Colonoscopy & Endoscopy done....I spilled apple juice everywhere.

Perth, Australia
April 13, 2024 11:57am CST
I am happy that the Colonoscopy and Endoscopy are completed. I was very nervous about the whole thing. I was worried about the procedures itself but was worried for the results. I just kept on thinking that something had to be picked up from how awful I've been feeling since November. It was discovered very quickly by the staff in the hospital that I was a nervous one. But glad they were all so understanding and supportive. I did understand these were common procedures but having health anxiety doesn't help me believe I will be ok sometimes. It's a nuisance and not completely sure why the health anxiety has got real bad recently. (There are theories but don't know for sure). The dude who did the procedures spoke to me a bit about what I was dealing with and he told me that what I was describing didn't sound like Acid Reflux. Which I found interesting. This whole time my dad kept on telling me the same thing. Which I am now feeling a bit mad with a doctor who put me on tablets in January that only made me worse. With all due respect, I just don't know what I said to her that day that made her believe it was Acid Reflux. That day she was also not really listening to me either. Only saw her because my doctor wasn't available. I'm trying to be understanding but I'm just mad that I was treated for something I do not have. Anyway, after the procedures, I woke up to food and drinks next to me. Or maybe it was brought over while I was waking, I honestly have no clue. But I do remember reaching over to either grab apple juice or maybe a sandwich but next thing I knew, apple juice was all over the tray and table. I felt so bad. The nurse was so understanding and said "It's ok love you just woke up and all loopy." I apologised so many times because I didn't want to give anyone more work to do. I have no clue what I did but she came back with more apple juice and was like "Round two." She was nice. Later on, after I was dressed I got some reports. Which surprised me. I didn't think I would know anything until I saw my doctor again. From what I understand, which honestly, I have no idea what I am reading nor do I understand what photos I am looking at (I got photos of what the scope took ) But it says no sign of reflux. And looks like both procedures showed nothing serious. Which is good. But still am waiting to see my doctor for these results and the MRI scans. I'm hoping soon everything will be pieced together on what has been going on with me.
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17 responses
@kaylachan (76294)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
13 Apr
Your doctor will explain everything to you. Most of us don't understand most of what's written. And, Anxiety when it comes to the medical field, is common and quite normal for a lot of people. You're not alone.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Apr
@kaylachan Thank you. And yes that is all very true.
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@JudyEv (349046)
• Rockingham, Australia
14 Apr
I hate giving people extra work to do but it's very easy under those circumstances to be a bit clumsy.
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@JudyEv (349046)
• Rockingham, Australia
17 Apr
@VivaLaDani13 We've had a couple of very 'off-handed' specialists lately but mostly they're okay.
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• Perth, Australia
23 Apr
@JudyEv Mostly ok is much better than bad at least.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Apr
@JudyEv That is very true. I am glad she was an understanding nurse because even though what you said is true, not all nurses are like that. Some nurses / doctors may be good at their job but their attitude can be a bit crappy.
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
15 Apr
You have had gallstone surgery. Did they remove the gallbladder too? I forgot whether they did or not. I have been facing Acid Reflux since November. My symptoms: Frequent Heartburn and pain in the upper back which spreads to the sides and centre of my chest which leads to vomiting a lot. Stomach discomfort also especially lower right rib cage. Do you have symptoms like these as well? If not, then definitely no acid reflux.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Apr
@Daljinder Yeah the removed the whole thing. I'm sorry you've been dealing with that since November. I find it interesting how you and I both felt not like our normal selves on the same month. I had dealt with similar. But according to the Endoscopy reports, there's no sign of Reflux. I hope you're ok DJ.
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• Perth, Australia
24 Apr
@Daljinder Before I had it removed, my surgeon said that people often say they cannot eat certain foods like before but he said that just wasn't true and that I could eat whatever I wanted without any issues. And for as much as I have experienced, I haven't experienced any issues with it being gone personally. I saw my doctor today. It is a reflux but it's higher up in my throat. Throat area was inflamed but is mild which is good but that's not the reason for making me feel so sick. But I will adjust things to at least help the acid throat thingy.
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
22 Apr
@VivaLaDani13 Were you advised of any change in your diet after the removal? Since its a part of your digestive system, its absence can cause indigestion. Okay, so acid reflux is ruled out. Did they tell you what exactly it is?
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@kobesbuddy (78871)
• East Tawas, Michigan
13 Apr
As we get older, those tests become even more important. My daughter is a nurse practitioner, she does these things for a living about 12 hrs a day. She loves her job! I will say a prayer for you, every morning. That's when I seek the Lord through prayer, for people I care about over a hot, cup of coffee:)
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• Perth, Australia
17 Apr
@kobesbuddy Good on your daughter! Anyone in that field of helping people should be admired and appreciated. Your comment actually made me tear up. That means a lot to me. Thank you so much! I appreciate you for that. I'm actually not feeling well right now so just reading something such as your comment made me smile. Thank you!
