A nightmare for me and a chilling experience for my dad....

Perth, Australia
April 4, 2023 9:45pm CST
I've made it known here and there that I suffer with bad dreams. It's extremely rare I can have a full dream that is good and / or funny. I get told a lot "Stop watching scary things before bed!" I find this upsetting that people just assume this is due to something I did wrong without asking any questions. The reason I suffer with bad dreams is due to past trauma. Been through a lot to the point even a time that's meant to be restful becomes restless. It's dreams about my abusive ex, or weird things with the sky (multiple moons, asteroids etc), or being chased, or me trying to get to my mum, demonic dreams, rough waves in the ocean, late to class and appointments oh it's never ending! Early this morning I woke in such a panic. Making it short, part of my dream I was watching something on TV about how demons take your soul. I saw a little boy in bed with a demon hovering over him sucking his soul out. Next thing I know, I'm in my bed. And this....thing....demon with large pointy teeth (ever seen the movie "IT", remember his teeth? Was like that). He was giggling while moving fast around my bed and I put my blanket over me because he couldn't get me under the blanket. But he growled and said "I'm a....beeeeEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAST!" His voice got high pitched as that word went on which made me cover my ears therefore losing my grip on my blanket. Then he was inhaling, making me move toward him and just as I was near his face, my alarm woke me. THANK F***! I grabbed my laptop and ran out of my room. I was in tears. (grabbed laptop to message my friend in England - alarm was set for 2:10am so I could get up and talk to him). Hours later I told my dad. He listened to me and he wanted to tell me something but he waited for a little while. Eventually he told me that around 2am, he was awake checking his blood pressure (he just records it daily) but while he was doing that, he heard my bedroom door open and saw a figure come down the hallway and into the loungeroom. (my bedroom is down the hall from his room). He thought it was me. My brother is in Sydney right now. So he went into the loungeroom. Then the kitchen. He didn't see me. Went back down the hallway and saw my door closed with no sign of me awake at all. It gave him chills. And now we both are creeped out about it because 10 minutes after he thought he heard and saw me, I had woken up in a panic. What the hell did my dad see? Why was it the exact same time I was dreaming of a demon? Very easy to say "Just a coincidence" and that is fine! For me, I put more thought into it due to....I will say past experiences. It was just all creepy. I'm not saying it was but it was AS IF what was bothering me had come out of my room to leave. I don't know. It took hours to shake it off. I hate these dreams.
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14 responses
@DaddyEvil (143002)
• United States
5 Apr 23
I'm very sorry these things keep happening to you. I wish there was a way I could help you.
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@DaddyEvil (143002)
• United States
19 Apr 23
@VivaLaDani13 You're very welcome. You're just trying to make me blush again. I'm doing fine. My eyes are finally open so I went into the yard today and collected some of the deadfall from our trees in the back yard and started mowing back there. I didn't get a lot done but Pretty hasn't been letting me go out and help with anything because I might have an allergic reaction if I'm outside. Never worry about late replies. Whenever you have time to visit is fine with me.
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• Perth, Australia
21 Apr 23
@jeets03 Yeah it sure has been awhile now. I thought you left for good! I'm truly sorry to read that you're not ok right now. I wish things to be better for you. @DaddyEvil I'm so happy your eyes are open! That is such great news! I can understand Pretty not wanting that to happen to you. At least you got some done. Good job!
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• Perth, Australia
18 Apr 23
@DaddyEvil You are too kind, thank you so much! How are you doing? Sorry for my late reply.
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@RebeccasFarm (92737)
• United States
5 Apr 23
I believe you and I believe your Dad ...this is quite terrifying Dani. Well my take on this is to pray and call to Jesus to intervene if there is any doubt in your mind that this could be real. I am just saying what I would do Dani. I do not know if you are a believer or not. Gosh I am so sorry as well. I know what it is to be terrified. I have nightmares but not such as that..but from trauma I do understand.
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• Perth, Australia
18 Apr 23
@RebeccasFarm Thank you so much for your suggestion as well as believing my dad's and mine experiences. I can tell you this isn't the first time this paranormal type of stuff has happened to me. Nor my dad. I'm sorry regarding your nightmares from trauma. I understand it's not pleasant at all. Sorry for my late reply.
