The Bugged Block Feature

@sabtraversa (13822)
June 17, 2024 7:54am CST
I never felt the urge to block anyone here. It isn't a matter of thick skin, I just think I would give more attention than deserved. I mean, if someone goes out of their way to annoy you, chances are they will cheer at the fact you blocked them. Then, if the behavior actually goes against the rules, you can do your civic duty by reporting to the admin. Another reason why I refrain from using the block feature is that it doesn't seem to work very well. The person you block can still view your discussions, yet they can't respond. They can edit past responses but I doubt you'll receive a notification. Last but not least, they can't block you back. It makes sense you can't follow nor send a message if you're blocked, but it can be annoying to see discussions you can't interact with on your feed. Can you tell I'm the one who has been blocked? I don't know if it was done willingly or by mistake, but it caught me by surprise. I never attacked anyone, obviously. It might have been a misunderstanding, unfortunately that's very common when communications happens via text. We didn't argue and no explanation was given. I could have asked a third person to contact them but as days passed I've been thinking that it was probably not a mistake, so I'd rather have this user reach out to me to discuss the issue privately, than pull someone else in. Meanwhile I have to bear with their posts on my feed. I haven't used the follows tab in ages and I don't plan to anytime soon. I apologize for the rant, but I'm genuinely disappointed. So... what's your experience with the block feature? Any stories to share? Photo from Pixabay
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9 responses
@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
17 Jun
You have very well explained the LONG list of bugs of the block button and I add one. If someone using the phone touches the button the person blocks a member without even a WARNING. It is very possible you have been blocked by mistake or you have been blocked by a member who is blocking almost everyone without a real reason! If you knew how many times I suggested to remove the block button... I do not even try anymore!
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@sabtraversa (13822)
• Italy
17 Jun
@LadyDuck So it's still possible it was a mistake?! I hope so, but in that case I wonder if they'll ever realize. I also wonder if it's easier to fix this feature or remove it entirely. It might take some coding skills so who knows. Guess it's time to try again, @GoAskAlice ... hello.
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@sabtraversa (13822)
• Italy
17 Jun
@LadyDuck Really, it's a "discussion" site, you gotta expect different opinions as long as they're expressed politely. It doesn't make sense to block someone just because they share a different political opinion, for example, but I suppose some do or want to.
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@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
17 Jun
@sabtraversa All the previous Admins for sure have read me complaining of the block button and suggesting to fix or remove. After all, we can report an offensive member, this button should not be exist in a discussion site like myLot.
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@sharonelton (27384)
• Lichfield, England
17 Jun
It's really strange that. I mean when you block someone on Twitter (X) you can no longer see their posts at all (unless you choose to) and they can't see your posts. I thought it would be similar to that on here.
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@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
17 Jun
It's not Sharon, if someone blocks you, they can still comment on your posts, but you cannot see their comments. This block button makes no sense at all.
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@sharonelton (27384)
• Lichfield, England
17 Jun
@LadyDuck No, and I don't understand why that is. That's really strange. You're right, it doesn't make any sense.
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@sabtraversa (13822)
• Italy
17 Jun
@sharonelton Exactly, here it doesn't work as intended. And it doesn't help this crooked feature is apparently very easy to activate, by mistake. @LadyDuck Oh, I didn't know that, or I forgot at the very least. That one is creepy. Then if you block someone, you can still see their posts? I thought at least one party couldn't see discussions. And they can even respond to them... It's definitely better to block than to be blocked.
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@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
17 Jun
I only block people if they repeatedly annoy me or are rude. I did unblock one though. She wasn't that bad. Another one changed his name so isn't blocked now. He's not a buddy, but not THAT bad. Some of the others I didn't, because the way they respond to people is their personality. I know they would go back to annoying me if they were unblocked. I don't hate them, I just don't want them commenting on my posts.. Somebody blocked me when I wasn't expecting it..but it is her perogative. We all have our limits.
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@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
17 Jun
@sabtraversa You aren't here that often. Most of the rude people aren't here much or don't comment on other posts now
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@sabtraversa (13822)
• Italy
17 Jun
@snowy22315 I don't recall ever seeing rude behavior but tones that seem harsh, yes. It can be annoying at times but I'm usually able to cope with it. If they always "speak that way" then it's reasonable to consider blocking them. I just wish that feature worked as expected, "blocking*" should be more than "disabling someone from commenting". You know, what the eyes don't see the heart doesn't grieve. *Edit: I typed "banning" instead of "blocking". Guess I reminded myself that some behaviors might actually be worth reporting.
