Its your child pay !

United Kingdom
March 13, 2023 8:39am CST
I have just read in the weekend newspaper an article about parents in England wanting more free childcare. They say that they are finding it difficult to pay childcare costs and needs more hours of free child placement. The poll was of 1500 parents ....not that many when you think how many millions of parents there are in the country....and the results were based on what only 85% of them said. Not a true representation . My thoughts are this .... Don't have children if you can not afford them. They are your responsibility and as a tax payer I should not be expected to or wish to pay towards your childs care. Years ago extended families helped out and I believe that this helped in keeping families close and together. (this may be a separate issue, but in some cases it is linked ).... Single parent and Lone parent are different things....if a child has two living parents , whether they are together or not , then both parents are ( or should be ) responsible for the care and payment of them. These may not be popular thoughts or opinions but they are mine and I am entitled to them. I would however be interested in your thoughts.
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6 responses
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
13 Mar 23
You say don't have children if you cant afford them. Do you actually stop to think about what is the coast of childcare around the world not just in one location. As a mother of three kids. Life doesn't work the way you want it to. You can't have all the things you want before you start a family. Also people assume just don't have children when you don't have money but you don't know when that might happen and your health risks go up. That mainly for females since males don't have to risk there life to support a growing human inside of them. Then you forgot to account in unplanned pregnancy. A large amount of prengancy are usually unplanned. That doesn't mean that protection. Its not as simple as don't have kids. Many factors go into not or having kids and healthy risk. In the US public school is for free. Some work places offer free day care for kids but not all. Daycare normally don't provided and education. The amount of money for it is that some people have to work 3 jobs. My husband and I worked it out early on. We live in the richest county but only 1% off 99% of the population is rich. The other 99% of us are poor, or low class to the point we have to find outside help someone willing to work for less or one parent has to give up work lowing the monthly income. We did that and then applied for government assistance to make up the difference. That helps put food on the table. Housing is for free since we live in a family owned home but we pay all of the bills on it. The kids get free lunch and breakfast at school as they would like. Youngest actually eats at home because of food allergies. before you tell me I shouldn't have kids. I'll straight up tell you none were planned protection was used but that didn't mean I didn't want them once I knew I was pregnant. I was a mess with my second pregnancy because I missed carried one twin. The thing is unless you in that person shoes you wont understand what they are going through and what they need and want. It would be nice to have universale health care and childcare. Knowing if you need it's there to help you not take money that could be used for food or a bill.
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@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
13 Mar 23
@Traceyjayne I thought long and hard about what you wrote it hurt and I shouldn't let what you say hurt me as 34-year-old yes with 3 kids. I birth them all. I won't feel ashamed by anyone for that. I won't feel back that I took the time when I was 21 to call for help when I need. My mom stood by my choice even though she was 12 hours away. She told me good for me. She did the same when she was pregnant with my brother. This is coming from a woman that never got her degree till I was 12 years old. Military wife to a man that has been experimented on with every virus possible and stuff. Frankly she the only person I need approval from other then my own husband. He will tell you government assistance is there or that reason. You do have qualify it for it. Thats, find you see that as irrespirable that my unplanned children that I tried not to have because we used protection and that protection didn't work. So that makes me reasonable. You come back to me when you find yourself in my shoes or someone's shoes and I won't judge you if you ask for help or need of assistance no, I'll guide you like I have many other mothers or families that get shamed for needing help weather it's for food, because. My husband has a CMA been electrocuted, while supporting 3 kids. I work as a writing book and publish to amazon. I might not be rich and would never afford childcare which is grade it same me like $3,000 plus a month. I use the $2,000 given to us with SNAP to buy food and food only because that is what that card lets you do. While my husband pays checks pay for powers in the house, the internet, water, the car pills. What little I made pays some of the off bills or i put it towards school stuff since my kids go to school for 6 hours a day public school yay. I also baby sat for years and that point I was making more money than my husband under the table as a bus driver. So, if you're now down trying to make me feel bad about the life I have you can move along now like a good adult would do.
