Dangerous Ride?

@Kandae11 (53936)
September 25, 2023 9:01am CST
Do you recall some of the wildest things you did when you were younger? I recall hitching a ride on several occasions - something which l won't dream of doing in these present times. Even back then the practice was kind of dangerous. Thankfully nothing happened to me. So have you ever hitched a ride or gave someone a ride? What else do you remember?. Pixabay image.
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19 responses
• China
25 Sep
Few people in China take a ride. Most of the time, we can take a taxi.I have never had the experience of taking a ride
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@Kandae11 (53936)
25 Sep
I don't remember ever putting my hand up. Persons simply stopped and offered me a ride. Of course I looked them over carefully before accepting.
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@Kandae11 (53936)
25 Sep
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• China
25 Sep
@Kandae11 This is almost impossible to happen in China, and few people actively ask strangers for a ride
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@arunima25 (86144)
• Bangalore, India
25 Sep
Thank God that you stayed safe. Well, young mind is fearless and doesn't care much about the consequences. I was a naughty one and mischievous. But I don't remember doing something dangerous.
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@Kandae11 (53936)
25 Sep
Better to be safe than sorry.
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@Kandae11 (53936)
25 Sep
@arunima25 Yes indeed.
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@arunima25 (86144)
• Bangalore, India
25 Sep
@Kandae11 Yes, it is. But it is being lucky in your case. You had the adventure without any adverse effect.
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@LadyDuck (462295)
• Switzerland
25 Sep
No, I ever hitched a ride. My father gave to a young sailor a ride many years ago.
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@LadyDuck (462295)
• Switzerland
25 Sep
@Kandae11 Dad was not alone in the car, Mom, my brother and I were also in the car and those years were a lot less dangerous.
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@Kandae11 (53936)
25 Sep
That sounds harmless , but you still never know...
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@Kandae11 (53936)
25 Sep
@LadyDuck Yes indeed.
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@DaddyEvil (137142)
• United States
25 Sep
When our car broke down outside of Oklahoma City, Pretty and I hitched a ride to a repair shop... The guy was really nice and took us to the shop owned by his friend. His friend towed my car in and repaired it in a short time... I used to pick up hitchhikers when I was by myself in the car. (I'd never stop for anyone if Pretty was with me.)
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@DaddyEvil (137142)
• United States
26 Sep
@Kandae11 I was really worried when I had Pretty with me and the car broke down. That was before cellphones. I couldn't leave her with the car while I went to get help, though...
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@Kandae11 (53936)
26 Sep
We do take chances sometimes , and hope for the best. Some people love to help others without thinking of possible harm to their person.
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@Kandae11 (53936)
26 Sep
@DaddyEvil No you couldn't especially if the mishap happened during the night. Thankfully everything worked out okay.
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@akalinus (40976)
• United States
25 Sep
My brother and I had fun jumping from a railroad bridge into a soft, dry creekbed. Never entered our minds that we could get hurt. For the ride part, we got on one of those two-person railroad cars that you operate with a pump. We drove a considerable distance and then drove it back to where we got it. Is that grand theft railroad or something?
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@akalinus (40976)
• United States
25 Sep
@Kandae11 We did a lot of stuff that would not go over well today. We are lucky the train was not coming up the track!
@Kandae11 (53936)
25 Sep
@akalinus That was a dangerous prank.
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@Kandae11 (53936)
25 Sep
Ha ha , I know of a game called grand theft auto. Well you did take it back to the point where you found it , so l suppose that would be classified as a prank.
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@Beestring (13574)
• Hong Kong
25 Sep
I remember one time I was on business trip to Tokyo. After dinner with my Japanese clients, I took subway back to my hotel. But I got out from the wrong exit. I was totally lost. Couldn't find my way to the hotel. I was just standing near a parking lot, checking the map. A car stopped and the male driver asked if I was lost. He offered to give me a ride. Since it was quite late, I couldn't see any people on the street. I accepted his offer. Come to think of it, it is a bit risky.
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@Kandae11 (53936)
28 Sep
At night? Yes- that was very risky.
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@Kandae11 (53936)
28 Sep
@Beestring lt was a chance you took and it worked in your favor bevause you are still around to tell the tale.
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@Beestring (13574)
• Hong Kong
28 Sep
@Kandae11 Yes, at night. At that time, I was thinking that it was not safe to be alone on the street. I took a chance. Actually, it was very risky.
