jan 23
Thankful for another very long walk with my husband and that he found the sweaters he needed at the January sales.
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@LadyDuck (469199)
• Switzerland
6 Jan 23
@just4him It rains today, we are not going out for a walk.
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@just4him (317027)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 Jan 23
@LadyDuck I'm sorry it's raining today because it stops your walk. You said you need the rain though, or am I mistaken?
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@just4him (317027)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 Jan 23
That's wonderful you walked yesterday and he found the sweaters he needed at sales.
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@wolfgirl569 (103791)
• Marion, Ohio
6 Jan 23
That would be amazing to see.
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@just4him (317027)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 Jan 23
It was well worth the price of admission. My sister paid for all our tickets.
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@YrNemo (20255)
6 Jan 23
I keep fluctuate between feeling very proud that I have completed this and that task in my 'MUST DO' list, then the next few hours, I will feel bad and a bit overwhelmed, since the list is still too long, and the day only has 24 hours, and the most important thing is, I feel too lazy to do anything hahahah...
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@Fleura (29998)
• United Kingdom
6 Jan 23
My to-do list is never-ending as well and there are nowhere near enough hours in the day... or even in life! I think I need to start a 'things I have done' list as well so at least I can feel that I have achieved something!
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@just4him (317027)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 Jan 23
@YrNemo Shorten your must-do list. Then it won't feel so overwhelming. Sometimes we accomplish more when we make our must-dos more reasonable. Put the priorities on the top and put a can wait on the less important things. If you can get to those, you can pat yourself on the back and feel proud instead of overwhelmed.
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@just4him (317027)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 Jan 23
@Fleura That's a good idea.
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@Kouponkaren (5503)
• United States
6 Jan 23
Wow it sounds like you had a really good day. I am happy for you. And naps are always good. I am thankful for a lot today, but right now mostly for my husband and sweet rescue dog.
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@just4him (317027)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 Jan 23
Thank you. It was wonderful. Yes, naps are a must these days. Sometimes I get them, sometimes I don't. I'm glad you're thankful for your husband and dog.
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@popciclecold (38198)
• United States
6 Jan 23
Glad your day went so well, happy to hear you say you are thankful. So many are not.I am thankful for a gra
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• United States
6 Jan 23
Thankful just to be thankful.
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• United States
6 Jan 23
@just4him Sometimes we are not, and don't realize it. Thanks for keeping it going.
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@just4him (317027)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 Jan 23
I know. It's one reason why I started this thankful post several years ago. To show people there is a lot more to be thankful for than they realize. It worked and people asked me to continue this. I'm glad you're thankful to be thankful.
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@Fleura (29998)
• United Kingdom
6 Jan 23
Sounds like a great day! Glad you enjoyed the exhibition.
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@just4him (317027)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 Jan 23
It was wonderful. Thank you.
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@Nakitakona (56454)
• Philippines
2 Feb 23
Michaelangelo is gifted artist. He made use his God given talent to the max. I like all his works.
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