Just wanting to go back to normal....
@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
Perth, Australia
April 5, 2024 2:25am CST
Hello. *gives the biggest hugs ever*
Not only have I been missing from MyLot but I have been missing MyLot. A lot.
Things have not being easy for me in so long. And I know how far behind I am on here but as usual, if you know me, you know I have saved all notifications even from last year. I saved them all!
Last year was really rough. I have already explained that all in previous Discussions but I'm sure some will remember.
But I haven't been around lately as I've been dealing with health concerns. Ever since November last year I have been waking up sick every single day. Was thought to be Acid Reflux but the tablets I had made me feel worse. I developed other strange and scary things around my body such as tingles, numbness, weakness, burning, hair loss and more.
I've had many tests, doctor visits, hospitals visits, with more tests coming such as MRI. Due to scary body sensations my doctors wants to rule out Multiple Sclerosis. I hope it gets ruled out! Due to heart palpitations and aches in the chest I've had a Holter Monitor which was good but further tests are coming late April for me. I also have Endoscopy and Colonoscopy this month too.
It's been hell for me. I'm not exaggerating. Every single day since early November, I've been sick upon waking or random times of the day but now for over a month more health concerns have arisen to which my doctor is trying everything to help me figure it out. She's a great doctor.
In the meantime while dealing with all this I've been very depressed as the whole thing itself is depressing but not understand why it's happening is depressing too. I've pretty much put a pause on my life as health concerns are consuming me.
I want to just sit here and catch up with my own notifications and check up on everyone I've missed. And I truly have missed you. It's just been so hard to concentrate on things. My doctor does seem to think this has all been because of stress as she's aware of things that went on last year as well as all the stress I've had in life that I've been bottling up. I hope it all stress though. I don't want anything wrong with my brain or nerves etc.
I hope everyone is doing well. 

And cannot wait to hear from you and see you around!

18 people like this
19 responses
@Scarred4Lyfe (707)
5 Apr
Mai Hoomin is getting very around, he needs to go on a diet.
8 people like this
@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
5 Apr
@Scarred4Lyfe lol awwwww!
Well aren't I happy to see you here. I really wasn't expecting you to be here. This makes me smile. 

4 people like this
@2ndchances24 (10122)
• Cloverdale, Indiana
5 Apr
Sugs I'm right there with you I remember when we use to
keep up with each other you were having health problems
I've had my share of health issues to where it about killed
me twice, my gallbladder & pancreas failed all at once &
my heart stopped twice while I was in surgery the Dr's
didn't know if I was going to make it or not.
I thank God every single day that I pulled out of it as good
as I did, I went through some major health problems that
didn't give me any warnings or signs that I was that bad.
I'm under all kinds of meds & now have type 2 Diabetes
I'm on heart meds blood thinners, 2 type of insulin shots
I'm on a strict no sugar diet, I'm under 3 different Dr's so
I may not be going through what your going through but I
think I know what you are "SOME WHAT" your going through

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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
13 Apr
@2ndchances24 Good idea. I love to keep records as well. And yes when you do video, I will watch. I'm re-thinking my YouTube channel at the moment. I want to change it. Will let you know when it's done. Hope you're ok!
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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
11 Apr
@2ndchances24 Whether you're going through the exact same thing, similar or completely different. The point is we all go through things and it's ok to be sad or stressed or angry. It's ok to feel however you want to feel.
I am happy that you pulled through. I hope it all comes together with how and when to have your meds.

1 person likes this
@2ndchances24 (10122)
• Cloverdale, Indiana
12 Apr
@VivaLaDani13 I am too, & now that I have ALL my medical
records where I can look to see what ALL I went through I'm
going to "TRY" & make a video of what all I have seen on there
to share with you on here, & for MY OWN records to have too.
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@snowy22315 (186915)
• United States
5 Apr
So sorry about your health concerns and good to see you..

