Hello & Another Brendel Update
By CarolDM
@CarolDM (203422)
Nashville, Tennessee
August 6, 2023 2:08pm CST
First of all I want to thank each one of you who have reached out to me via email over the last several weeks. I have been spending almost all of my time taking care of Brendel. Not much has changed. Still the loud yowling most all night. Confusion. Pacing.
But she is still eating and drinking. No sign of pain. I keep a very close watch on her around the clock, literally. I get only a few hours of sleep, here and there. I am learning to rest during the day when she is sleeping. Trying to eat better to stay hydrated. I try to keep her awake as often as possible during the day, so she will sleep more at night. Sometimes it works, other times not so much. But I keep trying. That is all I can do. A day at a time.
I am considering taking Brendel for another opinion. I found a highly recommended vet close by. We had a phone consultation last week about her dementia. She is more than willing to offer another route to try. There are meds available, to keep her calm, for her anxiety. She assured me the meds come in very low doses, with minimal side effects. We will see her soon. As long as I don't see major side effects, I am willing to give this a try.
My other cat, the Dude is amazing. He has started sleeping wherever Brendel is. Like her shadow. Such a sweetheart he is. And she doesn't seem to mind, as long as she gets my undivided attention. I brush her daily. She purrs and enjoys this it seems. And I of course brush the Dude as well. My two babies.
Will keep you all updated as I can. I don't get online much any more. The bluebirds are returning to the yard and visit the birdbath almost daily now. Brings so much happiness to see the bluebird family. Robins and doves visit as well. Hummingbirds are zooming around from one feeder to another. My entertainment.
Snapped this photo from my window into the screen room. They were both sleeping on the table. Too funny, there are many chairs and a chaise with lots of cushions. The heat has been crazy. Some days triple digits with the humidity. But they don't seem to mind. They visit all of the chairs and cushions but seem to enjoy the table.
I will catch up with you all as time permits. Hope you have all been well.
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40 responses
@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
6 Aug 23
Thank you so very much. The only reason I am considering the meds is I can only imagine how she is feeling. She is confused and has no idea what is happening to her. I hope this will help her. The Dude is the best. He is literally her shadow.
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@RasmaSandra (83084)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
6 Aug 23
That is a cute photo, I wish all the best for Brendel and am glad that Dude is watching over her. I will keep Brendel in my prayers. Perhaps this can give you some more ideas also
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
6 Aug 23
Unfortunately there is not a lot I can even do at this point. I am reading and researching for new ways to treat this illness and come back to the same options it seems. But this new vet is worth a try I believe. I am beyond exhausted. I try to rest when I can. The Dude is so good to her.
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@MarieCoyle (41814)
6 Aug 23
I am glad to see you post here, and to get an update.
It's good that you are exploring other options for Brendel. And that Dude kitty is so devoted. Animals are often like that, they soothe and comfort each other in stressful times. I do hope during all of this, you are remembering to take care of Carol, too--she is a special lady. I am so glad you are enjoying your birds as well.
I can't answer the question about picture size--I haven't had any problems with them, not yet, anyway.
Take good care, Carol. 

