Is Christmas too Commericalized?
By tanyakapler
@tanyakapler (146)
United States
December 1, 2006 12:23pm CST
I grew up in a home where Christmas was all about Santa Claus and reindeer...and so on. I loved our Christmas'. I am now 24 years old, born again Christian and have a four year old son. He knows Santa Claus isn't real. I get lots of grief from people when I tell them that. Jeremiah knows the true meaning of Christmas. He knows that one tha day Christ was born. He knows why Christ had to be born. I believe that Santa Claus takes away the true meaning of Christmas. If we tell our children about Santa Claus, we are lying to them. Christmas would not exist if Christ didn't come to the earth as a baby. So do you think that Christmas is to commericalized, do you think it is centered around Santa Claus, and should we lie to our children? Thanks
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115 responses
@honestabe (396)
• United States
1 Dec 06
To answer the first question, Christmas is very commercialized. However, I don't think it is centered around Santa Claus. Santa Claus just happens to be the non-religious character that is used to decorate for Christmas. There is still a lot of religious type things you can find to decorate for Christmas with. As far as lying to our children, I think when they are young you should talk about Santa and then you can tell them the truth when they grow up and realize Santa isn't real.
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@medooley (1873)
• United States
1 Dec 06
This is a very good post... when you kids finds out there is no Santa I think the way you handle it from there will play a big part as to if the kid regrets the lie or not. If you explain to them the reasons why you did what you did, I am willing to bet for the most part they will understand. Kids aren't stupid.
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
1 Dec 06
According to
On average: U.S. households are expected to spend an average of $466 on gifts during the holiday season, down from last year's estimate of $476.
Big spenders: Households whose incomes top $50,000 intend to spend $657 for holiday gifts.
This is just gifts, not including Christmas trees, decorations, greeting cards and postage, Christmas cookies, snacks and large meals, wrapping paper, tape, bows & ribbons, tinsle, Christmas lights and huge inflatable penguins and electricity, gas for traveling ...
Yes. Christmas is too comercialized and even Christians who cut out Santa Claus still have a long way to go before they can claim that they have truly put the attention on the birth of Christ.
@brandsmcgee (8)
• United States
10 Dec 06
What if we all just decided that our Christmas day would be better spent volunteering at a soup kitchen for a bunch of homeless people? Maybe in a big city somewhere? Or maybe even starting our own around here?
You are definitely correct! Christmas is too commercialized. Matt Redman seems to think we can get to heart of worship. Why can't we get to heart of true religion?
@Videogeezer (654)
2 Dec 06
Most people that celebrate christmas are not actually religious, they just do it for the kids. I agree with you telling your kids that santa don't exist. I think you need to realise people have hijacked the day and made something out of it themselves.
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@bodugohodaa (332)
• New Zealand
2 Dec 06
I also do think Christmas is far too commercialized. I am not a Christian but I think a lot of Christian kids do not know the true meaning of Christmas and the story behind the birth of Jesus. Some of the businesses seems to take Christmas as an opportunity to do some business which will profit them.
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@comical_relief (221)
• United States
1 Dec 06
i think it is...your rigth people do not know what christmas is and they think its all about the gifts. when actually its about honoring christ and celebrating his birth
@Draqshorul (94)
• Romania
2 Dec 06
Not only Christmas is to commercialized .... so happens with Easter too ...
When you see a Pepsi commercial with Santa Clause in mid-November you get sick .... i think in 10 years we will see santa at the sea in start of july ... OMG ... ppl are so greedy
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@Padonba (686)
• Italy
2 Dec 06
Yes it is, christmas should be a religious eve, not a moment to get gift
Christmas or Christmas Day is an annual Christian and secular[1] holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus, along with themes such as family, goodwill, giving and compassion. It incorporates Christian religious ceremonies with the traditions of ancient winter festivals such as Yule[2] and Saturnalia. Christmas traditions include Nativity scenes, the exchange of gifts, the arrival of Santa Claus, Christmas cards and decorations and the display of Christmas trees.
Christmas is traditionally celebrated on December 25. It is preceded by Christmas Eve and in some countries is followed by Boxing Day. Eastern Orthodox Churches celebrate Christmas on January 7, which corresponds to December 25 of the Julian calendar. These dates are merely traditional and neither is thought to be the actual birthdate of Jesus.
Christmas is celebrated in most countries around the world, owing to the spread of Christianity and Western culture, mixed with the enduring popularity of exisiting winter celebrations. Various local and regional Christmas traditions are still practiced, despite the widespread influence of American and British Christmas motifs disseminated by film, popular literature, television, and other media.
