RIP Mr Turkey

By MrsJ
Belews Creek, North Carolina
October 18, 2023 3:54pm CST
February 17th I found this guy casually putzing around my deck. I marvelled at the anomaly and took a few photos. We’ve seen flocks of hens stroll through the neighbourhood pretty frequently over the years, but we had never seen a lone tom. Over the past several months he has been a regular visitor. He’d disappear for weeks at a time but then would turn up again. Wandering through the neighbourhood. Nothing seemed to phase him. Traffic would honk when he meandered into the road. I used the leaf blower to clear debris off of my driveway while he was visiting and didn’t even startle him. Unfortunately, he was a little too unconcerned with the modern world. Someone shared on social media that Mr Turkey was the victim of a hit-and-run accident. It was bound to happen…playing chicken (turkey?) with traffic tends to not end well.
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16 responses
@AmbiePam (96666)
• United States
18 Oct 23
That is kind of sad. We’ve got a turkey people keep hoping gets hit by a car. It keeps chasing children (there have been recordings). I find it funny, but I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to be outraged. It doesn’t hurt them, it just chased them. The kids have been around thirteen so it hasn’t left anyone in tears. Little kids aren’t left alone on that street so they seem to always be protected by their parents.
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@paigea (36320)
• Canada
19 Oct 23
I saw some swans chasing some boys on bikes. Then I was afraid to walk past them. I waited and joined some other walkers and the swans didn't bother us. Maybe bikes they don't like? Or, I wondered if kids torment them sometimes.
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• Belews Creek, North Carolina
19 Oct 23
We had a rooster that was evil and would attack anyone foolish enough to wander into his space. We got rid of him before he seriously hurt someone.
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@AmbiePam (96666)
• United States
19 Oct 23
@SophiaMorros Wise decision.
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@Juliaacv (52775)
• Canada
18 Oct 23
Aw, that is really sad, he was obviously old and maybe hard of hearing. I hope that when I get old(er) and lose my hearing and walk slow, nobody hits me with their car.
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• Belews Creek, North Carolina
19 Oct 23
I don't know if he was old, but he was not afraid of anything. Not even a healthy respect for anything that might be dangerous.
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@jstory07 (142725)
• Roseburg, Oregon
23 Oct 23
Oh poor Mr Turkey that is sad he was hit.
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@jstory07 (142725)
• Roseburg, Oregon
24 Oct 23
• Belews Creek, North Carolina
23 Oct 23
I miss him hanging out around my window while I'm working!
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@JudyEv (349256)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Oct 23
I've been transcribing my Mum's diary from 1957 and at one point she took 30 turkey hens and 15 gobblers to town. We used to breed them for sale. I was astounded when I first learnt they were wild there. Our 'bush' turkeys are quite different.
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@JudyEv (349256)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Oct 23
@SophiaMorros The turkeys my Mum had looked exactly like yours. Our bush turkey was quite different.
• Belews Creek, North Carolina
19 Oct 23
Wild turkeys are an entirely different animal from the domesticated varieties. As a general rule, they are really good at surviving and are really hard to find during turkey season (in early April there is a 1 week youth season and a 1 week open season).
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@porwest (98169)
• United States
19 Oct 23
Poor guy. At first, when I read the title, I swore you were going to say you decided to take him out yourself for a fresh turkey dinner for Thanksgiving.
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@porwest (98169)
• United States
24 Oct 23
• Belews Creek, North Carolina
23 Oct 23
I would not have put that past my husband.
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@MarieCoyle (42032)
19 Oct 23
I used to live on a fairly large lake. We had a pair of wild turkeys that basically lived on our dock for the 5 years we were there. They were both friendly. They loved to sun on the dock, and scratched around for mussels on the edge of the lake. I enjoyed them a lot. I'm sorry he won't be visiting your deck anymore.
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• Belews Creek, North Carolina
23 Oct 23
He is missed!
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@MarieCoyle (42032)
24 Oct 23
@SophiaMorros I understand. I had a little red fox who had babies 3 years in a row next to the creek that ran by the edge of the property. I loved watching the babies play. One year, I found evidence of an attack from what I believe was a coyote--it killed the mother. I found all the babies, and took called the wildlife people, who took them to a rehab center until they were old enough to be on their own. Made me so sad, she was a good mom and always careful to watch her little ones.
@rebelann (113544)
• El Paso, Texas
19 Oct 23
That's a shame. I've never seen a live turkey but I've heard they're huge so why don't people pay attention when wildlife is around?
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@rebelann (113544)
• El Paso, Texas
19 Oct 23
That's a bummer.
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• Belews Creek, North Carolina
19 Oct 23
The road he got hit on is a main road with no shoulders and lots of curves. He was in the habit of wandering through one of the blind curves between 7 and 8 when everyone is trying to get to work and school. I don't walk out of our neighbourhood because it's just too risky.
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@FourWalls (72760)
• United States
19 Oct 23
So sorry to hear that. We have a chicken running loose in our neighborhood, and we have people who think the 25 MPH speed limit is merely a suggestion. I’m worried that the chicken might not get to cross the road successfully one day, too.
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• Belews Creek, North Carolina
19 Oct 23
Our street Ts into a main road with a 50 mph speed limit. The road has no shoulders and is curvy. My daughter got hit by a deer (seriously, even the insurance adjuster agreed) in the same stretch where Mr Turkey met his demise. She was not going 50...not unless she floored it pulling out of our street. Even then I don't think the car she was driving at the time had the oomph for that kind of acceleration.
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• United States
19 Oct 23
oh, how sad! i reckon not all give leeway to critters. i hope he didn't suffer.
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• Belews Creek, North Carolina
20 Oct 23
I think it was quick. I'm thankful he didn't cause anyone to run off the road and wrap themselves around a tree.
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@1creekgirl (43107)
• United States
19 Oct 23
Aw, that's too bad. I thought maybe you were going to have him as a "special guest" at Thanksgiving.
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• Belews Creek, North Carolina
19 Oct 23
I was wondering if he would survive through the holidays.
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@sallypup (63392)
• Centralia, Washington
19 Oct 23
Poor turkey. My hubby and I raised turkeys a few years back. They are quite peaceable birds.
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• Belews Creek, North Carolina
23 Oct 23
He definitely was not aggressive...not like our roosters have been.
@Fleura (31386)
• United Kingdom
18 Oct 23
That's a shame, but at least it was a quick end. What happened to the body?
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• Belews Creek, North Carolina
23 Oct 23
I don't know. It's pretty likely that the other local fauna took care of it.
@paigea (36320)
• Canada
19 Oct 23
Animals and vehicles. It was bound to happen.
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• Belews Creek, North Carolina
23 Oct 23
He was a little too bold and brazen about wandering in the road.
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@RubyHawk (99404)
• Atlanta, Georgia
19 Oct 23
My sister lives in the country and has wild turkeys wandering around their place.
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• Belews Creek, North Carolina
23 Oct 23
We see flocks in the back pretty regularly, but this was our first tom. I miss seeing him outside of my window while I'm working.
@Tampa_girl7 (52217)
• United States
19 Oct 23
Poor Mr.Turkey.
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@xFiacre (13354)
• Ireland
18 Oct 23
@sophiamorros We had a golden pheasant who used to come calling but I fear he was either bagged for the pot of fell foul of a fox.
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