3 people like this
@Juliaacv (52706)
• Canada
5 Apr
You have been through so much, not just this year but last year as well.
I am sorry that you are going through this spell of hell in your life, as that is what it sounds like.
Stay focused on what your good doctor is telling you and testing you for, I am sure that she wants you to feel your best as much as you do.
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@Juliaacv (52706)
• Canada
11 Apr
@VivaLaDani13 You just be 'you' and everything will fall into place after that.
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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
11 Apr
@Juliaacv Thank you so much. For the advice but also for letting me feel valid for everything as it sure has been rough. Thank you. 

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@LadyDuck (472505)
• Switzerland
5 Apr
I am so glad to see you back Dani, you know that I missed you.
I am well, doing the same old things day after day.
I am so sorry to hear that you have been so sick. I hope that all the tests will show nothing bad. May be you are just very stressed. I hope you get good news from the doctors.
2 people like this

@LadyDuck (472505)
• Switzerland
12 Apr
@VivaLaDani13 - My old computer has a hard time with Facebook, not always I arrive to read messages and to type comments. This is why I almost never go on FB.
I hope you will be soon fine.
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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
13 Apr
@LadyDuck Do you mean it has trouble loading Facebook? And that is fair enough. Not everyone fancies Facebook these days.
Thank you kindly.
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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
11 Apr
@LadyDuck aw I missed you too! I know I have you on Facebook but I feel you said once you do not go on there much. I am glad you are well!
I'm hoping it was / is just all stress. Thank you Anna. 

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@MommyOfEli2013 (84673)
• Rupert, Idaho
5 Apr
Oh wow, I am sorry to hear about all of that. That sounds like misery! Hopefully they can figure out what is going on and help you feel better! Stress can cause a lot of problems, I understand that.
3 people like this
@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
5 Apr
@MommyOfEli2013 Thank you so very kindly. I really appreciate that.
I had always know and experienced stressed causing headaches and stomach aches but I wasn't aware what else it could bring on. I really hope this is all stress because I can find ways to manage it. Whereas if it was something like MS, then nothing I can do. I've cried so much with worry.
Just, thank you for being kind.
2 people like this
@MommyOfEli2013 (84673)
• Rupert, Idaho
5 Apr
@VivaLaDani13 I definitely understand the stress stomach aches, been through those. Hopefully it is stress and nothing worse. Sending good thoughts! Sorry that you have been going through that all this time.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
6 Apr
I hope they figure things out. I will be looking around for you here.
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@kareng (71060)
• United States
12 Apr
@VivaLaDani13 At least you don't have to stress over upcoming tests right now. I hope you get an answer also, so you can avoid more tests!
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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
11 Apr
@kareng Thank you so so much. I really appreciate your comment. And I agree. I need to get my life to something more peaceful now! Thank you! 

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@vandana7 (101605)
• India
5 Apr
First and foremost, welcome back. I am sorry to hear you had such rough time and are continuing to have such rough time. I have suffered those Acid Refluxes. Not every single day like you, but quite frequently. I think look for gall stones. The other suggestion I can offer is, eat curds and rice a couple of tablespoons, every night. Within a fortnight acid reflux would be history.
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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
11 Apr
@vandana7 Thank you for the welcome back. 
I'm sorry that you frequently suffer with it. Though, for myself, really don't even know if that was / is the case. Especially now as I've had my Endoscopy which showed zero sign of reflux (from what I understand). Gallstones wouldn't be it either I know that for sure.
Let the investigation commence.
Thank you Vanny for being so kind with advice etc.

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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
12 Apr
@VivaLaDani13 These need a lot of reasearch and they are hard to diagnose, sometimes they can just be diagnose from a correlation of even the most minor symptoms for example. Sending positive energy and hope you find something that makes you feel better. I've heard about homeopathy but I haven't tried it myself. Could be worth a try, I don't know.
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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
11 Apr
@besweet Thank you so kindly. I have wondered about anything with my immune system but not sure as all my blood tests have been great. Except for one weird hormone reading but everything else is good. It's a mystery so far. Thank you so much. 