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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
6 Aug 23
@MarieCoyle When she comes inside she seems to enjoy her window bed in Eeyore's room. I would too if I were her. Nice and quiet.
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@MarieCoyle (41814)
6 Aug 23
Cats are funny, they often pick out a spot and stick with it. And, you are more than welcome, Carol.
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@snowy22315 (186476)
• United States
6 Aug 23
Glad Brendel is hanging in. You are a great cat mommy.
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@DaddyEvil (143273)
• United States
7 Aug 23
I've been wondering how things were going for you and your kitties. I hope the new vet/meds help. Good luck!
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@DaddyEvil (143273)
• United States
7 Aug 23
@CarolDM You're welcome. It's like you're taking care of an aging parent who can't decide to settle down for long at a time. You just have to keep trying.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
7 Aug 23
@DaddyEvil It is exactly like that. I so wish she could talk to me.
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@wolfgirl569 (112915)
• Marion, Ohio
6 Aug 23
Glad to hear from you. I hope new medicine can help her relax at least.
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@1creekgirl (42854)
• United States
7 Aug 23
It hurts so much when our fur babies hurt. I hope the new vet can help sweet Brendel. It's so touching that the Dude seems to have sympathy for her. Try to rest when you can.
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@1creekgirl (42854)
• United States
8 Aug 23
@CarolDM It's so hard to see a person or pet so sick, knowing you're doing all you can for them. They love you.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
7 Aug 23
She turns 14 soon and I cannot imagine not having her. I am doing my best to keep her comfortable. The Dude has recently started being her shadow. She is allowing him to be around her now. At first she wanted to be left alone. But she seems to enjoy him now, as long as she gets my undivided attention of course. I am learning to rest here and there. Feel like a zombie but I feel things will get better soon. I hope you are having good days.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
7 Aug 23
I'm glad you found another vet for another opinion. I hope it's a good choice.
The Dude is her protection. I'm sure his presence comforts Brendel.
I'm glad the bluebirds are back. We're getting birds here that haven't been here in 180 years. The spoonbill is one of them. I forget the others. I think I saw that there are four other birds to come to Wisconsin. It makes like interesting for the birders out there.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
7 Aug 23
Thank you Valerie. I think we can never have too many opinions. Just got my call back. Appointment is Thursday. Will keep you updated. It makes me so happy to see the Dude sort of protecting her I guess, the only way he knows how. And that is amazing to get the birds in your area after 180 years. Wow!
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@much2say (57348)
• Los Angeles, California
7 Aug 23
You and The Dude are doing your best to keep Brendel comforted. Oh another route to help her would be great - I will keep hopeful on that possibility. Your yard is full of summer life for the birds, that must fill your heart to see them all. I think Brendel and The Dude have the right idea . . . maybe I would sleep better too if I slept on a table
So good to "see" you today!

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@much2say (57348)
• Los Angeles, California
8 Aug 23
No worries about responding . . . you have much on your plate and I'd rather you take that time to take care of yourself. "Unplugging" is good thing. I totally understand about helping Brendel to be as comfortable as can be . . . I hope she can be seen by the new vet very soon. I've been reading up on sleeping on hard surfaces, apparently there is something to that - and perhaps the cats are much more relaxed and cooler on the table (I'm probably better off on the floor ha ha). Please do get good rest. Hoping for all the best out your way 


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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
7 Aug 23
Thank you for the message. No time yet to respond. I have felt like a zombie with little to no sleep and rest. But I am figuring out how to find a few minutes here and there to at least lay down. Being online can be so draining. I am looking forward to this other opinion. She sounds hopeful. Buying time I know but if I can help Brendel feel more calm and at peace, that is my ultimate goal. I put cushions on the table and they sleep around them. Too funny. The ceiling fan helps keep the air circulated for them. Always good to see you too. Thanks for your continued support. I hope all is well with you.
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@allknowing (142112)
• India
7 Aug 23
I was not sure what kept you away and now I know You are doing your very best for Brendel and hopefully the new approach will help both you and Brendel
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@allknowing (142112)
• India
8 Aug 23
@CarolDM All I can do is to wish that the situation changes for you and Brendel.
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@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
7 Aug 23
Thank you for the update, I was worried not having news from you. I am glad that you may have another option for Brendel. If she can rest during the night this will be good for both of you. The Dude is an amazing cat, he knows she has a problem, lovely boy. Take care.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
7 Aug 23
You are welcome Anna. It was the first time I felt tile being online in awhile. I am hopeful for the option, I know it is only buying time, but if it will make her at ease and comfortable, with little side effects I am all for it. The Dude is her shadow now. Thank you.
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@Deepizzaguy (107633)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
6 Aug 23
I wish your cat Brendel a speedy recovery.
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@Deepizzaguy (107633)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
7 Aug 23
@CarolDM You are welcome.
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