Guess what my husband is doing today

@JudyEv (337987)
Rockingham, Australia
February 20, 2023 8:29pm CST
Vince’s challenge for his FB photographic group is ‘My Day’ so he set up his camera on the tripod, put it on 10 second delay and photographed himself tossing pancakes. However, those in the collage are ones I took with my little point-and-shoot. Today is Shrove Tuesday, otherwise known as Pancake Tuesday. We are having a few friends at our house tonight and we’ll be serving pancakes. They are the thin ones so probably more correctly called ‘crepes’. We are going to the movies at the village clubhouse at 7pm. The film will finish about 8.30pm and three couples will then come home with us to have a pancake supper. We’ll have them sprinkled with lemon and sugar and might put strawberry jam on some. The film we’ll be seeing is Red Joan starring Judi Dench so it is bound to be a good movie. Another enjoyable day in Aspire Village, Treeby, Western Australia.
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33 responses
@rsa101 (38117)
• Philippines
21 Feb 23
You seem to have a very quiet and organized community that you live in. Doing such movie nights and gathering neighbors to watch it seems to be a very good time to bond with neighbors and friends. You also have to get the chance to meet with other people and dine with them at your home later. Hope they will enjoy the night with you with you pancakes too.
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@rsa101 (38117)
• Philippines
21 Feb 23
@JudyEv That is just nice that you have that very active neighborhood org that at least makes the place livable and concerned with one another.
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 Feb 23
Thanks and you are quite right. We have asocial committee that organises a number of different functions from time to time. There are also clubs that meet at the clubhouse to play cards, pool, or to do crafts, etc.
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 Feb 23
@rsa101 Yes, that is for sure. We all look out for each other.
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@DaddyEvil (137244)
• United States
21 Feb 23
You're forcing poor Vince to cook for a houseful of guests tonight? (And I thought slave labor was abolished ages ago. ) I hope you all have a good evening and everybody enjoys their pancakes.
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 Feb 23
There is NO WAY he would let me near his pancake pan! lol Thanks for the good wishes.
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@DaddyEvil (137244)
• United States
21 Feb 23
@JudyEv Uh huh... I totally believe you. You're very welcome.
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@flapiz (23098)
• United Kingdom
21 Feb 23
Always a pleasure to see a man in the kitchen. Give Vince a pat on the back.
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 Feb 23
He does virtually all the cooking. I'm very lucky. And I will give him a pat on the back.
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@flapiz (23098)
• United Kingdom
21 Feb 23
@JudyEv Yes you are one lucky munchkin.
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@RebeccasFarm (89457)
• Arvada, Colorado
21 Feb 23
I love that Vince..what a guy making pancakes there. Love it. Happy Shrove Tuesday. As you know mine were a flop It is okay. Oh I love that Judi Dench One of my favoritres. Have a lovely day now Judy and Vince.
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 Feb 23
Thanks for the good wishes. I'm sorry your pancakes didn't work out. Gluten really seems to be important to the success of some dishes.
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@RubyHawk (99405)
• Atlanta, Georgia
21 Feb 23
I love Judi Dench. The old English shows come on a few TV channels. I catch one of the shows occasionally. Have fun with your friends and enjoy your pancakes.
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 Feb 23
Judi is a great actress. I am lookiing forward to seeing this.
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 Feb 23
@RubyHawk This film was made in 2018 when she was 84. She is doing really well.
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@RubyHawk (99405)
• Atlanta, Georgia
21 Feb 23
@JudyEv I find one of the old shows occasionally and I always enjoy them.
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• Defuniak Springs, Florida
21 Feb 23
Judi Dench is good in everything she is in, so I am sure it will be a good one.
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 Feb 23
Those are my thoughts too. I doubt she has ever made a bad film.
@shaggin (72010)
• United States
21 Feb 23
I forgot about you mentioning Tuesday is pancake day there. I hope i can remember that in the morning when the baby wants breakfast. It is still Monday here for 5 minutes . I am heading to bed and will be away in about 7 hours then hopefully pancakes will be the first thing that pops in my head when I awaken.
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@shaggin (72010)
• United States
21 Feb 23
@JudyEv I did forget again but I’m on myLot now and she’s sleeping in my arms after waking up and hasn’t eaten yet so I still have a chance
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 Feb 23
If I need to remember something the next day, I try to think of it last thing before I go to sleep. Mostly it works for me. I hope you remember when you wake up.
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 Feb 23
@shaggin Good luck!!
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@ptrikha_2 (46752)
• India
22 Feb 23
Judi Dench "M" 's movie ought to be interesting! She was a great actor. In the Bond Series, she was at her best in "The World is not Enough" and "Skyfall" (her last). Looks like all were greeted by awesome pancakes by Vince. The pictures are really nice. Have a nice time !!
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@ptrikha_2 (46752)
• India
23 Feb 23
@JudyEv Not a very talked about movie though!
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
23 Feb 23
She is a very talented actress and was in her early 80s when she made Red Joan. We did have a great time, thanks.
