AT&T, I curse thee!

United States
October 12, 2023 12:50pm CST
Been havin' iffy net service the past 24hrs due to their lack 'f tower maintenance. Which means my phone service's 'lso been iffy. Makes me more'n a tad cranky when the sheriff comes to check'n me coz folks can't reach me by phone'n think somethin' 'tis 'wry. A waste 'f his time 's well... Nope, my phone 'n net 'tis not with AT&T, but they own the blasted towers fer such. Took me near'n hour to get through to my cell phone provider to see what 'twas 'wry coz I kept losin' service. They 'boosted' my phone, 'twas all they could do. Still 've iffy service. The net folks said, "if you switch to our fiber optic cable, you'd not have this issue". Duh? I aint payin' fer a line to be dug 'nder the road plus 3x's what I 'lready shell out fer net service via modems. So, I reckon I'm curisin' all 3. AT&T fer not keepin' maintenance'n the towers, phone folks 'n net fer not forcin' AT&T to provide the service they're paid fer. I jest aint the patience fer these o'ergrown conglomerations! p.s. i know, dark pic, but if'n ya look close there'd be a couple fox kits'n that tree. 'n this crappy service means ya aint gonna see much 'f me here. too frustratin' constantly resettin' the net.
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6 responses
@just4him (318844)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
13 Oct 23
I'm sorry you're having so much trouble with the towers. It took some looking to find the second one. The first one was easy.
1 person likes this
• United States
19 Oct 23
blend'n well, eh? their swiftness 'twas a detriment fer my camera, too, lol. the one'n the left kinda looks like tree branches :) ne'er 'd any troubles 'f this sort when the towers were owned locally. 'f course they sold out to at&t who seems to feel 'tis ok not to maintain said towers.
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• United States
19 Oct 23
@just4him i showed the pic to my sweet momma 'n she 'twas confused 't the tree branch placement, bless 'er. most folks've gone fiber optic with their net, more stable 'n higher speeds. i've not the need fer such nor the budget (near $50 more a month). my sweet momma panics when she can't reach me. either sends the son 'r sheriff out fer a 'welfare check'.
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@just4him (318844)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
19 Oct 23
@crazyhorseladycx When I saw the head, I could find the rest of the body. I'm sorry AT&T is messing with you.
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@JudyEv (349221)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Oct 23
That would be SO annoying. I hope things improve although that's probably a false hope. With luck, we'll see you here from time to time.
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Oct 23
fingers crossed coz this morn both 're workin'. the net aint so bad 'n rarely use my phone. 'psets my momma though if'n she can't get through. she worries 'bout me out here by my lonesome.
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@JudyEv (349221)
• Rockingham, Australia
14 Oct 23
@crazyhorseladycx I hope you don't mind me asking but has your husband passed away?
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• United States
19 Oct 23
@JudyEv no ma'am, don't mind. march 3, 2021 we took him off the ventilator....
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@kareng (71223)
• United States
14 Oct 23
Good luck with AT&T. We got rid of them and have been please with Straight Talk. However, Verison just bought them out and now service if not near as good. Dropped calls, service area not as large, etc. But what can you do? Not much! I see one of the foxes!
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@kareng (71223)
• United States
20 Oct 23
@crazyhorseladycx Same here! Rural area and limited. We are fixing to check out C-Spire now that we are not working in Louisiana anymore. They did not have good service there.
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• United States
19 Oct 23
oh, they aint my service provider fer either, they jest own the towers now. they bought out small town companies 'n cell service some years back. i switched my phone to consumer cellular - but at&t owns the tower, they jest 'rent' the use 'f such. when ya live'n rural parts yer 't their mercy. 'tis blurry a bit, those kits movin' 't high speed chasin' each other.
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@wolfgirl569 (113596)
• Marion, Ohio
12 Oct 23
Hope the service gets better soon. It's a pain when they do that
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• United States
13 Oct 23
'tis workin' this morn, fingers crossed. really 'psets my sweet momma if'n she calls'n can't get through to me. 'f course when the phone's service, i've no missed calls showin' coz they ne'er made 't through.
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@wolfgirl569 (113596)
• Marion, Ohio
13 Oct 23
@crazyhorseladycx We used to have trouble here. But if I was left a message I would get that.
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• United States
19 Oct 23
@wolfgirl569 my phone aint 'llowed msgs, 'tis jest a phone'n crappy camera
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@sallypup (63384)
• Centralia, Washington
12 Oct 23
Long time so see!!!! You sound like me cursing X Finity.
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• United States
13 Oct 23
yes ma'am, went dark fer sometime. if'n they're gonna buy 'p all the towers, then they take'n the responsibility 'f 'em workin', eh? knock wood, phone 'n net workin' this morn.
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• Belews Creek, North Carolina
15 Oct 23
Very frustrating!! I depend on our internet to be able to earn my paycheck and I get very hot under the collar when I don't get the service that I'm paying for!
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• United States
19 Oct 23
e'er notice they aint keen to give ya a pro-rated discount fer such?? i jest aint printable words. seems they didn't care much fer maintainin' their towers out'n rural country.
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• Belews Creek, North Carolina
23 Oct 23
@crazyhorseladycx We asked them about prorating several years back when they kept the lines in our neighbourhood. They installed a cable for the neighbour and cut ours. Fixed ours and cut theirs. It went back and fourth between 4 houses before they finally got it fixed. They didn't laugh at our request for proration, but they might as well have!