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• United States
18 Apr 23
@VivaLaDani13 No worries Dani xo
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@rakski (134272)
• Philippines
5 Apr 23
this is a terrifying ordeal. If you had a dream, I can say it was just a dream. But having your dad see something come out of your room almost at the same time, I think IT IS SOMETHING. If you are living here, people might tell you to go to some medium or an exorcist or something to that effect. I am really scared and worried for you. I am hoping that you will be over this soon
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• Perth, Australia
18 Apr 23
@rakski It wouldn't surprise me if there was "something" there because I do have a history of....I guess harassment (maybe not the correct word) of something before. It's just been a very long time. Thank you for reading, your support, suggestions and concern. Very appreciated. I hope you are well! Sorry for my late reply.
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@rakski (134272)
• Philippines
19 Apr 23
@VivaLaDani13 no worries. I hope you feel better nowadays. did you still have any dreams lately?
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• Perth, Australia
21 Apr 23
@rakski Thank you. I dream every time I sleep.
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@moffittjc (122982)
• Gainesville, Florida
11 Apr 23
Wow, that really sent chills down my spine and gave me goosebumps all over! I think both you and your dad had a very real experience. I know you have said in the past that you are not spiritual, but I do believe a spiritual realm does exist, and if you are being terrified by the evil side of the spiritual realm, perhaps it is time you start exploring the good side of the spiritual realm. I'm not one to push religion on you or anyone, so don't take it that way, but just encouraging you to try and experience something positive from that realm. And in the meantime, I really hope you are safe from any harm or evil beings and that there are good forces out there keeping watch over you.
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@moffittjc (122982)
• Gainesville, Florida
20 Apr 23
@VivaLaDani13 I'm not into the religion thing either, I think man has corrupted what God had anticipated to be a loving, personal relationship without a bunch or rules and requirements like organized religion has done.
• Perth, Australia
18 Apr 23
@moffittjc I am a believer in a realm we do not always see. I believe it due to experiences I've had. I have personally been bothered by something before in the past. Both in my dreams and whilst I was awake. It was a very difficult time for me. Not only because I was being attacked but a lot of the people I was reaching out to for help (family) gave me those annoying "You need to get out more" "It's your mind creating it" "You're going crazy" type of answers. Thankfully my dad was the only family member to actually listen to me as many times I woke up with bruises and scratches on my body that I couldn't have done myself. I know for sure you would never push me or force me to do anything. And I love you for that. The best I can say is, and I always say it, I'm not religious, but I'm not Atheist. But religion / God is actually very important to me for various reasons. I actually do believe in something, but I can't pin point what the is exactly. Because I'm scared to put my faith and belief into something without all the answers first if that makes sense. But I often seek out things regarding the Bible and religion. I hope that made sense. But yeah this whole demon thing isn't my first time. I'm scared "it's" starting up again. Thank you for your time Jeff. Always appreciate you. Sorry for my late reply.
@Shivram59 (39618)
• India
7 Apr 23
@VivaLaDani13 We have nightmares when we keep thinking someone you love very much especially when they are in a bad situation or are ill.You are always afraid that something bad might happen with them. I don't know if you have got me.I'm not a native English speaker.
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• Perth, Australia
18 Apr 23
@Shivram59 I know that for sure can happen as I also have those types of dreams. This nightmare was different. I don't know how to explain it but your suggestion is noted. Sorry for my late reply.
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@Shivram59 (39618)
• India
18 Apr 23
@VivaLaDani13 Just always think positive.You will no more have nightmares.And yes;keep yourself ready to embrace changes.Changes happen and continue to happen.Nobody can prevent them.
@2ndchances24 (10067)
• Cloverdale, Indiana
11 Apr
WOW that's crazy, that would freak me out too & NEVER sleep alone in my bed ever again.
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• Perth, Australia
11 Apr
@2ndchances24 I still think about this sometimes. But yes, stuff like that can make it feel exactly how you said.
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• Perth, Australia
13 Apr
@2ndchances24 That made me gag! I feel like I do remember that actually. Sounds familiar. That would creep me out!
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
13 Apr
@VivaLaDani13 I remember it as clear as yesterday.
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@AmbiePam (96423)
• United States
25 Apr 23
I don’t know if your dad should have told you about that! Because it certainly would have scared me too!
@jstory07 (142346)
• Roseburg, Oregon
5 Apr 23
You Dad had to have seen something. Not sure what it was. Stay safe.