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@snowy22315 (172208)
• United States
25 Sep
I attempted to hitchhike tou and guess who came driving down the road...? MY mother!!! I got in big trouble..
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@snowy22315 (172208)
• United States
27 Sep
@Kandae11 Oh God, no...not there. I once hitched when I was in college. as I was desperate for a ride to campus..but it was somebody with local info printed all over his truck. Phone numbers and the like. He certainly wasn't making any attempt to hide his identity so I figured he was safe.
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@Kandae11 (53936)
25 Sep
Did you try it again?
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@Kandae11 (53936)
27 Sep
@snowy22315 You are still here, so he was safe.
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@much2say (54038)
• Los Angeles, California
25 Sep
My friend and I were walking near the beach . . . this British guy with horrid teeth drove by us and offered to drive us around. My friend pretended to be Swedish and said I was from Japan (I can't believe we put on this act and spoke in bad accents). We actually got in his car and had an adventurous afternoon. But later he offered to take us to his friend's mansion in this ritzy beach area nearby (which was NOT nearby) . . . when he stopped to get gas, my friend and I ran away and walked a few miles back to our original beach where my car was parked. That was when we were 18 - oh such foolish girls we were and I'm glad nothing happened to us .
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@much2say (54038)
• Los Angeles, California
25 Sep
@Kandae11 I won't even get into him driving us through an alley and he wanted us to grab a tv that was sitting on the stairs (someone was moving into an apartment). We doubted he had any friend with a mansion. Too many red flags . . . we never should have gone in that car with him!
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@Kandae11 (53936)
25 Sep
@much2say His teeth could have been a red flag, especially when he mentioned friend with a mansion
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@Kandae11 (53936)
25 Sep
I am glad good sense prevailed and you decided not to risk the mansion visit.
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@RebeccasFarm (87114)
• United States
25 Sep
Oh yes many times in my teens. I am lucky to be alive..had many bad experiences.
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@Kandae11 (53936)
25 Sep
I believe l had a guardian angel on many occasions.
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• United States
25 Sep
• United States
26 Sep
Yes I hitched a ride a few times (back in the day) and shudder to think that I even did it. Like you, I was lucky nothing ever happened to me.
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@Kandae11 (53936)
26 Sep
Same here, l shudder to think what could have happened.
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@just4him (310380)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
28 Sep
I've never hitched a ride or given a ride to strangers. I'm glad nothing happened to you in your younger years.
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@Kandae11 (53936)
28 Sep
Thank God.
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@JudyEv (328394)
• Rockingham, Australia
26 Sep
We still pick up hitch-hikers very occasionally but we're very careful about who we pick up.
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@Kandae11 (53936)
26 Sep
We definitely have to be careful.
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@db20747 (43441)
• Washington, District Of Columbia
26 Sep
I've hitchhiker a few times and their eyes were watching me closely and my eyes were watching them closely. Although your are polite, you're still a little nervous. You're always glad to get out the car!
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@Kandae11 (53936)
27 Sep
It is risky for sure.
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@Gilljane (2904)
• Sutton, England
4 Oct
I climbed out of the maths room because I was bored
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@Kandae11 (53936)
4 Oct
Through the window?
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@Gilljane (2904)
• Sutton, England
4 Oct
@Kandae11 Well it was a ground floor window
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@allknowing (130658)
• India
25 Sep
No I have not and will not dare to
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@Kandae11 (53936)
26 Sep
It is a dangerous practice.
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@1creekgirl (40804)
• United States
25 Sep
No, I never hitched a ride or picked anyone up. And it's much more dangerous now.
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@Kandae11 (53936)
25 Sep
It certainly is.
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@Fleura (29264)
• United Kingdom
25 Sep
I haven't seen anyone hitch-hiking in a long time. Funny, I was just thinking about that the other day when I drove past someone walking along a rather dark stretch of road, I wondered if I should stop and offer them a lift but I thought they would probably think I was some kind of psychopath!
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@Kandae11 (53936)
25 Sep
These days it is very unsafe for someone who is considering doing a good deed as well as the person hitching the ride. You could be picking up an escaped convict or a wolf in sheep's clothing. While the hitch hiker could become a victim of human trafficking or much worse.
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@TheHorse (208615)
• Walnut Creek, California
26 Sep
I climbed on ledges of tallish buildings when I was an early teen.
@Kandae11 (53936)
26 Sep
Wow! Like Spiderman.
@dya80dya (34727)
1 Oct
I can't recall some of the wildest things I did. Maybe I didn't do anything wild.