How would you respond to rude, race-related comments?
@writerightmom (148)
United States
December 1, 2006 10:59pm CST
I am a black woman, and husband is white. We have 2 gorgeous boys together, one is 6 and the other is 4 months. I am getting so tired of people's rude comments when I go out with my boys alone. People ask if they're my foster kids, what they're mixed with, are they my nephews, and one extremely rude lady loudly asked, "Is that a white baby?" I was so shocked by this lady that my mouth just hung open and I couldn't respond. She even had the audacity to repeat it when I ignored her! What did she mean "white" baby anyway? How can he be just "white" if I'm obviously black? What an idiot! What does it matter? What business is it of complete strangers asking me about my kids? How have some of you handled similar situations? I don't want my kids to feel that anything is wrong with them because they're biracial...
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267 responses
@Desdemona (1301)
• Canada
2 Dec 06
It is hard to hold back, especially when you have your kids with you.
Do what I have done. Okay, this will sound silly, but it works for me. It really depends on my mood too, but I feel good about it afterwards.
So don a t-shirt underneath your sweater or jacket and try this at least once. It is priceless seeing peoples faces when they ask stupid questions or make remarks.
I have made a few t-shirts with different sayings:
1. God loves stupid people, thats why he made so many like you!
2. It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and then don't say it.
I have others, but these two are fitting.
Hope that helps and makes you smile too.
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@aggiejoe (799)
• United States
2 Dec 06
I can't stand people who Judge you based on the color of you skin. The way I see it Family isn't about skin color or age or how tall you are its about love and if people would open their eyes and see the whole world is different and thats what makes it interesting.
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@soldenski (2503)
• United States
2 Dec 06
I've had a similar expierence, I am mexican and have brown skin, my son is mixed and has blondish hair and light skin. While we were shopping, he started crying and some lady asked if I was trying to kidnap him becuase he was not my son. I almost slapped her. I did not say anything to her, becuase if I did, it was not going to be nice, so I just walked off with my son.
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@Lxandra79 (1535)
• United States
2 Dec 06
omg that is sooo rude, dam i think i woulda smacked her to, and me i get mad easily so i woulda...*mad* man just thinking about that gets me mad.
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@buffetwoman (623)
• United States
2 Dec 06
OMG. I would've said,"And what possesed you to think he's not my son? Do you know me personally? Are you 1 million percent sure he's not mine? Let's go on the Maury show, I'll take the paternity test, and when the results come back that I am the mother, I'll spit right in your face on national television." That'll make her shut up! What an ignorant woman! People like her DESERVE to get slapped!
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@soldenski (2503)
• United States
3 Dec 06
She probably thought I was his babysitter or maybe the maid lol. I don't acknowledge stupidity or respond to someone so uneducated. Can you imagine if my son understood what she was saying. My son is so sensitive, when I am mad at him, he'll cry because he know's I am mad. So if he would have understood what the idiot was saying, he would really cried.
@delina123 (2453)
• Canada
2 Dec 06
I am a very friendly person and I dont care what color anyone is. I can be friends with anyone. You must have a great family. There is alot of rude people out there and I am not one of them. Your husband and your kids are your life and that all that matters. I think people show grow up
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
3 Dec 06
You took the words right out of my mouth. It is a shame that humans can be so rude and judgemental.
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@soldenski (2503)
• United States
2 Dec 06
I've had a similar expierence, I am mexican and have brown skin, my son is mixed and has blondish hair and light skin. While we were shopping, he started crying and some lady asked if I was trying to kidnap him becuase he was not my son. I almost slapped her. I did not say anything to her, becuase if I did, it was not going to be nice, so I just walked off with my son.
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@Lxandra79 (1535)
• United States
2 Dec 06
Im light skin light green eyes which my eyes change thru out the season (no contacts) and my baby daddy is light skin with dark brown hair. My son is light skin with RED hair and GREEN eyes. When my son was born the dad was like is that my child?! and i was like yea!! man i got sooo mad!!
and this has nothing to do with light skin or nothing but a few years ago and this happend twice just because my son has curly red hair this lady on the bus was like 'awwwwww what a cute lil girl' and in the park 2...which i clearly said in a mean way that my son was a boy...which he had boy clothes and really looks like a boy...that day i didnt wnt that to happen again so i cut my sons curls off!
Right now my son's hair is really long but he doesnt want me to cut it at all cuz he wants braids...hehe. and im cool with that:)
Sorry mines was a lil bit off topic:)
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@triece (111)
• United States
2 Dec 06
Ditto. I'm columbian/italian, dark skin, dark hair, dark eyes. All 3 of my children are blonde hair blue/green eyes. Add to it that I'm only 21 walking around with 3 kids and people don't know what to think. Mostly I get "are you the babysitter?"
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@shamilton712 (99)
• United States
2 Dec 06
I honestly think that biracial kids are beautiful. They have the best of both worlds. The people that say these things are ignorant and you need not pay them attention. Personally I would tell them how unintelligent they sound and go about my business. Besides is anyone in this world really made up of one race?