@IshidaMitsunari (1026)
• China
2 Dec 06
Santa Claus is fun and yes it is lying, but come on, children don't really become tramatized by finding out when they get older than Santa isn't real. It kind of comes to you as you age, you realize it isn't true. Anyway, I am a Christian and celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday, but I also enjoy buying gifts, attenting parties, setting up a tree and decorating the house. Who cares that stores capitalize on this time of the year? The holidays still feel great and they can still be fun. Enjoy Christmas and don't worry about the commercialization. Really, it only affects you if you let it. You can be merry and celebrate the birth of Jesus even with sales at Macy's and a Santa Claus on every corner. Merry Christmas!
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@alex512 (128)
• United States
2 Dec 06
I grew up in a Christian home and am now attending a Christian college, so I know where you're coming from. In my house, however, we did believe in Santa until we were like 6. I don't believe it ever caused any real harm. For me, it was an opportunity to have something to be excited about...and when I found out he wasn't real, I wasn't too crushed. I always knew what Christmas was about; Christ's birth and such. But it was like I separated the two subjects in my head. I don't think it's terribly harmful to let a kid believe in Santa, as long as materialism is monitored.
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@shyam4uall (1002)
• India
2 Dec 06
I really feel that nows a days all are being commercialized..And all thing is a kind of business and everyone keeps a view how to have profit from that real samll thing...It doesn't matter the thing is a religious or any kind of stuff ,all is now a kind of business and want to make even a single peny profit from that,,, it would really matter them.. rather their sentiments...
@jediwa72 (204)
• United States
1 Dec 06
my husband is a jehovahs witness and doesn't celebrate agreement we had early on was that our kids would not be lied to about santa. my husband of course does not celebrate with me but i do get more respect from him by not lying to our children. i think the problem with christmas is that the people who are celebrating it these days aren't even christians....they are in it for gifts. that isn't what it is about. with my kids on christmas...i try not to focus on jesus the baby...i try to focus on his achievements as a man too.
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@Lylyana (206)
• Romania
2 Dec 06
You touched a sensitive problem in your question.Yes,nowadays Christmas is too commercialized,but that's not Santa Claus fault.You're right,that the children should not expect Christmas just because Santa Claus is coming,they have to know the real meaning of the Christmas.I think parents should explain them more about Jesus Christ,about the real meaning of Christmas,but not exclude Santa from their life and the life of their children.You know why?Because apart from the commercial meaning,Santa is a symbol,he brings joy,and kids love him.Of course that his importance shouldn't be exaggerated,but Santa is one of the most popular symbols.
@carmat (2849)
• Canada
1 Dec 06
He should know the true meaning of Christmas I certainly agree with that but it can also be a fun time of year and there isn't anything wrong in my opinion for kids to have a little fantasy in their lives. Santa clause and the reindeer etc make a little bit of fun around the season too. It is hard to find the balance but it can happen, in this case I think you can have your cake and eat it too.
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@wahmbrendamh (576)
• United States
1 Dec 06
I agree with you somewhat. I'm not going to go to the point of dashing my daughter's thoughts about Santa but she does know that it's Christ's birthday. It's unfortunate that a lot of people really have forgotten what the true meaning of Christmas actually is though.
@medooley (1873)
• United States
1 Dec 06
"If we tell our children about Santa Claus, we are lying to them."
If you believe that you telling your child there is a Santa Claus is lying to them, and you do not want to lie to your child, then I think we have your answer to Do I tell my son about his biological father... Yes, or else you are lying to him.
Do I think that Christmas is to commerical... Yes
Do I think it is centered around Santa Claus... To me no, it is about time with family.
Should we lie to our children... I believe that there could be an instance when you should lie to your children. And I don't think that telling them there is a Santa Clause is going to scare them. I believed in santa clause and I turned out all right... and you did too I assume? Are you mad at your parents for lying to you?
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
1 Dec 06
What would be an instance when you should lie to your children?
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
1 Dec 06
I agree that if you're going to not lie to your child about Santa Claus that how much more important is it to not lie to him about his biological father.
@tanyakapler (146)
• United States
1 Dec 06
I am not really mad at my parents for lying just disappointed. My mom thinks that i am wrong for not teaching Jeremiah about Santa Claus, but yet she doesn't want to go to church with us on Christmas day. I think that's a little hypocritical.

@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
3 Dec 06
actually Jesus probably was born in the Spring, we just celebrate it in the winter.

@rosey2006 (945)
• United States
1 Dec 06
I'm also a born again christan and believe that Christmas is way too comercialized. When I grew up, I believed in Santa and also knew the Christian side of Christmas as well. I plan on raising my son the same way.