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@LadyDuck (469966)
• Switzerland
21 Feb 23
Well done Vince, congratulations!!! Floaters in the streets today, we go grocery shopping where we are sure there are no parades.
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@LadyDuck (469966)
• Switzerland
22 Feb 23
@JudyEv - Same as you, I did not even like a lot when I was young and right now we are trying to avoid Covid, that is still around.
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 Feb 23
He did well, thanks. I would be dodging parades too. We are over any big public events. It's a quieter life for us now.
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 Feb 23
@LadyDuck It's the same here. They aren't publishing covid figures anymore but we keep hearing of new cases.
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@rakski (119120)
• Philippines
21 Feb 23
oh nice! and he flips it!!
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@rakski (119120)
• Philippines
21 Feb 23
@JudyEv I never tried flipping my pancakes, I think I should give it a try soon
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 Feb 23
@rakski Maybe try them over the sink first in case you miss!
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 Feb 23
Oh yes, he flips them time and time again. It's been a long time since he's dropped one.
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@moffittjc (121460)
• Gainesville, Florida
22 Feb 23
I hope everyone enjoys the movie and the pancakes!
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@moffittjc (121460)
• Gainesville, Florida
26 Feb 23
@JudyEv Do maple tree grow in Australia? Is maple syrup common or easily found there?
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
27 Feb 23
@moffittjc The honest answer about maple trees is that I don't know. We have Japanese maples as ornamental trees but I think they might be a different species to those that produce the sap for syrup. After a quick research, it seems the maples available here are more about landscaping. I don't think sap is harvested here. You can buy artificial maple syrup. I haven't looked for pure syrup and I only know about the artificial because a friend brought a bottle to our pancake night.
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 Feb 23
Both were great thanks. One of the guests brought maple syrup to put on them too.
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@aninditasen (16320)
• Raurkela, India
21 Feb 23
That's wonderful and your kitchen is well arranged and looks good. Enjoy your pancakes.
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 Feb 23
Thanks. The pancakes were yummy. We had maple syrup on some.
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
23 Feb 23
@aninditasen They would be nice too.
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@aninditasen (16320)
• Raurkela, India
22 Feb 23
@JudyEv I make stuffed pancakes with coconut.
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@nela13 (58216)
• Portugal
21 Feb 23
Your husband is very talented doing pancakes Great that you are having a great time with your friends.
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 Feb 23
It is nice that we all live so close to each other and can walk to the clubhouse and to visit.
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@nela13 (58216)
• Portugal
22 Feb 23
@JudyEv yes, you seem to live in a nice neighborhood.
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@LindaOHio (175269)
• United States
21 Feb 23
Hope you have a great time. Really good pictures.
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
23 Feb 23
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 Feb 23
Thanks. I had some photos with the pancake flat in the pan but I kept taking them till I got four of them in the air.
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@LindaOHio (175269)
• United States
22 Feb 23
@JudyEv Now I have a taste for pancakes.
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@GardenGerty (160305)
• United States
21 Feb 23
What cool shots. Makes me hungry for pancakes.
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 Feb 23
I had another dozen photos where I'd missed the 'flip' and just had the 'flop' in the pan.
@rebelann (112697)
• El Paso, Texas
21 Feb 23
You really captured the spirit of flipping pancakes .... some here call them flap jacks .... I tried that once and the dern thing ended up on the floor, no more flipping for me. I really like Judi Dench, she is such a talented actress.
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@rebelann (112697)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Feb 23
After having to clean up the mess I made I decided I'd leave flipping to someone else ..... I rarely make pancakes anyway.
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 Feb 23
Yes, I've heard 'flapjacks' before too. Vince hasn't dropped one in a long time. He likes to teach any visiting kids how to flip them. They are always very worried about dropping them but thrilled to bits when they succeed.
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@TheHorse (217067)
• Walnut Creek, California
22 Feb 23
Can you put some aside for me, so I can bring butter and maple syrup? Giving them a French name does not separate us from reality. They are pancakes and should be treated as such. I will bring the coffee.
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 Feb 23
Oh sorry, you're too late. But we can easily make some more when you arrive.
@DianneN (247186)
• United States
21 Feb 23
Always happy to see a man cooking in the kitchen. Enjoy!
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 Feb 23
He has two aprons so he can alternate! I wouldn't want him to be without an apron.
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@DianneN (247186)
• United States
22 Feb 23
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@just4him (317013)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
21 Feb 23
I hope you enjoyed the movie. He's a good pancake flipper. I never tried my hand at flipping pancakes. I'd rather eat them then clean them off the floor.
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@just4him (317013)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
21 Feb 23
@JudyEv I'm sure there is. It's good he doesn't drop them.
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 Feb 23
He hasn't dropped one in ages. I guess there is a bit of a knack to it like so many other things.
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@Kouponkaren (5503)
• United States
22 Feb 23
I never have heard of pancakes sprinkled with lemon. Sounds interesting. I hope you have a wonderful night and enjoy the movie and your company.
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@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 Feb 23
Thanks for the good wishes and we had have a very enjoyable time with our friends.