Final Update on Brendel

@CarolDM (203422)
Nashville, Tennessee
June 15, 2024 6:39pm CST
Made the very difficult decision to let Brendel go on Thursday, June 13th. She would have turned 13 this September. She had almost stopped eating. She would often go 1-2 days without eating at all. And when she did eat, it was only the pureed treats. Some days she ate half of a 0.5 ounce treat. Not much at all. I have not slept all night in over a year. She woke up every night with a loud howling. Was losing her hearing. If she wasn't awake, I lay awake waiting for her to wake me up. Like having a sick baby in the house. Sometimes when she didn't want to eat, I would sit and talk to her and rub her ears and neck, which she loved, until she would go back to sleep. Taking a toll on me and my health. But I was willing to do whatever needed to be done for her. Sleep deprivation was my new friend. She has been hiding and sleeping in the closet for months now. Instead of spending the day in the screen room, which she always loved to do, she would go out and get a drink of water, then go to the litter box, and back to the closet. Thursday I couldn't find her and when I did, she had lost the use of her back legs. When that happened, I said enough. Broke my heart to see her dragging her legs. I immediately took her to the vet. The vet agreed anything she could offer at this point would be prolonging the inevitable. She could have a seizure or worse, at home, and there would be nothing I could do. I said all along I would not allow her to suffer. With all of that, it was still a very difficult decision to make. Besides losing my son, this is the most difficult time in my life. I had to make the decision to end her life. Never had to do that before. She is gone now. I believe she has crossed over the rainbow bridge and is with Momma Kitty. I have been in tears since Thursday. I see her all over the house. I can hear her. Such a hard time to say the least. The Dude is helping all he can. Such a sweet therapy cat. Has been a very hard year. It was last June when she was diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease. She weighed only 4 pounds. Now she can rest easy. Thank you to those who have messaged me, emailed me and asked about her. It has been greatly appreciated. More than you will ever know. Now I continue on with a life without Brendel. Only memories. But I have good ones to keep me going. For 13 years I was honored to be her Mom. ~Rest in peace Brendel~
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35 responses
@LindaOHio (185012)
• United States
16 Jun
I'm so glad you stopped by here to let everyone know what was going on. Many people have missed you. You went above and beyond for Brendel; and you can rest easy knowing you did everything you could for her. I am so sorry you had to finally let her go. As I mentioned before, she is playing with Dustin as I speak.
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@porwest (98169)
• United States
23 Aug
We are due for another update.
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@LindaOHio (185012)
• United States
23 Aug
@porwest I saw her post on FB. She might come back here after she feels better about Brendel's passing.
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@porwest (98169)
• United States
23 Aug
@LindaOHio Glad to hear she's okay. I know she went through some other things previously, and because we're a bit like family around worry.
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@Juliaacv (52775)
• Canada
16 Jun
RIP Brendel, hugs to you as you have given all that you could humanly give to usher her from this world.
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@kareng (71228)
• United States
16 Jun
I'm so sorry, Carol!! You were the best mom Brendel could have ever had and took excellent care of her. You made the best decision for her in not allowing her to suffer and be in pain any longer. Sending big hugs your way. Take care and know that we are all here when you get ready to jump back in!!
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@kaylachan (76387)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
16 Jun
I had been waiting for this update ever since I learned of her illness. You are an amazing cat mom and you did the right thing for her. I am so sorry. I wish there I could help with this painful loss, but only time can. Putting an animal down is never easy. On September 6th 2022, I had to put an animal down and it was the first (and hopefully) last time I'll have to do so. I am happy that Brindal is now with Precious, Mama cat and all my other furr babies. I think your son is caring for her now. Precious lost the use of his back legs three days before he passed on his own. I think, as painful a choice it was, it would have hurt more to find her gone.
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@LadyDuck (472516)
• Switzerland
16 Jun
I am so sorry Carol, I know how much you loved your sweet lovely Brendel. She was lucky, you did everything for her and you have been for her the most wonderful Mom. You have been through very hard moments, now you need to rest, I know that The Dude will stay close to you helping as much as he can. You have good memories, they are precious. Rest in peace Brendel, we have loved you.
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@NJChicaa (122071)
• United States
16 Jun
I’m so sorry. It is never an easy decision but you did the right thing.
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@snowy22315 (186971)
• United States
16 Jun
Aww, so sorry Carol. I was just thinking of you and Brendel the other day. Her time had come though that is for sure. You did all you could and more...
3 people like this
@1creekgirl (43107)
• United States
16 Jun
Carol, I am so very sorry. Sweet Brendel could not have had a more loving and compassionate mama than you. I know you miss her and even though you did the most loving thing for her, it was hard to let her go. I'm praying God will comfort and strengthen you. We've all missed you.
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@JudyEv (349237)
• Rockingham, Australia
16 Jun
I'm really sorry to hear this but you did all you possibly could for her. I know you'll miss her every day.
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@Dena91 (16865)
• United States
6 Jul
2 people like this
30 Jul
@CarolDM How are you, Carol?
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@porwest (98169)
• United States
23 Aug
Many of us would like to know. She's been absent for too long. Time for an update.
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@dya80dya (36963)
16 Jun
I am very sorry. I know how is this disease. It's a terrible disease and I regret not euthanizing my cat. We planned to do it, but no one wanted to do it. We feel guilty if we euthanize or if we don't. This is the most difficult part when we have a pet. I feel guilty if I take my cat to the vet when I see how much he is struggling to live. My cat struggled a lot to live. It's very sad. But it was the right decision.
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@Dreamerby (7453)
• Calcutta, India
27 Nov
euthanasia should be a viable option for humans too. Some diseases are irrecoverable and living like that feels like a curse.
@jnrdutton (3293)
• United States
6 Jul
My heart breaks for you, I'm sorry you had to make that decision. Letting go is never easy, but sometimes it's best (rather than watch those we Love suffer.)
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@MarieCoyle (42032)
16 Jun
I am so very sorry about Brendel. She was so very loved. As hard as it has all been, you gave her a good life and didn't allow her to suffer at the end. I know how hard that is to do.
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@much2say (57376)
• Los Angeles, California
16 Jun
I am so sorry for your loss, Carol. You gave everything in your power to love and care for sweet Brendel - she had incredible support from her Mom whom we know loved her so dearly. Letting her go was most difficult, but she has been freed from all that her body endured . . . may she rest easy now. Sending hugs to you and The Dude .
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• Bucharest, Romania
17 Jun
RIP Brendel. Wish you well and hope you recover fast after the loss.
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@RasmaSandra (83438)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
16 Jun
Virtual hugs and lots of love to you, You know Brendel is now happy chasing those butterflies up above, She will always be with you in your heart and in spirit, Glad Dude is helping you, I have been wondering how things were, Lucky you have all the memories, My Sid was 13 when he went to be with his Papa,
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@TheHorse (224900)
• Walnut Creek, California
17 Jun
Sorry to hear.
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@Ronrybs (20185)
• London, England
17 Jun
So sad to hear about brendel, but I am sure it was the right decision. Always remember her as a young mischievous moggsley
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@grenery8 (15091)
• Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska)
17 Jun
i hope she rests in peace. it was a difficult decision but you made a good one, i would do the same. i hope you'll feel better by time.
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