Moving Out of Antique Store Drama...She Couldn't Just Let Me Go Peacefully

@kareng (59055)
United States
June 1, 2024 8:45pm CST
The moving out of the antique store was smooth and we had everything out by 2 pm. i got my check for all items sold this month and my husband was sitting on the ledge of my van with the door up just resting and we were talking when a car parked next to us. A lady got out of the BMW and said hello. She then asked if we had a booth inside since my car was packed. My husband told her, no not anymore. We just packed all of our things up. She asked why? I told her that they don't support their vendors. She got a puzzled look on her face and didn't respond. That was all I said. And it was my opinion and entitled to. She went inside the store which I expected since she parked right there in front of it. She told the owner that I said she didn't support her vendors--but she didn't tell her that was my reply to a direct question of why I moved out. The owner came storming out of the store asking me if I said that. I told her yes and before I could say in reply to a direct question asked she got on her high horse and told me to never mention her store again. I told her not to worry that I would not be shopping there again but I am entitled to my opinion and I have proof to support my situation. That made her mad and she said like what are you talking about? My husband stepped in and told her well ya'll blocked her on the store Facebook page for one. I added and would not approve my posts or say I don't see a pending post. Or say that my post wasn't "relevant" which was the latest case. I posted on a Fenton milk glass perfume/potion bottle. That's about as relevant as you can get when it comes to antiques. I don't think she was expecting my husband to defend me. She huffed and went back inside after that. I really don't think she knows everything that Ms. Evil Eye is doing. I've been wondering if Evil Eye is trying to take over the business? Just a thought! Can you believe this woman? Regardless, I am OUTTA there for good! Photo Credit: Pixabay, Public Domain
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17 responses
• United States
2 Jun
Ms Evil Eye sounds like some of the people that I have run into in my dealings as a teddy bear artist. Yes, it adds up to Ms. Evil Eye is working towards taking over the business and will do so in a few short months. I had it happen to me a couple of years ago when I was renting a booth at a local antique store. The person worked like crazy to cut my business down to nothing and then he worked at buying the business from the owner. After the purchase went through the next day he threw me out with absolutely NO notice. It gave me great satisfaction to tell him that he was a self-centered SOB and he deserved what he got. As I took my last load of bears out of the store I acted like my foot slipped (he was standing very close to me and the door) and my foot lashed out and I kicked him good and hard. As I was headed out the door for the last time I looked at him and said "Gee, did I kick you? My foot slipped and I was trying to save myself from falling." I didn't apologize to him, I just kept going with a huge smile on my face. I had notes from others that were in the store stating that they wished that they had the guts to kick him like I of them was the previous owner!!! Are you going to look for another place to show your antiques? I hope so, and I hope that you will find one with a nicer person that owns it.
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
3 Jun
Good job! I have located 3 stores (on the same street) that are possibilities. I'm not in a big hurry right now. I have a little bit of work to do with my Farmasi gig first.
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Jun
@kareng One thing I learned from both "The Golden Girls and from getting older, you can get away with almost anything. Like the "note" I wrote to my Primary Care Physician regarding my pain meds and hand delivering it and the meds at the same time. The nurse supervisor "TRIED" to tell me they wouldn't take the pain meds and when he looked me in the eyes and where they went when I said "You do now", he took them, counted them and signed the receipt for them. The "note" was five pages starting with "Just because I got older doesn't mean my brains didn't leak out...what would I do with pain pills? Shove them up my AS*???" and chewed him out from there. Do a lot of research on the other 3 stores before you commit, but you know that! My best wishes are with you, and when you start looking remember that I'm a little spider on your shoulder and if they give you any trouble I'll jump on them and give them such a BITE that they will feel it until Saint Swivens Day!
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
3 Jun
@BearArtistLady You better believe I will research them all. One is already scratched off the list. High rent and high commission. Nope, don't think so!
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@AmbiePam (88835)
• United States
2 Jun
Good for you for giving examples!
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
3 Jun
Just crazy for not wanting your vendors to post on the store Facebook page to draw in new customers also. But that apparently infringed on their products being passed over in selling too much.
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@marguicha (219877)
• Chile
2 Jun
I can´t understand what got into her.
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
3 Jun
I had a small booth, they should not have felt threatened. They just think they know it all. For instance, she said posting on Facebook does not sell products. Yes it does! And we don't like ya'll posting one post a day, we would rather have all the store posts done on the same day and time. Another words 25-30 posts all at once. Hello, people don't sit down to look at Facebook just one time a week and everyone doesn't sit down at the same time to do it? So what's the problem? Having new and fresh posts daily should be what she wants!
