Do you still pay bills and make purchases with paper checks?

@MarieCoyle (34016)
July 6, 2024 4:08pm CST
I stumbled on this article, called ''The Death Of Checks'' and it made me realize more than ever that checks are just not used much at all anymore--at least,not most of the people I know.   Checks have been on the way out here in the US for a long time now. Most of us use a debit card (card connected to our checking account) or cash. I know that is what I do. Writing checks, recording checks in a ledger, etc. is pretty much just obsolete. I had to think hard, when did I last write a check? Then I remembered, it was for a medication I was fighting with insurance to pay for, that was much needed. I wanted the paper trail, as well as the receipt, so I wrote a check. (yes, I was finally reimbursed!) That was at least 5-6 months ago, so I have not written a check since then. Even my rent has to be paid online to a certain site. I've paid it that way for maybe 5 years now--never a problem. And with the mail so wacky and such, it is good to know that the rent gets there instantly, without worrying if it will ever arrive at all. I have started to notice a few businesses that even have it posted near the registers or check-outs, ''We no longer accept checks.'' The checkbook used to be a standard--most adults always carried it along, men always had a blank check or two in their wallet, and writing checks was pretty much a daily thing. Do you still write checks very often?
"Paper checks are dead and cash is dying." When I read that headline in the Washington Post last week, I cringed. According to the Post...
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34 responses
@wolfgirl569 (102054)
• Marion, Ohio
6 Jul
I haven't written a check for a few years now.
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@wolfgirl569 (102054)
• Marion, Ohio
6 Jul
@MarieCoyle Not anymore. Many stores process it right there and hand the check right back to you. That puts it online but they don't realize that
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@akalinus (42268)
• United States
6 Jul
@MarieCoyle I never liked writing checks and keeping them for years afterward.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
6 Jul
Older people seem to think it's safer to write a check, but it's not anymore.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49864)
• United States
6 Jul
It’s very rare that I use a check these days.
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@akalinus (42268)
• United States
6 Jul
@sallypup In your case, writing a check makes sense.
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@sallypup (59745)
• Centralia, Washington
6 Jul
@MarieCoyle I also use a bank check to pay my house taxes. The county charges me quite a chunk of change when I use a debit card.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
6 Jul
I don't honestly know hardly anyone who does.
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@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
7 Jul
I write an occasional check. Right now I am paying the monthly rent by check because the rent portal on the Housing website hasn't working since March 2024. I used to pay all my bills by check but now I pay online either having it debit from my account or credit card. A lot of places won't take a check any longer.
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@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
8 Jul
@MarieCoyle ........Yes, it is rather sad that some folks don't understand. I was amazed when I got my Roku TV at how easy it was to subscribe or enjoy the free ones. So much is available to us nowadays. I'm on YouTube a lot of the time too.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
8 Jul
@celticeagle Yes, for sure. Some older people are terrified of any changes. My neighbor Dale never, ever hardly uses his landline. He complains of the cost. The other day he was complaining about it again, and I asked him when he used it last. He had to think about that, and finally said it had been at least 6 months, if not more. I did point out that the cost wasn't worth it for that. But he wants it, which is in reality rather strange, as he lives on very little. He is 90...and very, very set in his ways.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
7 Jul
I tried to explain streaming service payments to a neighbor who wants to change to streaming. He just couldn't understand that there isn't a local ''office'' that he can go down there and physically set it up and pay the bill for it. Times have changed, and in order to function well, we have to change with them.
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@TheHorse (214031)
• Walnut Creek, California
7 Jul
I still pay a handful of my bills with old school checks.
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@TheHorse (214031)
• Walnut Creek, California
7 Jul
@MarieCoyle Yes. The cops finally caught one of the bad guys. We will see what happens.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
8 Jul
@TheHorse That's wonderful! I hope they caught the one who stole the stimulus check. Then they would have federal charges.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
7 Jul
I do remember you having a problem with checks being stolen from your mailbox. That would be more than enough for me to not ever want to deal in checks anymore. If I never have to write another one, that will be more than fine with me. But there will probably always be something, every once in a while.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
9 Jul
I know I have a checkbook and blank checks somewhere, but hell if I remember where they are. I have not written a paper check in years.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
10 Jul
@MarieCoyle This is very true. In fact, whenever I see someone pull out a checkbook nowadays I swear to you I start looking for Rod Serling to show up and tell me I am in the Twilight Zone. lol
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
12 Jul
@porwest My oldest son and I were in Target one day, and he made the comment that he hates getting behind someone in line when they have a checkbook. I have seen exactly two people write a check in a store, in the last year. Twilight Zone is right!
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
9 Jul
For years, no one left the house without their checkbook. Now, we don't even know where they are...very telling, they are on their way out.
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13 Jul
I signed a check for the convenient care I went to when I thought I had pink eye and got my copay bill this week. My peer wrote the check out (with my permission and me watching her write it out) then I signed it. I have certain things I write checks out for (usually by myself) and certain things I pay by debit card. I prefer to use cash though
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
13 Jul
I carry some cash with me, but never a large amount.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
14 Jul
@LovesEverybody I do not currently carry a specific amount of cash, either. If I am going out of town on a trip, I am more likely to carry more cash.