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• Perth, Australia
18 Apr 23
@jstory07 Me either. It was a weird and chilling experience for both of us. Thank you. Sorry for my late reply.
@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
5 Apr 23
This is more than terrifying Dani. What did your father see? You know that could be a "demon" created by your own mind. You were so scared that you were, in some sort, trying to show your dream as it was a movie. May be it was only your Guardian Angel who was protecting you.
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@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
19 Apr 23
@VivaLaDani13 - All those who never had this kind of experience tend to say that we "imagine things" that is not at all true. Some people are not sensitive enough to have those experiences. I know that I am always scared. Do not worry for the late reply, we can be busy with real life.
• Perth, Australia
18 Apr 23
@LadyDuck From what my dad said, he just saw a figure. And he saw it as a silhouette type of figure. Which personally bothers me because, I get what you're saying and I hope so much it was as positive as that but I've had awful experiences with "things" of a silhouette look. "Shadow People" to be exact. I don't really talk about it much. Not everyone is open minded with that stuff and that's ok. But talking about it, I worry about it / they coming back. I agree it could have been my own mind but I just take it seriously due to real past experiences. Thank you for reading and for your answer. Sorry for my late reply.
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@sallypup (63260)
• Centralia, Washington
5 Apr 23
Your dream sounds like your mind is going over a horror movie. Your Dad could have been seeing something- I do believe in this not being a totally one dimensional world.
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@sallypup (63260)
• Centralia, Washington
18 Apr 23
@VivaLaDani13 I just hope you are doing okay.
• Perth, Australia
18 Apr 23
@sallypup I don't either to be honest. I do believe there is more going around us that we don't always see. Thank you for answering. Sorry for my late reply.
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@noni1959 (10283)
• United States
5 Apr 23
I'm sorry for your trauma and constant nightmares. I believe you and your dad. Maybe your dad saw a guardian angel or a past spirit that still lives there.
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@noni1959 (10283)
• United States
24 Apr 23
@VivaLaDani13 That's OK. I haven't been on much lately. I hope you are doing well tonight.
• Perth, Australia
18 Apr 23
@noni1959 Thank you very kindly for that. I am grateful to be taken seriously and for being believed with this stuff as this isn't my first time having these types of experiences. And I sure hope it was something positive my dad saw. It would mean a lot to me if it was. Sorry for my late reply.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
5 Apr 23
I am so sorry! I believe you had a real encounter with a demon. I know you said you don't know God. I think it's time you had a real encounter with Him. I will pray for you.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
19 Apr 23
@VivaLaDani13 I hope you haven't had another encounter with the demon.
• Perth, Australia
18 Apr 23
@just4him I just have to say first, thank you SO much for saying "I know you said you don't know God." It means a lot to me to read it like that because it seems no matter how many times I express this to some people, I still get misunderstood of "Not believing God." And there is a difference. So thank you for that and taking my experience seriously as this isn't my first time with this type of issue. And thank you for reading, for the suggestion and for praying for me. Sorry for my late reply.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
5 Apr 23
Oh my goodness. How scary this was for you. I am sorry it keeps happening. I wish I had answers for you. A friend of mine had therapy for a few years with her bad dreams. It helped her. As for what your Dad saw, I think many things in this life cannot be explained. I hope you are having more peaceful nights now.
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• Perth, Australia
18 Apr 23
@CarolDM Thank you for caring and telling me about your friend. I am so glad she got help with them! Maybe something I need to do. I have been to many councilors and psychologists over many years but never thought about going specifically for dreams. Mostly because the help I need, I figured would help the the dreams anyway. My mind is a space full of trauma and negativity from other people's actions. I think maybe once I'm stronger, maybe the nightmares will stop. Thank you kindly. Sorry for my late reply.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
18 Apr 23
@VivaLaDani13 You are welcome. I am trying to help the only way I know how. Every therapist is different and you never know which one you can relate to. I hope you can get your mind cleared out a bit. I know that feeling all too well. After losing Dustin my mind stayed full of trauma, I saw way too much that will never leave me. But I keep working at it every single day. Never ever give up.
@leighnyork (1880)
5 Apr 23
This is so sad that you have been going through all these. You deserve to be happy. Have you tried to talk to someone about your trauma?
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• Perth, Australia
18 Apr 23
@leighnyork Thank you for your kind words. I have seen many people throughout many years regarding stuff I've been going through. I intend to seek more help soon. Sorry for my late reply.