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• United Kingdom
13 Mar 23
You say you have three children and none were planned ...I find that irresponsible If you need Government help to put food on the table with three children you were not in charge of your finances to the point you could cope ...yet still three unplanned children. For a parent to give up work then claim benefits because it is easier or you get more money is wrong yourself, have pride, don't rely on the money of others. Your children get free meals at school .....people like me are paying for that and its not my role to pay for your childrens food. I'm not telling anyone that they shouldn't have children .....I am saying don't have them unless you can afford them, as it's not my role to pay for your children. Yes, people do very often have to work more than one job .....maybe because they want to provide a better life for themselves and their family, in which case, good for them, and maybe because they are not well educated, as can easily be seen.
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• United Kingdom
13 Mar 23
@ShyBear88 it is my post ... You can move along if you wish and read others posts . I am not trying to make you feel bad or say you need my approval about anything.. You do not know my situation yet you have judged me all the same. My words must have struck a chord with you or you wouldn't feel the need to be so defensive. Not sure what people being experimented on with a virus has to to with the subject matter of my post. It is tricky to address all your points as I think you have used the wrong words in some cases. My post contains my opinion to which I am entitled....if you or your situation fall into a category I have mentioned it is your doing not mine.
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@Fleura (31369)
• United Kingdom
30 Mar 23
I have mixed feelings about this. I agree, people should try to create a stable and settled home before they have children. But of course bad things do happen - job losses, chronic illness, accidents - that impact a person's ability to earn a living and provide for their children and no-one can foresee or plan for everything that might happen. There's also the question of whether the parents or society are responsible for the children. Directly of course it's the parents. But it is in the interests of society in general to produce a healthy and educated population for the future, otherwise we have to pay in terms of healthcare costs and lack of an educated workforce. And then there's the issue of equality. If childcare is expensive, one parent is likely to choose to stay at home to look after the child (especially if there is more than one). And guess what? In almost all cases it is the woman who gives up her job. That means that women with children are far more likely, later on, to end up in lower-paid jobs, with less up-to-date experience and skills, and with less pension credits, and as a result there are far more poor older women than older men.
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• United Kingdom
30 Mar 23
Of course with things like accidents, job losses, illness it is a different story all together. I don't think it is up to society to pay for peoples children ...maybe in the interests to get healthy, well educated people but financially not. Again, with childcare.....parents should decide if they can afford so many children before having them. Think of the extended family like in years gone by ....
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@RebeccasFarm (93068)
• United States
13 Mar 23
But they are paid for having kids right, child benefit and all ...yeah I know disgraceful.
• United Kingdom
13 Mar 23
I find it disgraceful ....people are in charge of their own bodies ....they know how babies are born. It is no ones role to pay for their child/children except theirs ...
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• United States
14 Mar 23
@Traceyjayne And flooding the country I tell you it is so wrong.
@porwest (97846)
• United States
13 Mar 23
I agree with you 100%. I think people in many places, including my own country, have become too used to certain "entitlements," and the one thing that is sorely missing is responsibility. If I get a Cadillac instead of a Kia, I have to pay the cost. If I get an iPhone over a cheaper model, it's up to me to pay for it... And when you have kids, it is no one else's responsibility but the parent's to make sure all of the child's needs are met. I don't mind paying taxes for important things. But when it becomes, I work hard to pay my own way AND get forced to pay taxes to pay someone else's way? I get a bit peeved.
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@saytama (561)
• Friedrichshafen, Germany
13 Apr 23
I don't have any children yet , I recently talked to my mother , again the same question, when will there be grandchildren? , but I soberly assess the situation , we are not ready financially yet , I also understand that children are for always , responsibility , big expenses and all my free time .
• United Kingdom
17 Apr 23
well said....I wish more people would think sensibly about the situation.
@Gguusia (397)
• Poland
13 Mar 23
I believe that everyone should be responsible for their children and provide for them. However, there are sometimes such life situations, random and unfortunately, but parents cannot cope, and yet they have a child and they love it. Then I think help is needed. Of course, I'm not talking about people who shirk from work, don't care about children, and take such financial help.
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• United Kingdom
13 Mar 23
I am not talking about genuine cases either. Of course things happen ...thats understandable . I am talking about the ones who you describe as the shirkkers.
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