How my anxiety is lessening with special techniques

November 17, 2023 2:50am CST
I feel better than I have in years! My peer had taught me something for anxiety called "grounding Techniques" the one I used to do house chores that I put off because I was too anxious is "Categories" With this one I picked different categories, thus the name. my favorite category is Names and I said them aloud because it was just my cat with me. But it is recommended that you say them mentally to yourself. I picked Names first and said out loud but lowly and said as many names as I could. I said names like characters in the Leslie Meier book I am reading now, names of my family. names of celebrities, authors, people I know, friends from mylot, and whatever other names I could think of. Then I did ice cream flavors, which I didn't do as well as name. I tried cookie types and did a little bit better. I only knew a few Italian foods when I tried that one. I am going to pick some categories and do searches online of things that fit under that category and write them down. I will go over them once in a while when I have time. Then when I have anxiety I will practice this grounding technique. There are other types of grounding techniques but I have not tried any of the other ones- yet. I will look into them and try them to see if they help. I am unsure why something so simple works but my case manager is coming today for a home visit and I will ask her why they work My sister suggested it made me forget the anxiety I was feeling. I am not sure if that is the official reason but all I know is they work! I did so many things yesterday that I slept almost straight through from 6 p.m. until 12:24 a.m. I woke up around 8:45 p.m. and was able to lay in bed and fall back to sleep in minutes and sleep about another 4 hours! It feels great to have so much sleep! my sister said I need more exercise to sleep and I had a lot of steps in yesterday and slept great and will try to get many steps daily have a great day!
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17 responses
@lazydaizee (6735)
• United Kingdom
17 Nov
Please tell us more about the grounding techniques, I could do with something like that to make me sleep better and feel less anxious.
4 people like this
17 Nov
I will work on a post and try to get it up as soon as possible. I was hoping they might be of benefit to others as they were to me yesterday. I know I am so happy I started them. I am blessed I have my peer who planted the seed in my head to start using them
3 people like this
• United Kingdom
17 Nov
@LovesEverybody I will be looking out for your posts in the future.
3 people like this
17 Nov
@lazydaizee I will try to post them in the near future. I am going to work on them now.
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@RebeccasFarm (88351)
• Arvada, Colorado
17 Nov
This is wonderful Jennifer that you are lessening the anxiety. It is a tough thing to be able to get less of that is for sure with all the issues today. I wish you lots of peace.
3 people like this
• Arvada, Colorado
17 Nov
@LovesEverybody peace for me, but I have the Lord Jesus.
3 people like this
17 Nov
@RebeccasFarm I don't have much peace either. I would be lost if I didn't have my Lord
3 people like this
17 Nov
Thank you! Yes, I feel so much better with my anxiety. I need to practice as today is only my second day practicing the techniques In between other things today I am doing some reading on other grounding techniques. I used to be more anxious about the issues today but nine months ago on the last Saturday of this month, I totally gave up all possible types of news. I watch mostly old comedies instead. I have on I dream of Jeannie now! Thank you I wish lots of peace too.
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@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
17 Nov
This technique seems extremely interesting. I am going to research about Grounding Techniques, because we all have stressful times and we need to relax for a better sleep.
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@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
17 Nov
@LovesEverybody I am sure that many members of myLot are interested to know more about the Grounding Techniques.
2 people like this
17 Nov
The Grounding Techniques are great! Yes, we all do have stressful times and they help so much. I am going to post about some other ones in case somebody wants to know more and hopefully, they can help them.
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18 Nov
@LadyDuck I think so because I have seen on YouTube videos from licensed mental health professionals that many, many people experience anxiety. The stories some viewers add in the comments to those videos are heartbreaking with how much they are suffering
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@DaddyEvil (137232)
• United States
17 Nov
I'm so glad you've found something that works to help you with your anxiety! (I think it helps you because you're focusing on remembering what the names are for different people or different foods that your brain can't keep focused on whatever is causing the anxiety so you start calming down... Of course, I'm no doctor so might be wrong. I'm just glad it works for you. ) And I'm glad you were able to get so many hours of sleep, too.
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@DaddyEvil (137232)
• United States
17 Nov
@LovesEverybody You're very welcome. You have a smart sister! I'd be interested in your case manager's explanation if you don't mind sharing it later. Lots of hard work always helps us sleep better. There have been times that I was too tired to keep my eyes open and then I didn't want to wake up for work the next morning. You have the same problem I do when I wake up to go pee... Turning on a light in the bathroom wakes me up too much for me to go back to sleep. (I have to turn a light on or I miss the toilet and I hate cleaning up messes.) Thank you. You have a great day, too.