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@much2say (54804)
• Los Angeles, California
20 Jun
I've always felt that blocked should mean totally blocked, to be most effective - but I guess not. I've never blocked anyone intentionally - and honestly I don't know if I've been blocked (if I did, then I didn't know and still don't know ). But from what I've heard from others, it's annoying the way it is, and has been all these years.
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@much2say (54804)
• Los Angeles, California
23 Jun
@sabtraversa I just might freak out because I've never been through that. Right, I would think a censorship kind of thing isn't too effective - doesn't solve the entire problem - especially if doesn't complete work .
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@allknowing (132209)
• India
17 Jun
I am here since 2009. I have forgotten who blocked me and who I have blocked. As they say there is enough fish in the oceas - have a pick and continue to interact. Have a nice day.
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@allknowing (132209)
• India
18 Jun
@sabtraversa There was so much going on in those days.
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@sabtraversa (13822)
• Italy
18 Jun
@allknowing Wow, you've been here for 15 years! That can definitely happen, then I know myLot used to be more popular in the past.
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@paigea (36328)
• Canada
17 Jun
I have been blocked, I can't remember who by. I haven't blocked anyone as I find it easy to ignore.
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@sabtraversa (13822)
• Italy
17 Jun
@paigea Same, except I still remember who blocked me as it's recent. Ignoring is a good skill to have even if you were to block someone as you'd still see their posts. They wouldn't be able to comment on your stuff but you'd still be able to see their activity.
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@paigea (36328)
• Canada
17 Jun
@sabtraversa Actually, now that I think about it, I do remember who it was. I still could see all their posts, but couldn't comment. Any way, I didn't care
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@Orson_Kart (6546)
• United Kingdom
17 Jun
I’ve never blocked anyone ever, but I have been blocked by one person that I know of. I’ve no idea why, but I found out quite quickly that ‘she’ has blocked many others for no obvious reason. I did think it was because I was ‘flirting’ with someone else, but no, it wasn’t that. I empathise with your disappointment, but life’s too short. Move on, it’s definitely their loss.
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@sabtraversa (13822)
• Italy
17 Jun
@Orson_Kart If this person has blocked many others it was definitely not your fault. But I wouldn't mind knowing who you're referring to. Spill the tea in private if you don't mind, please. Thanks, I'm moving on. I went through some introspection and extraspection. I'm willing to work on myself but I think they might need to do the same.
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@dya80dya (36155)
21 Jul
I have some stories to share, but I can't share them here. I had some negative experiences in the past. Some people need to be blocked because they bully other people.
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@sabtraversa (13822)
• Italy
21 Jul
@dya80dya Sorry you had negative experiences, did you have them here or on another platform? I think bullying or harassment should be reported to the admin because the block feature doesn't work very well AND that behavior is against the guidelines, therefore worth the ban.
@porwest (85053)
• United States
18 Jun
Some people block me. It is what it is. I think when they do it, they feel some sort of power, which to me is weird. I also think the entire act of blocking people is a bit childish. I am one of those people who wear being blocked as a badge of honor that you mentioned. Frankly when it comes to being blocked, I couldn't care less. If someone wants to block me, block me. I will lose no sleep over it, and it doesn't bother me at all. It's not a punishment. It's not a win for the person who blocks me. It doesn't make me change what I do or what I say. It just is what it is. I DO have an ignore list, though, and that's something I can manage on my own and the person doesn't really have to know they are being ignored. It's also not meant to be a punishment for the person being ignored. It's just because I have decided that person is simply not worth my time.
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@sabtraversa (13822)
• Italy
18 Jun
@porwest Yes, I agree the desire for control is huge among those who block, so when they feel they're losing control they'll proceed to block to gain some back. This time I was caught by surprise because I've always had friendly interactions with this person, we never really argued or disliked each other, or at least I thought so. It would have been easier to "accept" otherwise. So I think there was a misunderstanding or perhaps that button was hit accidentally, but I'm not losing my sleep over it either. Ignoring is always the best thing if you're able to do so, especially when the block feature here doesn't really work as you can still see some of their activity and sometimes even interact with it.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
19 Jun
@sabtraversa I definitely think people who block think they have some power or control over the person being blocked. It's all in their mind, though. lol It's like a 5-year old sticking their fingers in their ears with their tongue stuck out.
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