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• Perth, Australia
23 Apr
@kobesbuddy Thank you so very much for kind and encouraging words. It means a lot!
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@kobesbuddy (78871)
• East Tawas, Michigan
17 Apr
@VivaLaDani13 And I will pray for you, Danielle:) God is able to heal anything we face, in this life! xoxo
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13 Apr
Are you a Princess? Mai Hoomin had a dream about a Princess and apple juice...
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• Perth, Australia
17 Apr
@Scarred4Lyfe Well I don't believe I am a Princess.
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@2ndchances24 (10122)
• Cloverdale, Indiana
18 Apr
I'd be writing down some questions for when I did see my dr so I could cover everything in 1 visit, & get some answers. I hope they get to the top or bottom of what's going on cause if you don't speak up they'll put you through the ringer & that's not good either, that's why I tell them just what I think.
1 person likes this
• Perth, Australia
25 Apr
@2ndchances24 For sure. I do that most of the time when I have a lot of questions or concerns. I saw my doctor yesterday. Will do a post about it later on. I'm finishing up here soon hopefully and going to get some more sleep. Thank you kindly.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
25 Apr
@VivaLaDani13 I'll try to be here to catch it.
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• Perth, Australia
28 Apr
@2ndchances24 Thank you. I haven't done it yet. Been too busy / sick / tired. Annoying combo.
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@kareng (71060)
• United States
16 Apr
Yes, those pieces should be falling into place now since you have several tests all done and reports for your doctor to read up on. Try to indulge in someone that you love to do while you are playing that darn waiting game!! Big hugs!!
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@kareng (71060)
• United States
18 Apr
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• Perth, Australia
17 Apr
@kareng Will do. Thank you very kindly.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
13 Apr
You have so many tests being done. Glad everything was normal. It is stressful, and it's also good that the doctors are checking all the possibilities. Al least you don't need to get unnecessary medication any more.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Apr
@besweet I'm so glad not to take those tablets anymore. They really were making me feel even more like trash. I'm also glad nothing serious is being found but I just wish something could be found to make sense of everything. Just something simple and easily fixed. Thank you kindly.
@LeaPea2417 (37658)
• Toccoa, Georgia
14 Apr
Continued prayers.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Apr
@LeaPea2417 Thank you very kindly.
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@Shiva49 (27012)
• Singapore
14 Apr
Though the suspense continues, I am sure you are on the road to recovery. Good that the tests are behind you.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Apr
@Shiva49 Thank you very much. Sure hoping I can be better soon.
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@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
14 Apr
@VivaLaDani13 I am glad that your doctor will explain all to you. I am glad you had good people in your corner. I had a horrible doctor when I did my colonoscopy and never did it again. The endoscopy does not sound like fun either.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Apr
@Hannihar I'm so sorry you didn't have a good experience with your doctor during such a procedure.
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@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
17 Apr
@VivaLaDani13 Thank you.
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• Nairobi, Kenya
13 Apr
I'm sorry you had to go through all this. I'm glad you are okay. Get well soon.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Apr
@mildredtabitha Thank you very very much.
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• Nairobi, Kenya
17 Apr
@VivaLaDani13 you're welcome
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• Rupert, Idaho
14 Apr
That's good to hear that it showed nothing serious....and that they were nice, that always helps in those kinds of things! Hopefully with all the tests and everything they can find what is really going on for you soon!
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• Perth, Australia
17 Apr
@MommyOfEli2013 Thank you very kindly.
• Rupert, Idaho
17 Apr
@VivaLaDani13 No problem
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@grenery8 (14947)
• Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska)
13 Apr
doctor substitutes are sometimes even worse than our own doctors. i am glad you survived this but understand your feeling and you have every right to be mad. how more tests you need to get done?
1 person likes this
• Perth, Australia
17 Apr
@grenery8 Thank you for understanding my feelings. As of now, I have two more tests.
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• Perth, Australia
23 Apr
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@grenery8 (14947)
• Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska)
18 Apr
@VivaLaDani13 so many fingers crossed from me. you're welcome
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
13 Apr
I don't blame you for being mad about being told it was acid reflux. I hope you get answers soon. When Bob had those two procedures they very definitely could tell what was going on. He did get treated for reflux or something, maybe GERD for a while, but then he was told he only needed to take that med if he was having stomach problems and he is not.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Apr
@GardenGerty Thank you for understanding where I was coming from and for hoping I get answers soon. I'm hoping so too. I'm sorry Bob was taking something he never needed! Knowing how often this type of thing happens is quite concerning really.
@Juliaacv (52706)
• Canada
13 Apr
I am glad that you had such a sweet and kind nurse to help you after you woke. Your doctor will better explain the findings from the scopes when you see him.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Apr
@Juliaacv Yes it really does help to have kind and understanding people around during times like that.
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@RasmaSandra (83324)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
13 Apr
So far so good that it shows nothing serious, Best of luck when you see your doc and I hope all will be well,
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• Perth, Australia
17 Apr
@RasmaSandra Thank you very very much.
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