My Reactions to a New York Show Trial
@dgobucks226 (36307)
May 31, 2024 4:37pm CST
After following all the coverage of the recent Trump trial my initial reactions were as follows: travesty, corruption, disgrace, ludicrous, political persecution, election interference, gag orders, a broken system, a banana republic...
With that in mind, here are a few observations about what I believe happened with this trial, and why it is a sad day for our justice system and country:
-A refusal to move the trial venue from Manhattan. How can a fair-minded jury be selected in this jurisdiction where 86 percent of voters supported Biden for President.
-A corrupt Judge who donated to the Biden Campaign. He should have been replaced. His daughter was also profiting off the trial, a conflict of interest.
-A Judge who mislead the jury with instructions on how to proceed with a verdict. He did not require the jury to articulate or agree on what the so-called underlying crime was. Just pick a crime, you don't have to be unanimous in your vote to convict.
-This judge not allowing the defense to call an expert witness to testify about Election Laws and what constitutes a violation, one of the key charges brought against the defendant in the trial.
-Having the defense go first in their closing arguments without knowing what the prosecution's charges are against their client. A NY rule which is absurd and violates due process.
-Prosecutors waited until closing arguments Tuesday — after the defense rested its case and could not respond — to disclose the underlying crime was violating federal campaign-finance law, which the state of New York has no jurisdiction to enforce. Only federal agencies such as the Department of Justice and Federal Elections Commission can enforce such violations, and both refused to prosecute Trump.
-Contrary to what many might think, it is not a crime to pay hush money to a porn star. It's called a "NDA." A Non Disclousure Act which is legal. Trying to tie this to campaign election fraud (which is a misdemeanor at best) and falsifying business records and calling it a felony is a stretch.
-BTW: Other presidential candidates have misused campaign funds in the past, notably Obama, and just got a slap on the wrist (fine). Similar offense different outcome.
-If Trump actually did misappropriate funds, it must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, not from hearsay testimony from a convicted liar like Michael Cohen.
-An unfair trial motivated by politics to take out a presidential opponent. This sets a dangerous precedent for future candidates running for this office.
-This case was never brought against Trump until he announced his candidacy for president. The Stormy Daniels affair happened 7 years ago, and the evidence did not warrant bringing the former president to trial. Why bring it now? Coincidence, I think not!
- In my view, it just shows how far the Biden Administration will go to weaponize the courts against any person who disagrees with their policies and the direction the country is heading. Like a dictatorship they will crush "free speech" and anyone who opposes them.
- The Trump haters and Democratic leaders' argument that no one should be above the law. That's true, but no one should be "below the law" either. In the United States the law should be "applied equally." One should receive an impartial and fair trial and not have a judicial system stacked against him just because you don't like his last name and personality. 
Final thoughts:
-This verdict is similar to show trials conducted in Communist countries where dubious charges are brought against a political opponent and the verdict is rigged from the start.
-Americans are being threatened with jail time, or cancelled if they speak out against something they feel is unjust (i.e.: January 6th prisoners).
- This is indeed a sad day for our justice system and America.
-To sum things up: We're a nation in decline!
***Not expecting any response (a "like" will do) from those who agree that the trial was a sham, but hopefully you will read this and see what is happening to our country's Republic and make your voice heard come November 5th.
Photo- You Tube

