Upsetting news about my son

@shaggin (72011)
United States
June 18, 2024 8:29pm CST
For about 6 months my son’s medicine didn’t seem to be helping he was going into rages easily, having a lot of frustration and irritability. The doctor just kept increasing it and not seeming to listen when I would say he’s very irritable and it didn’t seem to be working. He lost interest in playing guitar which has been something he lived and breathed every minute over the past 4 years. He lost interest in art and over the past few weeks lost interest in food. Over Memorial Day weekend the pharmacy messed things up and while I was terrified he would do really badly he and I both agreed he seemed calmer and less angry. We agreed as long as he felt okay he didn’t have to take them. Last night he told his friends he doesn’t want or deserve friends and is saying good bye that he isn’t going to kill himself it’s just the last time they will talk. His friend asked if he needs help and he said probably but he doesn’t want to get help he just wants to be left alone and quit all his friendships. Thankfully his friend called the principal who got in touch with me. I tried all day to get him to go to a counselor but he wouldn’t. He is refusing to take any meds or talk to a therapist so I had to bring him to the ER to be evaluated. I don’t think the medicine he took will be good for him but I do think he may need another antidepressant. They agreed it would be best for him to be admitted to the psych ward. I’ve been here for 6 hours then have an hour drive home.
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21 responses
@JudyEv (337535)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Jun
I am so, so sorry to hear this. You must be stressed out of your mind. Why won't professionals listen to their patients and their carers when they try to tell them things are working out. I hope your son gets the help he needs now.
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
19 Jun
@Judyev I shed many tears today and will be so worried while he is in the psych ward but he is much less likely to be able to kill himself there. So in many ways I will be less worried.
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@JudyEv (337535)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Jun
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@paigea (36320)
• Canada
19 Jun
I am so sorry you are dealing with this. I know how hard it can be.
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
19 Jun
@paigea we just want our children to be healthy happy and successful. This is a very scary situation for me.
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@paigea (36320)
• Canada
19 Jun
@shaggin That's exactly what we all want. I hope you get some where with him.
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@celticeagle (164984)
• Boise, Idaho
20 Jun
Thank goodness this friend did the right thing and contacted the principal. It has been my experience that sometimes the medications just quit working and the situation has to be reevaluated. I have had depression most of my life and have gone through many changes like that. Each individual is different. I hope a medication is found that helps your son. I know how frustrating and alarming these changes can be.
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
23 Jun
I thankfully have never had a medication I took for depression stop working but I really do think that is what happened with my son. Now he is unwilling to take anything. I am so thankful the girl contacted the principal. Her father is on my friends list on fb so I’m not sure why they didn’t contact me instead but at least this way I was able to ask a counselor for advice so it worked out well. She was willing to talk to him but he wouldn’t go and with all that he had said and the way he was acting I had to have him admitted to a psych ward.
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
27 Jun
@celticeagle my daughter did the dna testing too and the first medication on the list that they tried gave her tics.
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@celticeagle (164984)
• Boise, Idaho
27 Jun
@shaggin .......I think he needs to see a counselor. A counselor could make him see the pros of taking a medication. Finding the right one for him at this stage is another problem entirely. It took me ages to find the right one. Even after doing a DNA testing. Another idea too is to have him go to a center that has a group that might be of help. Being around and listening to others who might have the same issues could be helpful.
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@LadyDuck (469488)
• Switzerland
19 Jun
I am very sorry, you must be so stressed and exhausted. Of course your son needs the help of a professional.
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
30 Jun
@LadyDuck I was worried sick. He just got home last night and talked my ear off and I was so happy to see him and hear him. I forgot how much he talked no wonder my house seemed so very quiet. My daughter had moved out, my stepson went into the marines and my son went into the psych ward all within 2 weeks or so.
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
30 Jun
@LadyDuck I knew it would be like that with the oldest two gone but my son being in the psych ward wasn’t something I was prepared for.
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@LadyDuck (469488)
• Switzerland
30 Jun
@shaggin I am so glad your son talked a lot to you yesterday. I remember my Mom complaining of how the house was silent after my brother moved out.
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@TheHorse (216609)
• Walnut Creek, California
20 Jun
Sounds like some serious depression. I hope he can find his way out of it.
