A Christmas Miracle truly has occurred in my life!

November 25, 2023 5:13am CST
I have written about me having anxiety. I have had it for 40+ years. However, the last three or four months have been excruciating and I have been suffering. don't worry I won't bring you down this holiday season as this gets better! The grounding techniques I talked about here stopped working after one or two times, then stopped working. Back to the Christmas miracle! I went to get my injection and had to see my doctor on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Somehow my doctor finally noticed I was suffering from too much anxiety. Before I knew it, he was increasing the dose of the anxiety medicine I take from 30 mg a day to 45 mg a day taken three times a day! After two doses I already feel a bit better I don't feel as nervous and I am not even washing my hands as much which is from an anxiety disorder my mind feels clearer now. I feel like I have a new life! However, the increased dose has made me drowsy. I had 8 hours of sleep last night and I am tired again because I took my morning dose. today I woke up last night around midnight and went back to bed something I haven't done in years! Yes, Christmas miracles do occur! Have you ever had a Christmas Miracle occur in your life or seen one in a friend or family member's life?
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8 responses
@shaggin (72011)
• United States
25 Nov
I’m very happy the anxiety is better for you. Does it bother you that you are sleeping more from it? From what I recall you battle insomnia so maybe this is a blessing it’s working on two things.
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
26 Nov
@LovesEverybody does it say if they dizzyness Will wear off over time?
2 people like this
27 Nov
@shaggin it does say some side effects will wear off over time. It must be true as I am not as dizzy anymore
2 people like this
25 Nov
Thank you very much! I didn't mind sleeping so much from it. I hope it lasts longer as today is only the first full day I have been on it. Yesterday I only took my bedtime dose as I got home too late for the afternoon dose. it is a blessing the anxiety is being held and I slept last night. It was nice sleeping! the only problem is I looked it up and it says that I can be dizzy from it. I have been slightly dizzy all day and last night after I took it
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@dya80dya (36414)
25 Nov
I am so glad that you found something that works for you. I will need to increase the medication dose too. I know how it feels when you finally find something that works. It's a miracle indeed. I had some miracles, but they weren't happening when Christmas came.
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25 Nov
Thank you. I hope when you increase your medication it works. The miracle happening at Christmas is indeed a miracle. Let's hope you get a miracle this Christmas season with your medication.
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@dya80dya (36414)
28 Nov
@LovesEverybody Thank you. This severe anxiety needs to be stopped. How do you feel now?
2 people like this
28 Nov
@dya80dya Yes I have had enough as I am sure you have severe anxiety. How are you feeling? I am not feeling well unless I am using distractions to keep my mind so busy that I don't think about my anxiety because my mind is so engaged in distracting myself. For example, a distraction I did this morning before I left this morning was to rearrange my silverware in the silverware drawer. and another thing is I have been cleaning my desk every day in the evening after I use it all day. I started to do a lot of other things today and they are slightly working. Just keeping busy.
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@snowy22315 (178806)
• United States
25 Nov
Glad you found something that is working for you.
2 people like this
25 Nov
thank you so much! am feeling somewhat better since I took my second increased dose at 3 a.m. today
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@Shavkat (138746)
• Philippines
25 Nov
Every day is always a miracles for me, especially if being with my immediate family.
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25 Nov
Good for you for feeling it is a miracle to be with your immediate famiily
1 person likes this
• United States
1 Dec
I hope the new dosage helps and that you won't be suffering from so much anxiety. I feel so bad that your anxiety can become so debilitating.
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1 Dec
Thank you! I had my case manager over for a home visit this morning and she said I look great! I look relaxed and I even look happy and some other great things. With the new increased dose of anxiety medicine, my psychiatrist gave me last week and the medicine my primary care doctor gave me for a physical problem that makes me tired my case manager also said I am probably doing better because I am sleeping a decent amount each night. Overall, I think my case manager was thrilled with how well I am doing!
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@Dena91 (16570)
• United States
25 Nov
I am glad the increased dosage has relieved some of your anxiety.
2 people like this
25 Nov
thank you so much! I feel glad too. it has not relieved all of it, but enough to bring some happiness
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@popciclecold (38205)
• United States
28 Nov
Really happy for you. Anxiety can be hard to deal with.
1 person likes this
30 Nov
thank you, yes anxious is very hard. I have been dealing with it at least 40+ out of my over 50 years
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@RebeccasFarm (89231)
• Arvada, Colorado
25 Nov
I am so happy to read this Jennifer I am looking forward to a miracle for God to help me get some relief for myself and my son.
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• Arvada, Colorado
25 Nov
@LovesEverybody Thanks Jennifer..okay dose up now and feel good, nothing wrong with that
2 people like this
25 Nov
Thank you!!! I am going to be taking my second dose of the day after lunch which I will have in ten minutes so maybe I can feel even better! I will pray to God to give both you and your son relief
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25 Nov
@RebeccasFyou're right, nothing wrong with that! going to have turkey and then have my medicine!
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