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19 responses

@TheHorse (224751)
• Walnut Creek, California
2 Jun
@dgobucks226 I have been a college professor for more than 30 years now. I don't think I have ever had a colleague who was a radical Marxist or who hated America. Where are you hearing this kind of thing? That said, I admit to having read little or no Marx. Which of his works would you recommend?
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@dgobucks226 (36307)
2 Jun
Yes, the 2020 Election really put these ideas in focus, although it has been going on for some time in our colleges with radical Marxist professors indoctrinating the students to hate America and its values.
Biden and his advisors have now put these Socialist/Marxist ideas to work. Unless you agree with them, you will be persecuted. If they win in 2024, personal freedoms and liberty will eventually be gone and replaced with a Democratic one party (dictatorship) system.
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@rebelann (113505)
• El Paso, Texas
1 Jun
Are we reliving Ancient Rome?
I just pray Biden is not reelected, he's no more than a joke and Harris is scary, she condones illegal immigration .... it makes me wonder if her parents were illegal, they were immigrants but I don't know if they were legal or not.
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@dgobucks226 (36307)
1 Jun
Ha, good line Rebel. Throw Trump to the tigers, Guilty, thumbs down, right!
The way it's going, the Government will be making all our decisions for us, and if we object, we'll be put in the Gulag!

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@dgobucks226 (36307)
1 Jun
@rebelann Good point! Power does corrupt and politics is a corrupt dirty business.
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@RasmaSandra (83324)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
31 May
So it seems the US has derailed and cannot seem to get back on the right track,
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@dgobucks226 (36307)
31 May
Yes, that is a great way to put it. Thanks for reading and commenting! 