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
24 Jun
@TheHorse yes they said it was a severe depressive episode or something like that. He won’t take meds or do therapy but did group therapy today they said.
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@TheHorse (216609)
• Walnut Creek, California
24 Jun
@shaggin Hope his therapy helps.
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
24 Jun
@TheHorse thank you. I don’t think it will because I doubt he’s opening up about anything and probably just sitting there. They can’t force the kids to go to group therapy but they are supposed to go. What he needs is to be willing to do one on one therapy.
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21 Jun
I send many hugs to you and will remember your son and family in my prayers I never wanted to be in psych wards, but have spent 11 different times in one and realize now that all those times helped me and I am doing much better it was worth it I am autistic-like your son. But I am also bipolar so needed those hospitalizations
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
29 Jun
@LovesEverybody thank you so much if you kept him in your prayers. I am not religious but I did pray many times just in case. 11 times is heart breaking but if it’s what kept you alive then it is all worth it! I had no idea your were autistic
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
6 Jul
@LovesEverybody wow how crazy to not be diagnosed for so long
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6 Jul
@shaggin Having to be admitted 11 times wasn't easy but it did keep me alive and certainly was worth it! I found out I was autistic about 2 or 3 years ago. i must be as every time i go to my psychiatrist and sign papers i read then and they say other things and that i am on the autism spectrum
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@GardenGerty (160242)
• United States
11 Aug
Girl, I did not see this post when you put it up If the medication he was taking is an SSRI and he was getting a lot of caffeine, he may have been having a serotonin toxicity. I had never heard of this before, but it happened with my adult son, and he diagnosed it for himself, and cut back a lot on the pop and chocolate until he came out of the rages, etc. Big hugs to you and I sure hope things are going better now.
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
12 Aug
@GardenGerty nope not much caffeine but thank you for that suggestion. He’s doing well. Band practice 3-4 days a week I think has been helpful. Tomorrow we are going school shopping.
@kareng (59055)
• United States
19 Jun
Too many doctors are like that these days. It is like they are trying to break a record of how many patients they can see per day or something. I'm sorry your son is going through this. I hope that they can help him get to feeling better and back on track. Sending prayers.
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
1 Jul
@shaggin Yes, it sounds like the full treatment would be the way to go. Good luck!
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
24 Jun
@kareng I don’t know why she didn’t listen. Looking at the date it’s actually been 9 months since we felt his medication stopped working. So far he is still refusing medicine and asked to talk to the doctor today to see when they will let him go home. He will be unhappy but I hope they keep him the full 10 days in hopes they can get him to open up and do therapy etc.
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@snowy22315 (178806)
• United States
19 Jun
OH no, that is terrible news! . I will pray for your son and for you.
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
21 Jun
@snowy22315 thank you so much the prayers are very much appreciated. They have gotten him to take an antidepressant and said he was having a severe depressive episode I believe what was they said. He’s a psychiatric ward in Clarion PA. Looks like it’s not far from Erie so I thought the name of the town might ring a bell to you. It’s a 4 1:2 hour drive one way for me but so far he isn’t wanting visitors or phone calls from me. He did talk to me for 5 minutes but asked me not to call again and I told him I’d wait for a call from him and if he doesn’t want to talk to me that’s okay I understand.
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@snowy22315 (178806)
• United States
21 Jun
@shaggin Yeah, I lived not too far from 'Clarion at one time. Why did they send them so far away?
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
22 Jun
@snowy22315 it was the closest place that would take a minor not consenting to treatment. I was wrong while they ordered meds for him he is refusing to take them.
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@allknowing (134103)
• India
20 Jun
Hope the doctors take more interest and finding out what exactly is the cause for your son's behaviour
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
23 Jun
@allknowing so far he is unwilling to do therapy so they really aren’t getting anywhere with him
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@allknowing (134103)
• India
24 Jun
@shaggin Hope he finally agrees
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@sjvg1976 (41247)
• Delhi, India
24 Jun
I am sorry to know about your son. How is he now? Is he got well after being admitted to Psych warr?
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
25 Jun
@Sjvg1976 not exactly he is unwilling to take meds and doesn’t think he needs to be there. They don’t have one on one therapy only group therapy and I don’t think that will be helpful for him since he isn’t going to open up in front of everyone.