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17 Nov
@DaddyEvil My sister is the smartest! I will gladly share what my case manager says. I did a lot of hard work yesterday. I did two loads of laundry, washed a sinkful of dishes, took a bath, washed my hair, and did a lot of walking around. I didn't put on my fitness watch yesterday so have no idea how many steps I took. I have on my fitness watch today! I get up to use the bathroom, but I try to not turn on the lights. I have a night light in my room and the bathroom so I don't have much of a problem getting to the bathroom and back to my bed
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17 Nov
thank you! I think your explanation makes sense. My sister said something similar. I also think it uses distractions and my mind is too distracted to pay attention to my anxiety. I am going to try to get the reason from my case manager when she comes for a Home Visit in a couple of hours I was so surprised I got so much sleep. that has been unusual for me for the last eight years. I wasn't expecting to sleep so long and certainly not expecting to fall back to sleep when I woke up a couple of hours after I fell asleep! Have a great day
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@aninditasen (16140)
• Raurkela, India
17 Nov
I was suffering from anxiety but did my household chores efficiently. Meditation and yoga brought me out of anxiety.
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@aninditasen (16140)
• Raurkela, India
18 Nov
@LovesEverybody The mind is always active except when you are sleeping. So thoughts will come to your mind, but sit quietly in a place closing your eyes. Gradually your mind will calm down.
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17 Nov
there are also some other types of problems I suffer from that somehow make it hard to do household chores easily. I have tried and tried meditation but my mind races constantly so I can't meditate
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18 Nov
@aninditasen My mind runs and runs on thoughts that are not necessary. I will try to sit quietly with my eyes closed. What do I do if my mind doesn't calm down?
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
22 Nov
@LovesEverybody It sounds like all is working what you are doing and that is great It does not matter who suggested them, what matters is that something is working and you are getting sleep and that is very good. Take care of yourself and your cat.
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
23 Nov
@LovesEverybody I am sorry that it is not working for you. I hope you can find a solution that will work. My cat is probably traumatized by the war but as long as the sirens do not go off here it is ok and as long as she can go out on the porch she is happy. Our guys have to be able to do the job they are trained for and get rid of our enemies and keep them away from us and that takes time. I do not know how long the war will last but we need our hostages home and our soldiers home too.
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22 Nov
I hate to say it but they are not working as much as they did the first time. I am not getting very much sleep either. I will take care of myself and my cat. How is your cat doing?
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24 Nov
@Hannihar I will find a way to get rid of this anxiety somehow or other. I hope your cat is okay. How are you?
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@RasmaSandra (77609)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
17 Nov
Glad to know you are feeling better and that this is working for you. I am glad that I too have been managing very well with my anxiety control,
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@RasmaSandra (77609)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
18 Nov
@LovesEverybody I keep to a regular schedule, I keep working online because I enjoy that, and keep thinking positively,
1 person likes this
18 Nov
Thank you! I am happy for you! may I ask what methods you have been using to control your anxiety?
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19 Nov
@RasmaSandra I have read I am supposed to keep a schedule because I am bipolar. I have such a hard time with a schedule. But if I can use it to help anxiety, I am going to sit down and work on one and try my hardest to keep to it. I think my problem is I never wrote down a schedule so that is probably why I never kept one. I enjoy reading so will fit in time for that and for being on mylot I am working with my peer on thinking positively
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Nov
Wow that's a lot of sleep for you!! glad you were able to sleep that many hours and feel so much better. Those grounding techniques sound interesting and glad they are working for you.
1 person likes this
• United States
18 Nov
@LovesEverybody hope you can overcome the anxiety this morning by using your techniques.
1 person likes this
18 Nov
That was a lot of sleep! Last night I fell asleep around 5:20 p.m. and woke up and turned on the TV but fell back to sleep after about 5 minutes and slept until 11 p.m.! For the second night in a row, I was tired enough to actually sleep! Thank you! For some reason I have been anxious all morning since I got up so I have been stopping periodically to practice a grounding technique
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19 Nov
@Marilynda1225 Thank you so much! It is taking me some time but nothing good happens quickly. However, I do see some results.
@TheHorse (214031)
• Walnut Creek, California
17 Nov
I try to have focused and repetitive things to do. Practicing scales on guitar, sanding speakers, and doing my dishes all count.
1 person likes this
17 Nov
The idea of having focused and repetitive things sounds like it would work great. that must be why when I started to do the dishes again yesterday it felt so good. I discovered I like washing dishes and the repetition must be why. I understand the reason why focusing makes a person feel good but why does repetition?
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@TheHorse (214031)
• Walnut Creek, California
17 Nov
@LovesEverybody Two things that lessen anxiety are predictability and controllability. Two things that increase anxiety are living in an unpredictable world, and losing our sense of control. Sanding speakers is predictable and controllable. So is putting dishes in the dishwasher and turning it on. And brewing up a cup of (your favorite beverage) and drinking it.
1 person likes this
18 Nov
@TheHorse Does washing dishes by hand as good for being predictable and controllable as putting dishes in a dishwasher? I do not have a dishwasher and I don't want one
@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
17 Nov
I'm glad your grounding techniques work.
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
17 Nov
@LovesEverybody I'm glad you did too.
1 person likes this
17 Nov
Thank you! They are working wonders, I am so happy I took my peer's advice and tried them!
1 person likes this
17 Nov
@just4him I was looking for something else and found a paper with other grounding techniques that my peer gave me many months ago
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@JESSY3236 (19578)
• United States
21 Nov
That's cool. I get anxiety and I do meditation. I also have cbd oil that will help me relax when I see my gyno doctor.
