2/25/24 - Update on My Husband

@LindaOHio (170715)
United States
February 25, 2024 1:56am CST
My SIL came in from Phoenix last night so that she can go see her brother. We will go see my husband today. She will also be here for his surgery next week. It's almost pointless anymore to try and call my husband. Either he doesn't answer the phone or he answers and then puts the phone down. I spend 10 minutes going "Hello? Are you there?" I've been getting phone calls and emails wanting me to apply for Medicaid and giving me information about long-term care. That's not what I want to hear! I want to hear that he'll come home some day. I appreciate your continued prayers and thoughts. I'm holding it together OK until I see him the next time. Photo Credit: Pixabay
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23 responses
@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
25 Feb
He is having hip surgery, possibly hip replacement. The after surgery care is long. I think you should apply for Medicaid. On average, hip replacement recovery can take around four weeks, before he can walk with no help.
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@vandana7 (99882)
• India
26 Feb
More than four weeks if you are above 80. He is 82.
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@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
25 Feb
@LindaOHio You know, a lot depends also the age you have when you have a surgery. My mother in law was 70 when she had hip replacement, it took more than one month before she arrived to walk without help.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
25 Feb
My hip replacement was much easier than my knee replacement. However, with the hip I had to keep weight off of it for several weeks. With the knee I could put weight on it right away.
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@jstory07 (137351)
• Roseburg, Oregon
25 Feb
You should apply for medicaid so you do not have medical bills to pay.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
25 Feb
I still don't understand how we can get Medicaid since we are not at the poverty level.
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@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
25 Feb
@LindaOHio Alit I know you woyld prefer him home ht that might not be in the cards.t of states have loosened their rules on hus. I mean really how long can you afford large nursing home bills?
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
25 Feb
@LindaOHio I believe the cost of the long term care is considered which will adjust your assets and income.
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
25 Feb
I applied for medicaid once, we were approved, but we both had worked and so needed to "spend down" before we got benefits. I did not have the money to spend down. I think certain illnesses, and prognosis help with qualifying for medicaid. It was my sister's Medicaid insurance that paid for her to have nurses come in and paid me to do house keeping and take her to her appointments and shopping. It kept her at home and cared for.There should be an area agency on aging that you can talk with and they will help you determine if this is something that would help you.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
26 Feb
The fact that we both retired on disability should help.
@AmbiePam (88835)
• United States
25 Feb
The Medicaid will give him access to care that might help him more. Of course, it will ease the financial burden too, but I know you just want him home. I hope the Medicaid opens him up to places that have a better chance of getting him on his feet, at least.
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@AmbiePam (88835)
• United States
25 Feb
@LindaOHio No, for people with disabilities or bad health as well. His health would qualify him, I imagine. My stepmother’s dad went on it when his health got really bad in his eighties.
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@vandana7 (99882)
• India
26 Feb
@AmbiePam Wow Amber...that is a great news and great information too. I hope Linda acts on it. The other day somebody else mentioned VA also. She needs to approach both.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
25 Feb
I thought Medicaid was only available for low income people???
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@FourWalls (65390)
• United States
25 Feb
The bad thing about applying for Medicaid (I’m assuming it’ll be similar to what it was in Kentucky) is you’re going to get an anal examination of your finances, the likes of which you’ve never had before. I don’t think the IRS would be that intrusive in an audit. I would recommend that you do that, though, as soon as possible (they’ll gladly tell you if you aren’t eligible…it is the government, after all). Praying, as always.
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@vandana7 (99882)
• India
26 Feb
It is worth it, I would think. Health is so unpredictable, and difficult to plan for. Buying a home is easier, and even getting two Indian Kamma girls married off with hefty dowries is easier to plan.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
26 Feb
I'm getting the financials together to answer a questionnaire on the Ohio Medicaid website. It will tell me if we qualify.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49864)
• United States
25 Feb
It seems that every state is different. We weren’t able to get either of my parents on Medicaid. Maybe there’s a way in Ohio.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
26 Feb
I'm researching it.
@Juliaacv (50051)
• Canada
25 Feb
I wouldn't answer the phone if my hip was broken and I were in such extreme pain either. I hope that you can visit today before the big day tomorrow.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
26 Feb
We are going again today.
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@Juliaacv (50051)
• Canada
26 Feb
@LindaOHio Today they are fixing his hip I think.
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@wolfgirl569 (102054)
• Marion, Ohio
25 Feb
Get the process started in case you do need it. Most insurance doesn't cover for very long and it won't take long to delete any savings you have.
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@wolfgirl569 (102054)
• Marion, Ohio
26 Feb
@LindaOHio I hope the VA can help a lot. It's better to have things ready in case.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
26 Feb
I applied for VA benefits and am working on Medicaid.