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@1creekgirl (43032)
• United States
1 Jun
Bravo. You're very articulate...thank you for expressing what many of us believe.
5 people like this
@vandana7 (101605)
• India
1 Jun
@TheHorse Don't we all have some habits which others hesitate to tell us about? Look the other way... then we step up do something more wrong and then step up further..till somebody stands up and says enough is enough this is not something I will tolerate. We often do not realize how obnoxious we are and will not accept others telling us that. LOL. It needs to be corrected as a kid...but it can lead to fights so people avoid.
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@moffittjc (123123)
• Gainesville, Florida
1 Jun
You bring up some interesting points, and although I am no fan of Trump, I think he was wronged badly in this case But, thankfully our country still has an appeals process, so hopefully as this case works its way up through the appellate courts that it will be treated fairly and justly.
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@vandana7 (101605)
• India
1 Jun
@moffittjc Media often condemns a person without sufficient guilt. I heard about a case today wherein a person's DNA test was not performed, when a young girl of 16 was raped and brutally murdered. Circumstantial evidence ..even that was not there sufficiently...the guy was hanged...the police was in rush because of the way media was pestering, and judges too were in rush, he being a poor man, they just didn't bother to reflect on such things. Even his own family did not claim his body. Almost 15 years later, he was proved to be not guilty..
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@moffittjc (123123)
• Gainesville, Florida
1 Jun
@vandana7 I don't doubt that he's guilty of committing multiple crimes for his own personal benefit, I just don't think our justice system handled the case properly.
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@kobesbuddy (78871)
• East Tawas, Michigan
31 May
The Russian government proclaimed they are no longer a Communist nation. Well guess what people. The United States has many of the same characteristics and attributes of a Communist nation. Please, don't mention this to either government party, they will deny it. The Constitution of the US is on display, written on a large piece of paper and signed by those who were in total agreement. Most politician today, they don't even know what it says.
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@dgobucks226 (36307)
31 May
Yes, we are losing our liberties and rights granted to us by the Constitution one by one. Power corrupts and the welfare of the people is being replaced by those bent on retaining power by any means.
Hope you found this post interesting and informative. Thanks for your response!
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@kobesbuddy (78871)
• East Tawas, Michigan
31 May
@dgobucks226 Communism is basically total control, given over to the nation's government. No country deserves to be under that type of government!
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@kaylachan (76294)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
1 Jun
I agree with you, and don't feel much, if anything will come out of this outcome. Trump won't spend one night in jail. I doubt this is enough to stop him from running. I'm not registered to vote, because I don't believe in this crupt system. It's been a s-show of favortisim for years now. As stated previously, Trump isn't the only president/forrmer president to be accused of crimes. It's a whole bunch of hate, really. Seriously, trying to impeach someone after they lost the election and were days from leaving the white house? No wonder that failed. Dems hate republicains and visa versa. Most republicains are the ones who have the book brought down on them. Nothing really comes of it. Not really.
I normally avoid political posts, simply because I know there are those who would love to spark a debate because my views don't match theirs. And, I can get fired up and nasty. Which is not the kind of person I like to be. But, this was a refreshing read.
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@kaylachan (76294)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
2 Jun
@dgobucks226 We have a lot of those on here. They read and only pay attention to what fits with their personal feelings and fears. Same happpened with COVID.
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@dgobucks226 (36307)
2 Jun
Let me say thank you so much for your kind words about my post. I normally avoid political posts too, but when I read some of the nasty ones about this trial, filled with inaccuracies and emotional hate, I felt the need to respond. I wrote this piece to those who realize what is really going on not for the haters who lack common sense and parrot the propaganda of the media and politicians.
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@FourWalls (72645)
• United States
1 Jun
Here’s the most important thing to remember: people were “outraged” when OJ Simpson was acquitted. Locally, we had a guy acquitted of murder who later admitted he did the crime. All he could get was a few years for perjury. It’s not a perfect system, but it certainly beats anything anyone else has. One thing forgotten in all of this: he has the right of appeal. At his age (78), this could probably be in appeal for the rest of his life. He’s been convicted, but he can appeal this until the proverbial cows come home.
BTW, since it was a New York trial it had to be in New York. Nearly everywhere in the state is “heavily democratic,” so that wouldn’t help. And the defense attorneys agreed to every juror. Someone shows up in a “send him to jail” t-shirt and the defense could request their removal, just as someone in a MAGA hat could be booted by the prosecution. The defense said these jurors were all satisfactory.
What frightens me is his PROMISE to use “political weaponizing” of the courts once he’s back in the White House. I’m also worried about a large number of political supporters and pundits who are promising violence as a result. They’ve doxxed judges, jurors, and the janitor in other cases. Anyone who truly has the best interests of our country at heart would be out there, SCREAMING for his followers to STOP vitriolic rhetoric and threats.
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@vandana7 (101605)
• India
1 Jun
Part of the issue is the way media hounds the police force and justice system for quick results, and often decides for them highlighting something or underplaying something. Yes, your system is better than ours because you all can discuss it and people who are not on payroll of judicial system form the jury. This means they are not indifferent to their sense of justice and bring varied experiences, which means more aspects of the crime and corresponding hurt are considered.
I think judges hear so many cases of misery that their sense of empathy diminishes. Another problem is also getting confused or mixed up between one case and the other. It is difficult to remember entire case with adjournments. Therefore, DNA evidence in one case that convicted the accused, maybe remembered as furnished even in this case kinda convicting an innocent without the DNA. I think Judges should not be permanent for this reason.
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@vandana7 (101605)
• India
1 Jun
@FourWalls Our media did some wrong in 2006. The hype went so bad that a poor guard was convicted of raping a young girl of 16, and murdering her. He was hanged. Fifteen years later, people reopened his case, and found him to be not guilty. It is so sad...the guy went on saying I did nothing wrong, I am innocent. And so on. The pressure exerted by the media led to faster movement of the case, and faster conviction without investigating all angles. The guy's DNA test was not done. The judge presumed it was done based on oh so many previous cases when it was done. Very shoddy way of handling the case.
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@FourWalls (72645)
• United States
1 Jun
@dgobucks226 — just a reminder, the nation was under house arrest for two months in 2020…
Or as Kristofferson wrote, “freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.”
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@LeaPea2417 (37658)
• Toccoa, Georgia
1 Jun
This is perfectly written, it explains the whole thing so well. I wish I was as good a writer as you are 

