Handling Family Politics / Drama

@much2say (57326)
Los Angeles, California
December 18, 2023 12:20pm CST
This will be a long one for anyone who is wiling to read! Thank you in advance! My dad was estranged from his many siblings. Things would never be resolved, so when my dad passed away last year, my mom decided she would always respect my dad's feelings and leave that side of the family as it was. Last week from out of the blue, my cousin left a message to me that her elderly father (my late aunt's husband, my dad's oldest sister) wanted to see my mother. That was VERY surprising considering some weird incidents with them in the past decade. We have not seen nor heard from them in years. Plus we never received any message of sympathy from that family regarding my dad's passing, even though they used to be probably closest to us. The tone did not sound urgent in her voice message or text. It was "when you had a chance" kind of thing. Knowing my uncle, he may have felt guilty he had not said a word about my dad's passing all this time, so he wanted to make amends about that - maybe only that. I text replied a thank you, how is everyone, and that I would tell my mom to call her, if that was ok. It was odd that she did not call my mom directly but perhaps she was testing the waters too. I immediately called my mom to let her know what's going on and how she felt about it. She thought it was quite odd too. She knows how my dad felt about them, but she was willing to talk to my cousin when I got the ok. So the plan was . . . get the ok, and have my mom call my cousin. They could feel each other out and my mom could make her own decisions about any of this. My younger sister happened to call my mom that day, and was told about this. She does not "think" like my parents and I do - she does not understand how this family rolls. My sister hollered that maybe my uncle was on his last days. She told my mom she could pick her up right now and they could run to the hospital . . . go grab a jacket because it can get cold, etc etc etc being an alarmist, as always, before getting all the information. So my sister took it upon herself to call my cousin immediately. They chatted. All was well with my uncle - in fact he is healthy except that he is now deaf. He did want to visit my mom, so my sister went ahead to start planning things for my mom with my cousin. My sister was only happy to do this to make family relations good again . . . which the rest of us did not. I did not know any of this happened . . . I was still waiting for my cousin to get back to me . . . and eventually, after the fact, I got the ok. My mom was about to make the call to my cousin, but then my sister happened to call and told her it was not necessary to talk to my cousin . My mom felt it was only right and proper to talk to my cousin, especially if they were to meet at some point - so she did. Later that day, my sister called my mom to say that she had already made the arrangements to take her to my uncle's house this weekend (in 2 days). The original plan was to have lunch at my mom's house. And by the way, my other uncle and aunt (the wolves) would be coming plus another aunt (a different kind of wolf, the sister my dad never wanted to see ever again). My cousin had made no mention of any of this to my mom. Mom's thought, as was mine . . . WHAT?! My sister never asked my mom how she felt about seeing any of them or the in laws nor about what day/time would even be good for her . . . she just took it upon herself to make these decisions for her. My mom was a deer in the headlights . My mom thought about it. She told me she was NOT ready for all of this. Maybe next year - maybe never. My mom told my sister, who got miffed about having to cancel (well she should have ASKED my mom about it all first), so my mom said maybe in January). My sister got mad in the tone that she was burdening my cousin with this cancellation and hung up abruptly. The next day, my sister texted me about what days in January I could meet my uncle and cousin at my mom's house for lunch (she did not ask my mom about any of this again). I told her she needed to arrange that WITH my mom and my cousin - NOT me - THEY are the ones that this involves. I said clear it with them first (isn't that logical??) - and that I could probably meet at that day/time. She got mad. Then she called my mom to tell her I won't give her an answer about what day I could come. My sister picked first weekend of January (geez, why is she so obsessed with planning this, and so soon when my mom is clearly not ready in her heart). My mom stood up for herself and gave her some words . My sister argued: * What - did my mom change her mind again. Well if my sister wasn't being the middle person/planner, they could have figured out things for themselves. * That my mom was scared to talk to family. In fact I (meaning me) was also scared to talk. Um, seriously? She told my mom what is she scared of . . . um, that's a bullying tactic, isn't it? * The past is the past and we have hang ups. She brings up her past woes ALL the time and clearly resents us - and she is one to talk about hang ups? * Does my mom want my dad's family to be like her estranged situation with her siblings . . . newsflash, it already has been that way with my dad's family for years now. She yelled at my mom. She told my mom to go call my cousin herself and make her own plans (um, that is what was supposed to transpire in the first place). Go do it yourself - CLICK (she hung up the phone on my mom). My mom had a heart to heart talk with me. Then she called my cousin, planned a date for my uncle and her to come over later in January. It was a simple 5 minute pleasant invite conversation. See, this is all it had to be from the first place. And of course I will come and help my mom on that day, if she'd like. She left the date message for my sister, but my sister has not returned her call. Any 2 cents? How do you deal with family politics and drama, which I hope you do not have to deal with like I do ?
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16 responses
@AmbiePam (96381)
• United States
18 Dec 23
I guess your mom can’t say, I love you, but butt out? Control issues are obviously a problem for her, and I can’t fathom having to deal with that. This also might be the time for your mom to decide your sister is on a need to know basis. Obviously, you guys love your sister, and had no idea she was going to do all that. But now that you do know, hopefully certain things won’t be shared until it is absolutely necessary. Bless your hearts!
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@AmbiePam (96381)
• United States
18 Dec 23
@much2say That break is going to bother her a heck of a lot more than anyone else.
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
19 Dec 23
@AmbiePam My hope is that she will sit on this and make some realizations. Or maybe she won't. But yah, she is probably stewing right now.
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
18 Dec 23
Exactly. This is why I stopped "sharing" with my sister from a long time ago. I had no intention of telling my sister until it was squared away, but my mom already innocently told her. Who knew it would get ugly like this (and it didn't have to). It will be interesting what happens after this . . . I have a feeling my sister will skip out on Christmas and New Years ... all because she is in a tizzy fit right now. What a shame but on the otherhand we need a break from her.
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@RebeccasFarm (92682)
• United States
18 Dec 23
Yes, you know what I say..your sister and mine are duplicates..interfering ..I'll leave the name out here. For heaven's sake, your poor Mom. She does not need all this stress or to be made to feel guilty. I am mad to read this Much.as I know you are angry too. So sorry you are burdened with her that sister. And this meeting..hmm I don't know about that. But I hope it goes well and is not too much of a strain on your Mom.
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
18 Dec 23
You of all people I knew could relate. I am tired of this crap, and so is my mom. Interfering . . . yes - that is exactly it. She also keeps expressing how this is for our dear uncle and how he must want to see us all before he goes (I seriously doubt that) and that it should be done asap. Funny how she did not do the same for her own father - and wanted to deny his request of seeing one of his brothers. My mom and I already know the meeting will be two-faced . . . it will be "nice" but we will all talk behind our own doors when it's over. I figured you may just be the only to respond . Will eventually take this down .
3 people like this
• United States
18 Dec 23
@much2say If there is anyone to understand, you know it is me. Yes, the meeting may be civil, but you can talk away when they leave. Who does she think she is that sister? Who does that too? Bonkers. Yeah I know..she did not do the same for Father. I'm with you..you know it xo If you need to vent, you know where I be.
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
18 Dec 23
@RebeccasFarm Thank you . Geez my sister thinks so backwards. She is being real pissy right now. Not calling my mom at all. Of course not talking to me either. So immature and stupid. Exactly. Who does this . . . exactly what I told my mom. Thank you for listening always .
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@snowy22315 (186230)
• United States
18 Dec 23
It sounds like sis is one of those who wants to control everything. Then she gets mad when people don't fall in line like ducks when she doesn't really pass info on in the first place. My sis is a bit like that. I don't know..maybe ignore her tantrums?? I mean where does it say she gets to be in charge anyway? I think your mom probably needs to tell her she appreciates "the help" but she is more comfortable making her own decisions about this and when to see the family. In other words politely tell sis to back off and take a chill pill.
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@snowy22315 (186230)
• United States
18 Dec 23
@much2say I think you and sis need to have a come to Jesus meeting. I mean seriously, where does she get off judging what you do for your mom? Don't be afraid of her anger, she is a bully who needs to be put in her place.
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
18 Dec 23
@snowy22315 Yah, I guess so. I don't "discuss" much with her because there is no telling her anything - she just gets defensive and starts lashing out. It's rather childish. My dad was the one who always put her in her place . . . now that he's gone she feels she can freely do/say what she wants. A bully indeed.
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
18 Dec 23
Controlling, yes, and throws a fit when things don't go her way. These tantrum are immature, and I don't know if she is self aware about these things (meanwhile she is calling everyone else immature). She bosses my mom around instead of helping her in a loving way - and judges everything I do for my mom. I agree - my mom hasn't been standing up to her, so now is the time, though politely. Chill pill - yah - maybe she needs to take a few . appreciate you taking the time to read all that and to respond . . . I seriously had to get this out of my system!!!
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@rebelann (113386)
• El Paso, Texas
19 Dec 23
Oh lordy what a mess. I simply divorced my sibling but not until after mom passed away. Family messes can be really frustrating but I admire your mom for sticking up for herself, that must have been hard for her. Your dads wishes should be honored, who else would know that family if not him, right?
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
22 Dec 23
Seriously, it is a huge mess. I'm glad my mom spoke up on this one - but this is going to be a lifelong problem regarding my sister. She is a piece of work and continues to be that. Oh yah, my dad definitely saw true colors of his sibs. My sister never understood him at all, but that does not give her the right to patch things up with his side of the family . . . especially since she involves my mom who only wants to honor my dad's wishes. Sis just shouldn't meddle, period.
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
22 Dec 23
@rebelann I hope so too. My mom is NOT the confrontational type, so it is hard for her. Can you believe my sister called her "vicious"? That is NOT a word I would ever use to describe my mom.
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@rebelann (113386)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Dec 23
You're right of course and I'm betting your mom is going to put her foot down with your sis at least I hope she does.
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@Tampa_girl7 (51966)
• United States
18 Dec 23
I know all of this has been stressful for you and your mama. I’ve reached an age where I just might tell them to kiss my you know what. Since my parent’s deaths we’ve had some unacceptable behavior from some of my extended family. I only spend time with those who I feel joy to be around.
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
18 Dec 23
Kiss my grits! (As Flo used to say ) My sister has always rubbed us the wrong way, but since my dad's passing, it has gotten worse. Stressful for sure. People seem to show their true colors after a passing . . . I just never expected this out of my own sister. I'm sorry you have had to deal with it with your extended family - I agree about not spending time with those who bring us down.
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@noni1959 (10283)
• United States
19 Dec 23
Your mom needs to set some boundaries with your sister. It can be that other side is getting older and wants to make amends but at the same time, be there for your mom in case others show with him and are meaning to ambush her.
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
22 Dec 23
Boundaries, exactly. My sister has had a year of bossing my mom around. I just found out that my mom felt sorry for my sister, so that's why she's been letting her take the reigns on many things . . . but I think my sister took it for weaknesses in my mom - that she must not be able to do things on her own. I think the meeting will be ok . . . but yes, we will be there in case the others show up . . . they are not welcomed in her home.
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
28 Dec 23
@noni1959 Oh gosh - that is something that could totally happen here. My sister gives my mom guilt trips all the time - blaming her for the past with my mom feeling obligated to apologize profusely. I don't doubt your sister was mad - as my sister would - it seems like all decisions my mom makes is unagreeable with her.
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@noni1959 (10283)
• United States
25 Dec 23
@much2say I had a sister that tried to do that with my mom and gave guilt trips. Later, when mom asked me to be her POA in health and financial, my sister was so mad. My mom said she only felt sorry for her all those years.
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@shaggin (73998)
• United States
31 Dec 23
Wow your sister really butted in way too much. She made the whole situation so uncomfortable. I am glad that your mother was able to talk to the cousin on her own and things will work out fine. I hope they have a nice visit towards the end of the month.
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
3 Jan 24
Right? And this is only 1 of many situations . . . it's been a really crazy year having to deal with my sister. I don't know why she took it upon herself to do this . . . who does this, seriously. Completely uncomfortable and awkward. Thank you . . . I'm glad my mom arranged it herself too . . . and that's how it should have been to begin with.
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@celticeagle (172308)
• Boise, Idaho
19 Dec 23
Family drama is no fun. I think your mom should be left to do it on her own in her own time. Your sister is acting rather immature. Just my opinion. This reminds me of a time after my grandparents were gone. Maybe I will post about it at some point. I hope this all goes well in January. I think your mom handled this very well.
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@celticeagle (172308)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Dec 23
@much2say .......Merry Christmas. I hope things go okay.
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
28 Dec 23
@celticeagle Hope you all had a Merry Christmas too!! We saw my sister for Christmas, which actually wasn't supposed to happen, but all was civil. Still it irks me what I know is being said/though behind the scenes with her. Thank you - just want to survive January!
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
22 Dec 23
I've grown up observing all the family drama between both sides of the family - oy, you're right it's no fun. It should all have been up to my mom to begin with - it wasn't my sister's place to make these decisions for her at all. Yah, let me know if you post about that time. Thank you. We shall see what happens in a few weeks!
1 person likes this
• United States
10 Apr
Your sister should have not barged in and definitely wrong from the start. I was going to say why would your mom be inviting them over for lunch, what? You had it handled and so did your mom. I am glad your mom shut this all down (with your sister).
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
14 Apr
Thank you for reading all this @infatuatedbby . . . you know how it is supposed to go with Asian families - my sister did not understand. So the visit happened . . . it was short and went as my mom and I expected. My sister came . . . but after they left, she went on a tizzy fit and left really angry. I guess she and my mom talked on the phone that week . . . my sister ended up telling my mom to go do everything herself . . . and my sister has not called nor visited / helped her since mid January. Can you believe that? What a piece of work.
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
17 Apr
@infatuatedbby Exactly. My mom is doing pretty good for the most part . . . we were both discussing the other day that it's actually been quite peaceful without my sister around. My sister tends to get bossy and forces her to do things while I ask my mom how she feels about things and wait for her to decide. So although it's all sad, my mom is glad she's not helping her anymore - at least for now.
• United States
14 Apr
@much2say Your sister is the type that it's her way or the highway. She doesn't understand. How does your mom feel about her not coming around or talking? How is your mom doing?
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• China
21 Dec 23
Your sister made things complicated ! She took things on her own hand and had no regard for your mom's feelings ,and also didn't ask your advice before did it.It is hardly surprising that she messed up.Hope your family can clear the air with them !
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
22 Dec 23
Exactly. My sister makes EVERYTHING complicated when it never has to be that way. I don't understand how she thought it was ok to speak on behalf of my mother . . . and I know all this would be completely against my father's wishes. My sister does not have the Asian way of thinking - so that makes things extra difficult. She does not ask for me advice, she is only quick to criticize. It is sad that both my mother and I are having to devise ways to deal with my sister . . . I am sick that this may be a lifelong issue.
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
24 Dec 23
@changjiangzhibin89 Yes she is. What we are trying to do is get 100 steps ahead of my sister so we can avoid issues with her or having to "pick up after her"!
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• China
23 Dec 23
@much2say She seems to be quick-tempered and impetuous,so frequently your mother and you have to "pick up after her",after she has done something.
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@DianneN (247183)
• United States
28 Dec 23
Wow! Too bad your sister tried to take charge, but happy your mom made the call and arrangements in the end. I’m happy that bygones will be bygones. Life is too short for family drama. I’m grateful that our family has no drama. I just keep my mouth shut.
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
29 Dec 23
My sister has been trying to take charge of everything this year . . . but she has crossed some serious lines. Believe me, my mom has kept her mouth shut for many, many years . . . she wants no more of any of it. Stay drama free . . . it's no fun as I've been seeing it all my life.
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@DianneN (247183)
• United States
29 Dec 23
@much2say I understand and have kept to myself for many years.
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@Dena91 (16859)
• United States
19 Dec 23
Mike's mom is a bit like your sister, want to be in the middle of everything and when people don't want to do just as she wants she gets upsets.
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
22 Dec 23
Oh gosh, yes - my sister is just like that. Why do people like this want to get so controlling of everyone else? It gets downright ridiculous sometimes . . . they must have no idea how they come off .
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@LindaOHio (184082)
• United States
20 Dec 23
So many families are dysfunctional. I moved away from home when I was 21; and none of my family ever had contact with me again. It's now been over 50 years. You just have to deal the best you can and try to keep up family communication if at all possible. Good luck.
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
24 Dec 23
I am learning this must be common . Oh gosh, I can only imagine what you went through . . . I hope things worked out for the best for you. I try to be diplomatic and be the peace keeper, but sheesh it's not easy . . . especially when I have to dodge bullets sometimes. Thank you .
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
28 Dec 23
@LindaOHio I think there are some things I am just going to accept as well. Hope you enjoyed all of Christmas .
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@LindaOHio (184082)
• United States
24 Dec 23
@much2say Yes, it's rough to be the diplomat. I adjusted pretty easily. I knew it wasn't going to get better and just accepted it. I hope you are able to keep up some type of communication. I hope you enjoy your Christmas Eve and Christmas.
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@dgobucks226 (36213)
30 Dec 23
I don't have an answer for your specific situation, but sometimes family dramas are unavoidable and there is no best way to resolve them. Usually, in my case these dramas just play themselves out and we eventually make up if feelings our hurt. Holding onto bitterness (as I've found out) only makes your mental state worse as do holding onto grudges. You don't have to go out of your way to be friendly in the future, if it only makes matters worse, but acting civil and taking the high road in my view is best.
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
4 Jan 24
@dgobucks226 The sad thing is, I think it's the exact opposite. She has a lot of resentment towards our dad . . . and I actually think she feels liberated in that now that he's gone, she is able to speak her mind. But it's not in a good way. Still, yah, I will remain calm and try to keep things at bay. Thank you.
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
3 Jan 24
Completely agree. Normally things would just simply work out, but things have changed since my father's passing a little over a year ago . . . at least in the way my sister reacts. A monster has gotten unleashed - and we are having to deal with it. My tactic has been to remain civil - and that is how it will be on my end . . . she will be responsible for her own actions.
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@dgobucks226 (36213)
4 Jan 24
@much2say I see. Do you think your sister has some unresolved issues regarding your father's passing? Perhaps she is projecting her sadness and unhappiness onto you. I think your approach is a good one to keep things calm and not escalate her actions.
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@jstory07 (142264)
• Roseburg, Oregon
19 Dec 23
Your sister should not have gotten involved to begin with.. Families are a lot harder to deal with than your family.
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
22 Dec 23
Exactly. It was not her place to do so. There are no simple solutions for family issues - and she shouldn't meddle in things she has no clue about.
• Georgia
19 Dec 23
Your sister needs a chill pill. I think this sort of thing keeps some people relevant in their own minds and makes them feel like a hero, even when there is no need for hero-making. These days I ask a very simple thing. Oh you think doing this thing is the right thing to do? So tell me, right for who exactly? And then the narcissists start with how selfish we are, and right there the scales will come of our eyes. Our journey has resulted in both of us now, insofar as anything that is demanded of us by family which we know to be a drama created in their own heads/lives, realising that we are not the knights who need to thunder in our white horses to rescue people from their self-inflicted problems and to make their lives better. We've also realised that we must never rush into things any longer. So when family says this has got to be done now, we say, no, let us go think about that. Generally by the time we've done the thinking and let cooler heads prevail, it will transpire that it was a storm in a teacup, as most of these family dramas and politics tend to turn out anyway.
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
24 Dec 23
Maybe she needs to take a few of those chill pills . You said a lot of things that I have told my mom . . . on the same page here, especially about someone needing to feel like the hero. That's exactly what it seems to be. Funny because she has used the word "narcissist" about my late dad - yah, look who's talking, right? I completely agree with all that you have said - wow, have you gone through similar things with people/family too? Seriously, I am tired of it . . . I don't care to get entangled in my sister's drama but I do need and want to protect my mother all I can. Storm in a teacup - right!!