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• United States
25 Feb
Linda I had to apply for Medicaid for my mom when she was in rehab after her surgery. Medicare will only cover a certain ampunt and Medicaid will pick up once Medicare is done. You might not need it but it's good to apply just in case. I will also add that my mom didn't need it and was able to come home
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• United States
26 Feb
@LindaOHio she came home and then had in house physical therapy, visiting nurse, etc. She did really well and hopefully the same will be for your husband
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
27 Feb
@Marilynda1225 I certainly hope so.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
26 Feb
How wonderful that she was able to come home.
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@sallypup (59745)
• Centralia, Washington
25 Feb
Please check out each and every option out there- Medicaid, the Veterans, whatever. Get your sister in law to help but please go get some help. I know it hurts emotionally but please do it. Tons of hugs from me.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
26 Feb
I already applied for VA benefits. Getting the required information together to apply for Medicaid. Tons of hugs back to you!
@lovebuglena (43886)
• Staten Island, New York
25 Feb
I surely missed an update. What is the surgery for?
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@lovebuglena (43886)
• Staten Island, New York
26 Feb
@LindaOHio Is that from falling at home?
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
27 Feb
@lovebuglena No. At rehab.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
26 Feb
One of the times that he fell he fractured his hip.
@Happy2BeMe (99355)
• Canada
25 Feb
I am glad you are going to see your husband today. I hope your visit goes well. All can really do is take one day at a time. You are doing the best you can do. Continuing to pray for you and hubby.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
26 Feb
Thank you, Laurel.
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@Happy2BeMe (99355)
• Canada
26 Feb
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
25 Feb
It is a hard thing to adjust to. At the same time, long term care may be the only best option for you and for him. I really feel for you and wish I could offer more. Hang in there.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
26 Feb
Just think if Dawn had to go into long-term care and you couldn't go see her every day.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
26 Feb
@LindaOHio That would not be easy.
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• Rupert, Idaho
25 Feb
Sorry the phone calls go like that....that would be awful. I wish I knew more to say, as always.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
25 Feb
Just being my friend is helpful to me.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
26 Feb
@MommyOfEli2013 Believe me, it's a lot.
• Rupert, Idaho
26 Feb
@LindaOHio Well that is good to hear....though it don't feel like much
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
10 Mar
I would apply for the Medicaid anyway!! It takes awhile for approval and you n ever know when it will be needed.
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
13 Mar
@LindaOHio Yes!! I would see what the VA could do for him also regarding Rehab. Perhaps a better facility!!
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
11 Mar
Yes, I have to get all the info together. I also have to contact the VA.
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@BarBaraPrz (46490)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
25 Feb
Sigh... If you can qualify for it, I think you should get it.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
26 Feb
I"m working on it.
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@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
25 Feb
I think it is so sad to be away from him like you are. I know you have issues but I hope you get to go see him soon.
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@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
26 Feb
@LindaOHio .........That's good. Hope the surgery is all it needs to be. I hope he doesn't need a hip replacement.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
26 Feb
We saw him yesterday and will go again today and tomorrow for the surgery.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
27 Feb
@celticeagle They are going to do a partial hip replacement.
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@much2say (54804)
• Los Angeles, California
25 Feb
My parents would definitely not qualify for Medicaid, but my dad's rehab facility kept insisting we sign up. They said some people do get Medicaid on top of Medicare . . .that it could help to have that extra coverage. But even though I kept telling them they don't qualify, they would say you never know . . . that sometimes it does get granted even so. That sounded strange to me - including their persistence on it. Honestly I'm still not clear on how it all works . . . but apparently we would have had to come up with a lot of financial papers to sign up for it (again, they would find they wouldn't qualify, so I didn't understand about the persistence).
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
26 Feb
I'm getting the financials together.
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@rebelann (112254)
• El Paso, Texas
25 Feb
I think Anna is right, medicare is what I have and it helps me with getting the kinds of insurance plans that include a type of food card which gives me $150 to spend on either groceries or utilities. As for long term care I really can't say much cuz I haven't looked into that for myself yet, I'm holding out until I'm unable to do for myself.
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@rebelann (112254)
• El Paso, Texas
26 Feb
You'll be better off with VA bennies especially if you or your husband were declared disabled veterans.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
26 Feb
I have applied for VA benefits; and I am working on Medicaid.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
27 Feb
@rebelann We both retired on disability but hubby did not get injured while he was serving in the Army.
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@Beestring (14133)
• Hong Kong
25 Feb
Hope you can have a nice chat with your husband when you see him.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
25 Feb
I hope so too.
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