Do You Want an AI Friend?

@akalinus (42268)
United States
June 22, 2024 1:21pm CST
I have been seeing online chatter about creating an AI friend. This would be a person you can discuss things with and find empathy and understanding. In theory, you could tell it your deepest darkest secrets if you wanted to. If you Google it you will find several different sources of AI friends. I tried to find a link but they are each for a specific one. I don't want my post to look like advertising. What do you think about this? Would you reveal your innermost secrets to your AI friend, a roboperson? Is this a good idea or a terrible one?
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15 responses
@Shivram59 (33384)
• India
23 Jun
I would first like to know about AI.I have heard about AI;but don't know much about it.Would you please enlighten me??
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@akalinus (42268)
• United States
23 Jun
AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. It learned to use language by scraping the internet. It can perform all kinds of tasks.
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@akalinus (42268)
• United States
23 Jun
Here is a link for you.
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@Shivram59 (33384)
• India
24 Jun
@akalinus Thanks for sharing the link.I want to know about cryptocurrency.What's it??
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@RasmaSandra (77609)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
22 Jun
Not for me but I did find a free Al tool I can use to help with my writing to make sure it sounds smooth, The tool paraphrased paragraphs I have written and through that I also learn to write better, Very helpful,
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@RasmaSandra (77609)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
23 Jun
@akalinus the Al tool I use also does not write for me but puts my paragraphs in better grammatical order if need the help,
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@akalinus (42268)
• United States
23 Jun
I would not mind that as long as I am in control and the content is mine. That is why I do personal experience writing. No one can rightfully claim that they wrote it. Of course, if I use content from someone else, I attribute it to them and only use a snippet.
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@akalinus (42268)
• United States
23 Jun
Yes, I use something to correct my grammar and spelling. Those are helpful. I won't use anything that does my writing for me. They don't know my experiences, thoughts, and ideas.
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@crossbones27 (49050)
• Mojave, California
22 Jun
They say they going to do this for people with mental illness. Its kind of crazy because I think people make people develop mental illness, many of them, some people are just off. AI may help them remain balanced but eventually people are going to have to go back and deal with people that make them crazy, if that make sense. I am not crazy you are.
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@akalinus (42268)
• United States
22 Jun
I think what I saw was for normal people who feel lonely or let down by people. I don't know much about it. On Facebook, I asked if your robot friend would come over to your house. I don't think they answered.
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• Mojave, California
22 Jun
@akalinus haha, AI like I have to make house calls too?
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@akalinus (42268)
• United States
22 Jun
@crossbones27 AI will tell you that they don't have feelings so it should not bother them at all. It might disturb my friend who also lives here, though.
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@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
23 Jun
NO, absolutely NOT. If I want a friend it must be a human, I have enough of everything artificial.
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@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
24 Jun
@akalinus What a horrible thing even to imagine that lonely person will be brainwashed and manipulated by AI.
@akalinus (42268)
• United States
23 Jun
Human friends are the best, I agree. Some people feel lonely and forsaken. They will be the ones to use it first. I wonder if it will cost anything.
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
24 Jun
No, I wouldn't want an AI friend.
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@akalinus (42268)
• United States
24 Jun
So you never thought about it or just don't need a friend? AI is getting into everything, it is kind of scary. I have a couple of real friends to discuss things with.
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
24 Jun
@akalinus I never thought about an AI friend. I like real friends. Yes, it's scary.
@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
23 Jun
No, I don't want an AI friend. There are too many things involved with AI these days. I don't like it or trust it. Have a good day.
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@akalinus (42268)
• United States
23 Jun
I don't like AI much either. I don't want to use it in my writing.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
24 Jun
@akalinus Me either. My writing is very personal and unique.
@AmbiePam (88834)
• United States
22 Jun
No way! That is downright scary. Some company would have access to your innermost thoughts, and what if they were hacked? Not to mention if a person got really attached, suddenly couldn’t interact, and got deeply depressed. I’m picturing mentally unstable people losing a source of comfort, and how devastating that would be to them.
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@akalinus (42268)
• United States
22 Jun
Yes, that could send some people over the edge. I never thought about it getting hacked. That would be a problem. What if an enemy wanted access to your innermost self?
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@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
22 Jun
Hmm, interesting idea.
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@akalinus (42268)
• United States
22 Jun
I was surprised when I saw it. For a few years, I have gotten emails from someone who says he is my number one fan. One day, I said something negative about life. I got another email asking if I needed to talk to a human. It was a letdown. I thought he was human. I'm not sure if it is the same thing or not.
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
23 Jun
Whether it’s a good or terrible idea really depends on how it's used and the safeguards in place to protect users' privacy.
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
24 Jun
@akalinus That's a valid concern. It's all about transparency and safeguards to protect user privacy. Companies need to ensure that data collected is used responsibly and not sold without consent.
@akalinus (42268)
• United States
23 Jun
I don't know how it will work. Will it stay in the sky forever or in a storage vault somewhere? Remember when a social media site said your information was private but then sold it to the highest bidders?
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@jobelbojel (35114)
• Philippines
23 Jun
I think like an AI friend. The world is getting serious with AIs.
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@akalinus (42268)
• United States
23 Jun
Do you want an AI friend? It would be great to have someone you can talk with but I don't know if anyone else could see what you talk about. I wonder if you can give it a name and whatever gender you want it to be.
@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
23 Jun
No way I would do this. If a hacker gets in, they'd have way too much information about you.
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@akalinus (42268)
• United States
23 Jun
That would be my biggest fear. Big Brother would use that information against you.
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@Deepizzaguy (99643)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
22 Jun
No I want my private life to remain private since I have told many of my followers on Twitter you can follow me but do not ask for money or reveal my secrets.
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@akalinus (42268)
• United States
23 Jun
I delete people who ask for money. If you are on social media, they already know secrets about you. I try to write things but not reveal my innermost self.
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@Deepizzaguy (99643)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
23 Jun
@akalinus Same with me.
@pitsipeahie (4924)
23 Jun
I’ve heard the buzz about AI friends lately. They’re like virtual companions you can talk to and get empathy from. In theory, you could even share your deepest secrets with them. Would you trust a ‘roboperson’ with your innermost thoughts? I’m torn—could be cool, but kinda risky too. I have my doubts...
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@akalinus (42268)
• United States
23 Jun
I would think it is on the risky side. Everything you do online is up for inspection by whoever;
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• India
24 Jun
Speaking to a real person vs AI would be very interesting. Unless , we know beforehand we are talking to an AI and the AI friend is trained to be personal and not formal , it would not make any difference to many. I also see a great opportunity in serving helping hand to depressed and lone souls . If used well, it would be a fantastic idea
@jnrdutton (2951)
• United States
24 Jun
I think it has good and bad elements. On one hand it might make certain people neglect actual human interactions. On the other it could help others (ironically) get OVER social anxieties and thereby ultimately interact BETTER with actual humans.
@akalinus (42268)
• United States
24 Jun
I don't know what to think. People already neglect others because they are on the internet. They let children play computer games or use the internet as babysitters so they don't need to pay attention to them.