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@dgobucks226 (36307)
2 Jun
Thank you so much for those flattering comments, Anne Marie. If I provided more clarity to those who only watch their favorite media stations and often receive rhetoric rather than actual facts, I accomplished my goal. From some of the other comments made here by others, I believe I have shed a light for those with common sense. One must use their own judgement in deciding whether Trump got a fair trial not be swayed by social media or liberals who shut down anyone who wants to make up their own mind.
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@LadyDuck (472505)
• Switzerland
2 Jun
@vandana7 Can you imagine a Judge who financed Biden campaign allowed to handle this case?! In Europe he would have been obliged to step back, because he cannot be "neutral". This smells like a corrupted Judge and NO matter who is the one judged.
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@MarshaMusselman (38869)
• Midland, Michigan
1 Jun
I agree with all your points. And well said might I add.
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@dgobucks226 (36307)
2 Jun
Thank you so much for reading and your nice comment. Many times political posts here are devoid of any common sense and reason. Just a bunch of derogatory comments and gleeful vindictive shouting without any substance to them. After seeing a few of these about the trial I felt the need to respond in a more measured and constructive way...
Even people you may dislike because of their personality deserve a fair trial. The left is often egged on by the media and they seem to have substituted hatred for looking at the facts of the case rationally.
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@lookatdesktop (27138)
• Dallas, Texas
1 Jun
What does God say about judging others?
Bible Gateway Matthew 7 :: NIV. "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
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@vandana7 (101605)
• India
1 Jun
If there is no judgement, then would Ted Bundy be allowed to continue to do what he did?
I think all scriptures IN ALL RELIGIONS are cleverly used to bypass important aspect.
Judging in Mathew 7 would relate to say your neighbor or a person we meet in day to day life with respect to day to day aspects. For example, we may think our neighbor is lazy because he has three house helps. We cannot know their health issues, and time constraints.
I worked late in the nights, in my office, when computers were very slow and workload very high. Workload was high because not many knew how to use computers back then so it always fell on me. People did gossip. It did reach me, and it did hurt. At times I tried to explain, at times, I got mad at them, at times I just cried. It is that kinda judgment that needs to be avoided I think as per Mathew 7.
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@TheHorse (224751)
• Walnut Creek, California
2 Jun
@vandana7 As you know, I am slow to judge others. Matthew is my favorite New Testament "book," as it points out hypocrisy as well as Mark Twain does. We all have to answer to our moral beliefs. But we also have to be aware of the law as it exists where we live. Here in California, I may take a hit off of a joint or gobble up a gunny now and again. If I lived in Malaysia (OK, maybe I am stereotyping Malaysia, but I think of it as a "don't get stoned" kind of place), I would not.
@Bensen32 (28275)
• United States
1 Jun
Well, I didn't follow it closely, mostly because I knew from the beginning that it was just a witch hunt. Smoke and Mirrors to try and stop Trump from getting back in office. It come down to this for me, were we better off with Trump in office or with Biden?
I know me and the people I know were much better off when Trump was in and there is no question about it. I was paying half as much for gas and food, rent didn't jump through the roof like it did the last 2 years. I won't even get in to all the bigger negative effects on our county. That's just how I have been affected and I assume many across the country have felt the same things.
You were spot on with your post. Too bad so many people can't get past their feelings and use some common sense.
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@dgobucks226 (36307)
2 Jun
I totally agree with your reasoning. Whether you like Trump or not, and I can understand why his personality turns people off, you vote for the good of the country and for your own best interests and future.
Hopefully, enough people find the common sense to see past the noise and make an informed decision based on policies and competence, not personality.
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@Bensen32 (28275)
• United States
2 Jun
@kareng extras? what is that, I can barely afford to live let alone anything extra.
The prices on food went up again this week. Bread another $0.08, another 0.02 on a gallon of water, another 0.12 on a gallon of milk. Just to name a few. Just a few pennies here and there and they think we won't notice but when you add it up your looking $10 - $20 a week? Even $10 a week that's $520 a year.
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@2ndchances24 (10122)
• Cloverdale, Indiana
1 Jun
You nailed it with flying colors, they've been attacking him since day 1
when he beat Hilary, this is why they are doing what they are doing to him
cause they HAVE no other way to take him out other than killing him.
I didn't watch the trail cause I KNEW it was a sham scam I did keep up with
what the news talked about on it & the only thing this trail did was put him in
office that much more cause the people KNOW what the left was doing.
Heads are going to roll when he gets in office like they have never rolled
cause they woke up the beast of ALL beast from what they have done
& they're going to be sorry for everything they have done to America.
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@dgobucks226 (36307)
1 Jun
Thank you for responding. Those with common sense are able to look past the hatred of a man they dislike and understand what really went on with this trial.
Sadly, most cannot separate emotions from facts and will just believe everything their news programs tell them. It's easier than using those "brain cells" to question for themselves and find out what is really true on a subject.
Yes, the government agencies like the CIA and FBI need a cleansing of the corrupt leaders running it.
I do worry common sense Americans have had enough and being pushed around by violent left-wing activists and will resort in kind. This "Biden regime" can't be removed soon enough...
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@2ndchances24 (10122)
• Cloverdale, Indiana
1 Jun
@dgobucks226 the generation that is growing up is replacing the commonsense
it's all about the "technical" common sense they are reverting to these days.
In other words, if it's not on their phones or computers they can't have any
common sense to what they see or hear, the world has gone brainless.
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@dgobucks226 (36307)
2 Jun
Thank you for looking at the facts and not the rhetoric. I appreciate your kind comments.
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@RebeccasFarm (93068)
• United States
3 Jun
You're my hero with this post DB my friend!
Are you sure you did not go to law school?
You are such an eloquent writer!