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@RasmaSandra (83324)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
6 Apr
Sorry about your health concerns, I hope you can get over being depressed, I know it's not easy I deal with anxiety issues, Right now all is well me and my cats are just living a quiet life, I hope you can have a good weekend. Virtual hugs and many blessings,
2 people like this
@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
11 Apr
@RasmaSandra I'm sorry for the anxiety. I know that isn't always an easy thing to conquer but I always wish you the best whenever anxiety is getting you down.
And thank you so much, I truly appreciate your comment. 

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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
11 Apr
@JudyEv That's honestly all I'm hoping it has been because that's easier to try to manage and hopefully reverse. Thank you Judy. 

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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
11 Apr
@Shiva49 Thank you so much. Some of the tests are scary and the waiting is scary but I am grateful to be tested so thoroughly.
Thank you Shiva. 

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@Melanie_Marie (2013)
• United States
5 Apr
Danielle, sooo nice to see you here again.
Everything you’re describing ^ .. been thru it. The oddest, strangest symptoms in the world. Going from doctor to doctor, Urgent Care, ER visits. It wasn’t me, and it isn’t you. It’s the food. We haven’t changed, it’s the food that has changed. Specifically in the last 5-10 years…and we’re sensitive to the changes. Many people are, but they don’t care.
I won’t push you to do any of this, but if you want to get back to feeling better, even better than you did before, no more scary tests lined up and doc appointments, then just check out this vid. This is Kelly Hogan and she is one of the biggest sweethearts in our community. I thank God every day for finding this wonderful group. I am living an entirely different life, a life I didn’t even know existed. Everything they are teaching is 100% true.
And no, you don’t have to go pure Carnivore. It’s a spectrum. I do Carnivore and then add in some organic carbs. But must be organic.
Hope you feel better soon and just remember there is a way out of this mess.
V V Check it! V V 
And Dr. Ken Berry on YouTube will explain exactly what’s going on, better than I can. Feel free to PM me anytime.
Have a nice weekend and take care.

@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
11 Apr
@Melanie_Marie aw thank you and it's so nice to see you again too! 
Thank you so very kindly for the link and all the information you gave me. I have saved the link for me to look through.
I'm so grateful that you are doing better than you ever was, that is fantastic! Thank you so much, I look forward to looking at the videos! 

I have wondered stuff like this before too. In fact was talking to my dad about how when I was in my Childcare Course. My teacher said that when she was just starting out working with Children, there was pretty much never such thing as allergies but nowadays, children are having more and more allergies. I find it interesting but in a scary way.
Thank you for taking the time to explain all of this and for understanding me.

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@Melanie_Marie (2013)
• United States
12 Apr
@VivaLaDani13 No problem! I know you will be ok no matter what. Xx 

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@much2say (57374)
• Los Angeles, California
7 Apr
Biggest hugs back 

It is truly wonderful to "see" you again!! I'm sorry to hear about all the health issues going on. I keep my fingers crossed for you about all the tests . . . I hope they find answers for you soon so you could get on the road to healing. Stress - yep - I totally understand how that goes. I am glad you have come back here . . . sometimes it's good too get some words out to unload some of that stress . . . you're not alone. Welcome back . . . see you around for sure!!

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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
11 Apr
@much2say Thank you so much as always for just being you. Always so kind and understanding. You're truly a diamond. Thank you! 

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@averygirl72 (38557)
• Philippines
6 Apr
I understand you. I'm feeling sick too but I'm fighting it and doing my best to be normal. Just keep on praying for your health
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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
11 Apr
@averygirl72 I'm so sorry you've not been well. 
Really hoping you feel better soon! And thank you so much! 

@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
29 Apr
@TheHorse I didn't feel a lecture from you at all I promise.
I thank you for saying it all. I have had results and all were good really. The only thing is my doctor believes I have been going through something called Somatic Symptom Disorder. From what I have read, it sounds like me and makes sense as nothing serious has actually been found that gives reason to how I've been feeling.