Given Advice

@HaruLoid (1589)
June 6, 2024 7:52pm CST
A colleague of mine talked to me and gave me a word of advice. She said that I shouldn't deny what I see around whenever I apply for a job. She knows that the backer system is against my ethical principles but, at the same time, it becomes necessary to join into the system when things are taking too long already. She feels bad for me as I tried to look for a good job that's meant for me. I feel bad about myself too. I don't like the backer system. I don't want to become part of it at all. But should I really give in to it in order to get a job?
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5 responses
@LadyDuck (467835)
• Switzerland
7 Jun
Listen, I would suggest you to give a try and see by yourself if what your colleague told you is true.
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@LadyDuck (467835)
• Switzerland
8 Jun
@HaruLoid - Why do you fully trust what this person told you? May be she is jealous and she does not want that you get the job.
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@HaruLoid (1589)
• Philippines
9 Jun
@LadyDuck I don't think that's the case at all. What she was telling me was actually the truth. I think she was just there to finally tell me that maybe it's time for me to ride along as well. She just confronted me to finally open my eyes and accept the truth behind the hiring process in the government. The ones riding in the backer system, no matter how unskilled they are, will always get hired. I was able to witness that.
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@HaruLoid (1589)
• Philippines
7 Jun
Maybe I should give it a try despite having my own moral principles and beliefs crumbling when riding onto the system. Just by typing it made me hear myself sound so sad.
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
7 Jun
Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do and it sounds like you are getting close to that point. You need a job and can't do without that. If that is the only way to get a job right now, I would seriously consider it.
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
9 Jun
@HaruLoid In these days and times, you do what you have to do.
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@HaruLoid (1589)
• Philippines
7 Jun
I'm closer to breaking down because of the unlawful system. The system is against my own ethical principles, but if that's the only way to get into the job then maybe I should just ride along?
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@HaruLoid (1589)
• Philippines
9 Jun
@kareng You're right. As per advice of my colleague, I talked to my boss about writing a recommendation letter in my favor so that the same will be attached to all of my application. They belong in an influential family and have strong ties to all government offices.
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@kaylachan (66088)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
7 Jun
Sometimes you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone to get what you want or need. You need a paycheck. As long as this system isn't illigal or immoral, then I'd make good use of it.
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@HaruLoid (1589)
• Philippines
7 Jun
Unfortunately, this system is both illegal and immoral. The system lets the employer hire anyone regardless of their qualifications for the position. But if that's what all employers are doing then maybe I should ride along? It's been so long already. It's getting tiresome.
• Shenzhen, China
7 Jun
I think your advice of your colleague make sense,sometimes,for the reason of making living,we have to compromise on sth.Surviving is primary in the world.
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@HaruLoid (1589)
• Philippines
7 Jun
I completely understand her side. She also understands how much I'm against the backer system because of the unfairness that it brings. Maybe she's right. Maybe I should consider it. It's been so long already.
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• Shenzhen, China
12 Jun
@HaruLoid ,As an adult,all of us should understand a truth the society is not fair whenever.The world was classified into many grades.There never be fairness between different grades.Thus,if you can obtain a backer,no doubt to seize it.
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@HaruLoid (1589)
• Philippines
14 Jun
@jefferson126 You're probably right.
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@grenery8 (7380)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
11 Jun
if you mean on job fixing, it is a common practise, sadly. if 4 people are invited on the interview, a job is only for 3 people, it means it is fixed cause it is very supicious. also, be grateful that you have a job, no matter how little you think of it and no matter how low it is paid, it is still a job. searching for a job while you don't have any job is really hard.
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@grenery8 (7380)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
12 Jun
@HaruLoid you should silence these negative thoughts, they are no good for you.
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@HaruLoid (1589)
• Philippines
14 Jun
@grenery8 Easier said than done.
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@HaruLoid (1589)
• Philippines
12 Jun
I'm thankful for the job that I presently have. However, I'm continuously being built with pressure because I am still in my current job. I'm already over qualified for it.
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