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
27 Jun
@sjvg1976 he was unwilling to do that. In order to be released from the psych ward he will have to have a counselor set up to see when he gets home. I am thankful they will tell him he has to do that because he wouldn’t listen to me.
@sjvg1976 (41247)
• Delhi, India
25 Jun
@shaggin then you should go for one to one therepy if you son is of shy nature
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@RasmaSandra (78786)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
19 Jun
I am so sorry to hear this, I hope they can help him, Virtual hugs and I will put him in my prayers,
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
30 Jun
@RasmaSandra he is home as of Friday night and is doing very well. I don’t feel safe to leave him alone yet which he thinks is weird. He will start seeing a counselor weekly and his band lessons will resume once a week as well.
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@RasmaSandra (78786)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
30 Jun
@shaggin best of luck to you both
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@aninditasen (16305)
• Raurkela, India
19 Jun
That's really disturbing. How old is your son? I think he should be left alone for sometimes and needs rest.
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
25 Jun
@aninditasen my son is 16. If I left him alone during this period I am afraid he would kill himself.
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@aninditasen (16305)
• Raurkela, India
27 Jun
@shaggin I don't mean allowing him to live all alone. Let him stay in his room alone for sometimes to be at peace but keep a watch over his activities. Try to put him into a light conversation.
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@aninditasen (16305)
• Raurkela, India
2 Jul
@shaggin There they will treat him like a mental patient. He needs to listened to and taken into conversations to make his mind and heart lighter.
@LindaOHio (174650)
• United States
19 Jun
I am so sorry to hear this. I hope they will be able to help him and put him on the right medications. I can't imagine how you feel. PM me any time you need to talk.
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
6 Jul
@LindaOhio he has refused to take any medication. I’m still working on getting him in to talk to a counselor weekly. He seems to be doing well though. Thank you so much for the offer to talk if I need to.
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@LindaOHio (174650)
• United States
6 Jul
@shaggin You're very welcome.
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@AmbiePam (90729)
• United States
19 Jun
I am so sorry. I can’t imagine the stress and fear you have been dealing with. I am glad he is in the hospital where he needs to be, and I’ll pray he gets the help he needs. I hope that doctor he was seeing gets a reality check for not listening to your concerns.
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
6 Jul
@AmbiePam if I can help it we will not be going back to that doctor again. I am trying to find a counselor for him that he can talk to weekly that our insurance will cover but am having a time with it. He is doing well thankfully since he got out.
@jstory07 (138935)
• Roseburg, Oregon
19 Jun
That is really sad I hope they can help him. I just said a prayer for him.
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
19 Jun
@jstory07 thank you for saying a prayer. I will be saying a lot of them. I hope they will be kind to him in the psych ward. They are transferring him 3 1/2 hours away to a facility since no where closer will take a minor who isn’t concerning to treatment.
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@Juliaacv (50757)
• Canada
19 Jun
I am frightened for his well being, and sad for you and your family for going through this right now. You are a very intuitive mother, and I know that you will do what is best for him. Please know that I am praying for you, him, and your family during this time of treatment for your son. Please take good care.
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
29 Jun
@Juliaacv thank you so much I appreciate your kind words. After 10 days he is now home. He seems very well and learned new skills to cope with situations that make him angry etc. He thought it was a helpful place. I’m relieved to hear that and am so glad he is home. I won’t be leaving him alone for along time though which he thinks is really weird since he was released that I made him go with me even when I just had a quick mile ride down the road to drop something off and told he has to go with me anywhere I go for along time.
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@wolfgirl569 (104153)
• Marion, Ohio
19 Jun
Glad his friends let people know something was wrong
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
30 Jun
@wolfgirl569 yes thank god for those girls. He is home now after 10 days of being in the psych ward. He is doing very well but still doesn’t want friends or medication but will be doing counseling as soon as I can get him an appointment this week.
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@tom_view (6445)
• Kolkata, India
19 Jun
sorry to hear it
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@sarik1 (7200)
24 Jun
It is sad news. hope that all is well.
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
25 Jun
@sarik1 thank you. So far there is no date set when he will be able to come home. I’m estimating July 1.
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