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@dgobucks226 (36307)
4 Jun
Thanks, OT, for those nice words.
No law school, lol. Just someone trying to express some common sense and rational thought.
Have a great day! 

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@xander6464 (44943)
• Wapello, Iowa
8 Jun
i just hope July 11 goes as it should, 4 years for every felony. That's 4x34. Trump dying in prison would help this country a lot.

@xander6464 (44943)
• Wapello, Iowa
11 Jun
@dgobucks226 If you want to see small-minded, ridiculous and ignorant, look in the mirror. If a 77-year-old man gets sentenced to 120+ years in prison, he will die there. Saying so is simply stating a fact. Twisting that into wishing that he'll die is typical failed MAGA logic. You let your mouth go galloping off before your brain was hitched up to it.
@dgobucks226 (36307)
11 Jun
@xander6464 Trump dying in prison would help this country a lot. I think I got it right! Sounds like that's your wish to me.
Moving on from your idiocy... You have nothing of value to say 

@dgobucks226 (36307)
8 Jun
What an ignorant statement to wish someone would die. You surely are a small-minded fool not only in your intelligence, but your posts and comments too! Now, by opening your mouth in such a ridiculous way you've left no doubt.

@porwest (97870)
• United States
3 Jun
Very well said and on point. Americans need to really pay attention to what's happening here regardless of their political leanings and regardless of who they support. This affects ALL of us, and is more of a serious threat to our Democratic Republic than many realize.
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@dgobucks226 (36307)
4 Jun
The weaponization of the justice department has been going on as soon as Biden got into office to shut down any opposition or dissenting opinion. Now we've come to this... a rigged trial to put the other party's candidate in jail to keep him from effectively campaigning. A new twist on Biden's campaign from his cellar in 2020.
How many other citizens doors will be knocked on in the early morning hours by the FBI to be taken away in leg irons if Biden heaven forbid gets re-elected?
People unable to afford groceries and gas, Campus rioting, Jewish people intimidated, Americans and police shot by illegal immigrants, Former Presidents threatened with jail. What's next in Biden's America?
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@dgobucks226 (36307)
4 Jun
@porwest Yes, I agree with your view. Biden is only the mouthpiece.
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