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@soulist (2985)
• United States
2 Dec 06
I would agree. I would tell them that they are being very ignorant and like in Bambi "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all" People are just ignorant and rude. I bet your children are the most adorable kids.
@judy_lozon (143)
• United States
2 Dec 06
i would just say to all kinds of people that we are all the same inside and out . we all breath the same and our blood is red. for i have a lot f mixed friends myself and i also have alot of colored friends too so i hate when they treat people of different coloors badf its just hateful they need to all just grow up.
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@leese29 (340)
• United States
2 Dec 06
I feel you, I am white married to a black man and we have 2 kids. I get asked what are my kids mixed with and when my first was born a lady said, well he isn't very dark.
Then at Mcdonalds my son (who is 4) tried to play with another little boy (who was white) and he told my son I don't play with black kids. I wanted to rip his little head off.
Someone commented to my son about being black or white, he will ask me are you black like me mommy, he has no idea what it is all about. He is so young and innocent.
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@alchemistrx (2547)
• Philippines
2 Dec 06
I don't mind those people who gives out rude responses about racial color as long as you're not doing something wrong against them.Why should you even care?Here we don't discriminate races.It's fun to be a mixture of diffrent races.You get to know a lot things and travel a lot.I admire black people because you are so talented.
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@KuRuPt (3)
2 Dec 06
i agree, if you havnt done anything then you shouldn't care, they are really just speaking to themselves. I think it is better to be able to live in a mixed group than be racist and only like one colour of skin or religion. Having a mixed community is better because you will get to know more people and have more in common with people
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@ausnikki (4054)
• Brisbane, Australia
2 Dec 06
It makes no difference to me whether your children are white black or purple as long as they are loved and treated right.Some people are so rude to be saying things like that!How dare that woman rudely ask you if your child is a white baby.I think if it was me I would have slapped her silly!Ignore these ignorant people they need to get a life.Enjoy your lovely children!
@cowgirl2701 (2079)
• United States
2 Dec 06
My 10 1/2 month old grand daughter is bi-racial. We are white, her father is black. She looks mostly black. She is beautiful and the most precious gift we could have. My husband and I had her with us one day and some lady asked what country we adopted her from! I didn't hesitate! I looked her in the eyes and said " She isn't adopted! She is my daughters baby and her father is black! She is bi-racial. Isn't she beautiful!" The lady didn't know what to do. People around all started talking about how beautiful she is. My daughter is not with the babies father. She is now married to a mexican. They are having a little girl in March. I can't wait to put more people in their place when I have one grand daughter who is 1/2 black and one who is 1/2 hispanic. They will also both speak english and spanish. Also be sisters. I know there will be remarks and I am prepared. I don't hesitate to put the people in their place. The nicer you do it, the lower they feel!!!!
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@cowgirl2701 (2079)
• United States
2 Dec 06
Thank you. She is our pride and joy. She already talks. She says words in english and spanish.
@acuityplague (763)
• United States
3 Dec 06
I agree with the person you marked as best response, biracial babies ARE beautiful! My friends daughter is mixed- we try to deal with any rude comments with humor, and now that she is older she is beginning to use the same tactic. People are just ignorant scum if they think that all people are not interconnected.
Raise your children to be merciful and kind, patient and generous. What can anyone say then?
Gorgeous baby btw!
Good luck with everything:)
@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
2 Dec 06
I am married to a man of Asian descent and he and I both get asked what nationality he is. We respond American and let it go. If its someone I know well or don't think they are being rude I will tell them. Obviously the lady asking you that was a racist. I think I would have responded with "Thats none of your business" or "why do you want to know that?"
@evangelist911 (12)
• India
3 Dec 06
i am totally against race-related comments. in the present world though everyone is treated equally under law, the same might not be true with individuals who still persist in such distinguishing as 'black n white'. it depends on how they look at things. we should just ignore such comments and if possible let them know how you feel about it
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@187157173 (75)
• China
2 Dec 06
i am at your back . i have faith in that people of different race ,interest ,colour can make friends at least avoid offend each other
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@tourman (125)
• Malaysia
2 Dec 06
if this is happening in the land of the free what can mere mortals like us from elsewhere say? but i do know some,maybe a few, ladies in asia go out of their way for inter racial marriage just to bear prettier children. bet yours are gorgeous . your gain my dear so to hell with what the bigots think and say!
@wiseladyowl (1)
• United States
2 Dec 06
Hi, I too am a mother of four biracial children and have had a rude comment or two come my way. Most ppl do not mean any harm so take it in stride and try to ignore them. Someone asking me if my child is half white does not offend me but asking if the child is mine or not is a little disconcerting to me. Not all questions are rude so answer the ones that are not rude and ignore the ignorant ones or use some creative comeback to make them think. For example: "NO I kidnapped someone else's child", or they are part alien! lol That would make them think lol, remember your children are ppl they will not think something is wrong with themselves if you do not.
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