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13 Jul
@MarieCoyle I don't have a specific amount I carry with me. Sometimes I have more when I take money out of the ATM and sometimes I use all that money. When I paid for my new glasses last week I paid with my debit card Have a great day!
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@pumpkinjam (8671)
• United Kingdom
7 Jul
I've never used them much, although I do still own a cheque book. I don't recall ever paying a bill with one. It does seem to still be the preferred way for some organisations to pay, though, so I've received cheques (e.g. tax refunds). I think the last time I sent a cheque (and the only time I really would now unless specifically asked) is as a gift if I'm sending by post.
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• United Kingdom
8 Jul
@MarieCoyle I much prefer other methods if I'm sending money than by post, but I have people who insist on it that way. That's when I'll send a cheque. Cash can easily be stolen whereas a cheque can be traced. If I've got someone's PayPal or bank information then I'll prefer to transfer it. Unfortunately, I have family members who insist that sending cash is safer!
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
9 Jul
@pumpkinjam I know that in the last few years, there has been a huge rise of gift cards being stolen that are sent in the mail. So, I never send them in a card anymore. Sending cash doesn't sound like a good idea to me, either!!
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
7 Jul
Yes, we get them in the mail sometimes. I got one this past week from an insurance overpayment. It's reaching the point with the unreliable mail service that many are not comfortable with mailing cash or checks or even a gift card.
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@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
7 Jul
I only use them to make the mortgage payment. I feel more comfortable handing a payment over to the teller. I don't want any screw ups by paying through the mail. I am not sure if my mortgage can be paid online anyway.
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@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
7 Jul
@MarieCoyle I guess I could look into it. I don't mind paying in person though.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
7 Jul
My son pays his house payment online, I think they are set up for that if you want that option.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
8 Jul
@snowy22315 It's all what you are comfortable with.
@much2say (54804)
• Los Angeles, California
9 Jul
Gosh, I can't remember when I last wrote a check. There have been times I've needed to write checks though . . . and it is often then I also realize my handwriting is nearly obsolete too. I don't worry for myself in that I use my card in most cases too . . . but my mom doesn't - she still relies heavily on checks . . . I hope they don't phase that out completely anytime soon (but it seems to be going that way).
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@much2say (54804)
• Los Angeles, California
12 Jul
@MarieCoyle I agree - the debit card is convenient . . . I just worry about hackers and such. Growing up, there used to be a check/bank product company by our house but it's been long gone. I just looked the company up - wow, it still exists!
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
9 Jul
I think they will just fade and become something we rarely use. I personally love the option of the debit card, it's very convenient, and I am not charging anything, so that's good!
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
14 Jul
@much2say I bet they don't have the business they once had.
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@akalinus (42268)
• United States
6 Jul
I wrote a check about three years ago. When I started a new bank account, they gave me eight checks and I still have six left.
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@akalinus (42268)
• United States
6 Jul
@MarieCoyle I know the feeling. Checks are a relic of the past but some people still use them.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
6 Jul
@akalinus To me, it just doesn't save anything at all to write them. Once in a blue moon, yes, but not for everything.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
6 Jul
About 5 years ago, I needed to get some checks. I purchased the smallest package available, and there is probably enough for the remainder of my lifetime!
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
8 Jul
I haven't written checks in years. I have my debit card and if I need cash; I go to the bank.
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
9 Jul
@MarieCoyle I don't use the ATM. I don't like paying fees.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
9 Jul
@just4him If we use an ATM affiliated with our bank, there is no fee.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
9 Jul
I think the majority of people do exactly the same. I know if I do need cash, I just use the ATM, but the bank would work fine of course--it's just not close to where I live.
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@Dena91 (16488)
• United States
7 Jul
We are old school and yes, we most certainly do still use checks. Neither of us like using the debit card.
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@Dena91 (16488)
• United States
7 Jul
@MarieCoyle We know we can be hacked by either, we just don't like using the debit card that much. We don't use credit cards either. We have always been pay cash/check for what we need/want or save until we can. We live as debt free life as we possibly can. Thankful for that.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
7 Jul
@Dena91 I agree, I only buy what I can pay for. It’s the best way. I don’t consider my debit card to be a form of credit in any way, as I have a budget and I cannot spend money that I don’t have. So, that’s my logic for that at the present time.
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@kobesbuddy (78889)
• East Tawas, Michigan
6 Jul
Yes, we pay most of our bills with personal checks. Paying online, everyone has access to our bank accounts!
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@kobesbuddy (78889)
• East Tawas, Michigan
6 Jul
@MarieCoyle It's the old fashioned way, what we trust most. The Internet is a giant broadcast system. Everyone's personal life is information, for the entire world to know about it. I'm offended by this, I'm a private person.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
6 Jul
@kobesbuddy I like my privacy as well. It was pointed out to me by a friend of the family (no, I don’t bank with his bank) that actually, every person having a bank account is actually online with it, whether they realize it or bank online or not. