It was about time

Cloverdale, Indiana
January 14, 2024 4:22am CST
Well, well, well, I knew at SOME point this had to come we haven't had a bad winter in a few yrs so it was due now it's here to stay awhile & it's not letting up any time soon, thank God we thought to get everything we needed. I just hope in DUE time this lets up a little where I can get to a few appts I have & it starts warming up a bit but if not then I'll just have to cancel & reschedule what appts I have. I havein to do that cause I don't know how the weather will be for the next appt & I don't like having to reschedule appts over & over again, so I'll just wait & see how it goes from here. Every 1 that's IN this mess just hang tight & keep warm & safe the roads aren't safe to be on them & the weather is too cold to be out in it so the BEST thing to do is STAY IN DOORS. it's 5:30 & I'm too cold sitting here so I'm going to crawl BACK in bed & stay there till I THINK about getting up to do my meds & get something to eat that's WARM & go right back to bed.
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9 responses
@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
14 Jan 24
We had to go out this morning, but we came back home before noon. It is cold outside and the roads are iced. I am glad we can stay home now.
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• United States
14 Jan 24
That sounds terrible.
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@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
14 Jan 24
@popciclecold Slippery roads are what I fear most.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
14 Jan 24
amen on being home for the day glad to hear you could get out & about to get things done.
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@RebeccasFarm (92682)
• United States
14 Jan 24
Its brutal here too..stay warm.
2 people like this
• United States
14 Jan 24
@2ndchances24 Oh no frozen pipes?
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
14 Jan 24
We are, you can believe that, we don't do cold like this we changed out 2 heaters this morn to warm this place up more & the bathroom is froze up which ISN'T a good thing.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
14 Jan 24
@RebeccasFarm yeah of all things the BATHROOM.
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@wolfgirl569 (112635)
• Marion, Ohio
14 Jan 24
The roads don't look too bad here. But we don't have to go anywhere for a few days
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@wolfgirl569 (112635)
• Marion, Ohio
14 Jan 24
@2ndchances24 I did fill the bird feeder today. No thawing here for a few more days
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
14 Jan 24
that's what I like to hear, it's flipping COLD outside, I went to the cabin to feed the fish & check on the dogs. After I got that done, I found the snow shovel & cleaned what I could off the deck that was like 3 inches deep, but I got it done being we do have some sun maybe it will melt what's left & I also cleaned off the car that's under a awning but still got a In or 2 on the nose & windshield, so IF we go out tomorrow that will be melted & ready to go. I put a pair of laytex gloves on UNDER my winter gloves to keep my hands warm.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
14 Jan 24
@wolfgirl569 yeah same here too.
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@noni1959 (10283)
• United States
15 Jan 24
I'm sitting at -4 right now. Frozen pipes. Cold drafts in a travel trailer not made for this weather. I was out in the snow earlier today messing with my trailer and then took the truck to get a Dutch Bros. I haven't thawed since then. I'll be so glad for the warm up the end of the week.
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@noni1959 (10283)
• United States
19 Jan 24
@2ndchances24 It's still snowing but up from the negatives now. Yes, they are not made for this but I had no choice 10 months ago when i had to sell my mini cabin. Going west this summer.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
19 Jan 24
@noni1959 danm that sucks, just hang in there warm weather is on the way, by next week.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
15 Jan 24
we use to live in 1 & I know how cold them things get if it's not insulted enough to keep the cold out.
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• Nairobi, Kenya
14 Jan 24
I went to church this Sunday morning. It was sunny and warm. But it is now 5pm and it is cold and windy. It might rain tonight.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
14 Jan 24
Awesome, glad to hear you made it to Gods house to have a talk with him, that's always a good thing.
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@dya80dya (36950)
14 Jan 24
I don't like this extreme weather. It is warmer here, but winter is depressing.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
14 Jan 24
it's the man up stairs that has control over the weather we have to look on the bright side, your not homeless you have food when you want it at any time of the day you have a bed to take a nap or a full nights sleep, it could be a lot worse, like you could be stuck with no power for weeks, or a tree falls on the roof, then what? There's a lot of people feel the same way, I'm 1 as well but instead of the negative side of it being cold & so on I just have to look on the bright side of what is going on.
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@dya80dya (36950)
14 Jan 24
@2ndchances24 Yes, some things can be better or others can be worse. I compare myself with people who are relaxed and happy even during the winter.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
14 Jan 24
@dya80dya that's good, people that don't make a big deal out of small potatoes are good people to compare to.
@popciclecold (39889)
• United States
14 Jan 24
My thoughts exactly, done all I needed to do today, so I'm in for the rest of the storm days. Have a good night
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
14 Jan 24
same here just trying to stay warm now.
@popciclecold (39889)
• United States
14 Jan 24
I am making plans for the bed also.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
14 Jan 24
I took a few hrs nap B-4 hubby got up to tell me it's 8 am to take my meds & CRAPOLA it was COLD, I had to get my hands warmed up to take my sugar test, that took about 20 mins. It was 50 degrees in here, by that time, & we had to change out 2 heaters to get the heat back up in here, the cabin is in the 60's.
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@Phebri (29)
15 Jan 24
Stay warm
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
15 Jan 24
we are, I pulled out a thicker heavier blanket a hand made knitted blanket that is good for winter.
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