My lazy Referrals :(

@raj0019 (2623)
December 2, 2006 6:22am CST
I have 3 referrals, but none of them has posted a single message yet, what could be the worst?
17 responses
• United States
10 Jan 07
yeah I'm with you. i mean its almost not worth getting them to sign up since theyre not helping you at all. a couple of my referals are that way on here although one of them I can understand. hes my fiancee and hes in iraq... i figure defending our country takes slight precedence over helping me make money lol
1 person likes this
@raj0019 (2623)
• Argentina
10 Jan 07
My problem is that most of my referrals are either engaged or married, so its obvious they could not get much time to bwork here. I am looking for some young lads to work with me, that could bring much better results as far as my hopes are concerned.
• Romania
2 Dec 06
well I have 32 referals best if them has made 73 $...hehe
@Skshan (771)
• India
2 Dec 06
great .How do u get them? ........But u still lag me .I have 66 referrals.heheeee
• Romania
2 Dec 06
well still searching...made them on forums and other sites...but now...I want to reach like 100 referals...then I dont have to do somethin at all and I'l ear money
@Skshan (771)
• India
2 Dec 06
are all 32 active?
• United States
2 Dec 06
I don't have any referrals. I don't have friends that would do this kind of thing. Most of my friends in real life don't play around on message boards and the online friends I have won't do this kind of site. They like simple mommy boards so they can talk about their kids. I also don't like begging for people to sign up as my referral.
@raj0019 (2623)
• Argentina
4 Dec 06
you dont need to beg! you only need to convince them
@vipul20044 (5793)
• India
4 Dec 06
Well buddy call that bad luck, then it isnt just you Even its the same story here I got 7 referrals out of which just one is active rest all are sleeping So that all depends on you Just keep commenting
@raj0019 (2623)
• Argentina
8 Dec 06
i feel sad to get such lazy sleepy referrals after putting so much effort to earn each of them. What could be worst!
@okaprd (206)
• Singapore
11 Jan 07
Use the management's credo, 80:20 rules or whatever it called, means 80% work is being done by 20% workers other means perhaps is if you have 10 referrals maybe it only 2 that will active :D
@raj0019 (2623)
• Argentina
12 Jan 07
Thats pretty much upto the point, great management funda! Thanks!
2 Dec 06
Wow some people are really impressive with the amount of referrals they have. I have 3. The first one seems to have stopped posting though and one, being my boyfriend - doesn't really get enough time/chance to post! The remaining one seems active enough...
@raj0019 (2623)
• Argentina
4 Dec 06
Wish i could ask my gf to join this site too :( lol
@Phlamingho (7825)
• Denmark
2 Dec 06
You just have to recruit a few more :-)
@raj0019 (2623)
• Argentina
2 Dec 06
But how to do that?
@setya1 (204)
• Indonesia
2 Dec 06
hmmm.. i have 7 referal, it same too.... but it's OK.. we only get 25% of their post..
@raj0019 (2623)
• Argentina
4 Dec 06
but think once, what would happen if each of them earns 4$ a day! wont that help you?
@Al3xius (1777)
• Romania
2 Dec 06
I have 4 referrals and only one of the was active since a couple of days ago . He made 0.54$ for me untill now . I recomand you to work for yourself and don`t put your trust in your referrals ! Good luck with your earnings !
@raj0019 (2623)
• Argentina
2 Dec 06
I dont want such lazy referrals in my list. It would be much better if i didnt had anyone.
@wasim989 (2298)
• India
2 Dec 06
Well same here I have 8 referrals and only 1 of them is somewhat active.........................................................
@raj0019 (2623)
• Argentina
4 Dec 06
Thats kind of funny, isnt it!
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
19 Jan 07
I hae 2 and noneof them are active. I wil trust noone bymyself to make money..
@vinaykant (812)
• India
2 Dec 06
i have 1 lazy refferal that idiot not intrested to earn money so i am in loss
@raj0019 (2623)
• Argentina
4 Dec 06
I am on TOTAL loss, dont know why did they joined this site! To sleep?
@lauczi (962)
• Poland
4 Dec 06
i have no refferals i dont even know if i get pait. THATS worst thing! i think u just have to go and find other referrals. there are millions people that use intrnet u have a big chance to have many of them
@santaram (1422)
• India
3 Dec 06
ok send private messages to them if you have thier mails
@Skshan (771)
• India
2 Dec 06
Try covincing them.....
@R3fl3XioN (3187)
• France
2 Dec 06
I have 16 referrals ! But just 2 are actives....
@avi_rocks (460)
• India
3 Dec 06
I too have 7 referals. They too aretn tahta active. i am jsut looking for an active referral,.....