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@kaylachan (65344)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
2 Jun
I honestly wouldn't put it past her, but I still hate people who try to start fights over nothing.
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
3 Jun
Right, no point. I was leaving, was out of there with all my stuff. She didn't have to come out and show her *ss. But it is what it is.
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@sallypup (59745)
• Centralia, Washington
2 Jun
I'm glad she didn't physically assault you. Your husband is a keeper.
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
3 Jun
@kareng Yes, you are entitled to your opinion and so glad your husband backed you up and that you stood your ground. She probably does not like people that know what they are talking about and maybe the one wants to take over the business. Maybe one day she will see that you were right and she was wrong but then again there are people like her in the world and it is very sad.
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
3 Jun
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
3 Jun
@Hannihar Thank you. I just couldn't stay in that environment. I'm used to women acting like women and helping each other out and building each other up--not tearing someone down!!
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
3 Jun
@kareng ok. By the way you did the right thing.
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
2 Jun
It just was not worth your time. Ms. BMW must have really enjoyed trying to stir things up.
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
3 Jun
She got really mad and didn't know what to say in response to my answer. I don't really care. It was all true in my case. Others in there need to wake up!!
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@popciclecold (37904)
• United States
2 Jun
That is awful. So glad you are rid of her.
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
3 Jun
Yes, she is not a very nice person, especially when she is around Evil Eye. She is actually nice when Evil Eye is not around. So strange! But when Evil Eye is there, it is like she defers to her--has to get her advice and ask opinions on everything that comes up.
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• United States
3 Jun
@kareng Sounds like the devil in the details.
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
3 Jun
@popciclecold And disguise!!!
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@FourWalls (65393)
• United States
2 Jun
As we said as kids…”See ya, wouldn’t want to be ya!” What jerks.
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
3 Jun
For real!!!
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@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
2 Jun
I am glad that you told what you wanted to tell and that your husband supported and defended you. Now let this behind you and find another place where you will enjoy to sell your things.
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
3 Jun
I will get back on that after this coming week. I have another couple of projects to take care of!
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
3 Jun
@LadyDuck Yes, I'm excited about it!!
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@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
3 Jun
@kareng That is really good to know.
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@wolfgirl569 (102054)
• Marion, Ohio
2 Jun
Glad you are done there.
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
3 Jun
Yes, that is an understatement!
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
2 Jun
I'm so glad you're outta there!
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
3 Jun
Yes, indeed!!
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@grenery8 (7248)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
2 Jun
i am also glad that you saved your sanity cause this is really insane owner, situation and all. maybe the customer shouldn't say that but that is karma for the owner.
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
3 Jun
Karma will catch up with them, that is for sure!!
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
3 Jun
@grenery8 Hey, they might even grow some horns!! That little devil pushed that thought!!
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@grenery8 (7248)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
3 Jun
@kareng i agree
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@HaruLoid (1589)
• Philippines
2 Jun
Oh, wow. She just approached you and acted like as if you guys were the one who did something wrong.
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
3 Jun
She thinks I was totally wrong and a rude person. Not!
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@jstory07 (137351)
• Roseburg, Oregon
2 Jun
Did you find another place to put your stuff. I hope you did.
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
3 Jun
I found 4 stores with space available. 1 had been omitted from the list already. I'll work on the other three toward the end of the week. No hurry!
@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
2 Jun
It's good that you're finally out of that place.
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
3 Jun
YES!!! It wasn't soon enough though, but that was her choosing for making me pay the whole month's rent.
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@AliCanary (3198)
8 Jun
My husband and I had a booth for many years in our local flea market where we sold Avon and some other things, and it gave me a good retail location where I could sell my portraits. Fortunately for us, the owners were very nice. I'm sorry you had a different experience!
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
9 Jun
I've never had to deal with people like those two women before. I had an antique store booth from 2015 to 2017 and never had a problem there. I've had a flea market booth since 2016 and no problems. I've had vendor space in a boutique for 3 years and no problems. I'm just glad that I am out of there now!
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
10 Jun
@AliCanary Very true! There always has to be a bad apple in the bunch!
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@AliCanary (3198)
9 Jun
@kareng it's too bad that just one or two people with their butts on backward can ruin it for everybody :(
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