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@dya80dya (36155)
25 Nov
@LovesEverybody I just noticed your comment. Meditation doesn't mean that you have to stop your thoughts. You just let them come and go. They are like clouds in the sky. I will copy something here: "By observing your thoughts as if they are clouds in the sky, you can learn something about the nature of your mind: that your thoughts come and go (if you let them), that you don't have to react to them, or believe them, or judge them, or get caught up with them. You can just notice them and let them drift by."
2 people like this
25 Nov
@dya80dya Thank you so much for this explanation, I somehow thought that one had to stop their thoughts altogether. Thank you for letting me know the truth. I will try it.
2 people like this
22 Nov
Do you have success with meditation? I have tried it many times and I can't stop my mind from racing as it has been for decades I have never tried CBD oil, but have heard and read about it. I refuse to go to the gyno doctor. too much anxiety and other reasons
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@RubyHawk (99410)
• Atlanta, Georgia
19 Nov
This must be the Jennifer I became acquainted with on Triond. I just couldn’t put it together until I saw this discussion. I’m so glad to see you back. We’ve both had troubles over the years , but seems like you’re doing well. I think I’ve taken a break from mylot since you were here. I still wish you the best.
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@RubyHawk (99410)
• Atlanta, Georgia
21 Nov
@LovesEverybody I’m sorry you’re feeling frustrated. I often feel the same. I’ve taken a few breaks from mylot. I wondered what happened when you disappeared.
1 person likes this
21 Nov
@RubyHawk I was doing so bad that I deleted my account and then realized what a mistake that was. I decided to make a balance between time on mylot and other computer things and reading a good old-fashioned book or magazine that is paper. I need it for my mental health. I will only spend two to three hours a day on the computer.
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20 Nov
Thank you for the best wishes. Yes, this is Jennifer from Triond and we were also friends on myLot until I left mylot I ended up regretting that I left mylot for the long months I was gone. I came back on November 3 of this year I was doing well but woke up feeling bad again as I am frustrated and irritated.
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@dya80dya (36155)
17 Nov
I have anxiety too. Grounding techniques help a lot. Can you tell me more about them?
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@dya80dya (36155)
17 Nov
@LovesEverybody Thank you.
1 person likes this
17 Nov
@dya80dya You are most welcome. I will try my hardest to post them on Saturday. I had to do some things today that lasted longer than I expected. it is almost time to lay in bed and read and watch TV. But I promise to post them.
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17 Nov
I am going to be sharing more soon. It might be in several posts as there are quite a few of them.
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@MarieCoyle (34021)
22 Nov
I have never suffered from anxiety. I hope I never do, I have enough health problems! I have a friend who is someone overly anxious at times. She swears by this rule~ What is the 333 rule for anxiety? What is the 333 Rule for Anxiety? | MyWellbeing It's an easy technique to remember and use in the moment, it's available to us the majority of the time, and it can be a simple strategy to help us focus and ground when anxiety overwhelms. Put simply, you name three things you can see, name three things you can hear, and move three different body parts. You could try it, in case you never have. Like I said, she swears by it, but I don't know if it would help you, just passing on the information, Jennifer.
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@MarieCoyle (34021)
22 Nov
@LovesEverybody I hope you can find techniques that can help you. You are a good lady, and I know you are trying to be as well as you can be. Hang in there, Jen!
1 person likes this
22 Nov
@MarieCoyle Thank you! I am trying hard! I will hang in there! It is hard but I have my cat to think about as he is my best friend ever and I need to be well to take care of him. I trust nobody else to take care of hi as I know all his little quirks, what he likes and doesn't etc.
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22 Nov
Thank you so much for thinking of me! I have heard of something like this that involved higher numbers and different things. think it is called 5-4-3-2-1. I can use all the help I can get so I am going to try the version you just shared! I wrote the version down you were kind enough to share!
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@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
17 Nov
i have heard of these techniques but not the specific name. i am glad they are working
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@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
18 Nov
@LovesEverybody It is easy to be in deniall about so many things.
1 person likes this
18 Nov
thank you! I had never heard of them before my peer originally taught me them some time ago but then I was in denial that I needed them back then
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18 Nov
@snowy22315 I spent so many years in denial about things like my anxiety etc. I am slowly learning to accept I am not perfect but I am not a bad person
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@Tina30219 (81605)
• Onaway, Michigan
17 Nov
It is good that this is helping you out keep it up anything that helps is great we all need something like this in our lives to help with the anxiety that goes on.
1 person likes this
17 Nov
I am going to practice them for the rest of my life. Yes, we all do need something like this for anxiety. There is too much going on in the world that could make any person anxious
@jstory07 (137351)
• Roseburg, Oregon
17 Nov
The grounding techniques should work really good for you. Enjoy the rest of your day.
1 person likes this
17 Nov
I think they will continue to work well for me! I am going to look up the other techniques and try those. I can't wait to tell my case manager later this morning! Thank you, I will enjoy the rest of my day! I will try to find ways to get in the steps so I sleep better again tonight!
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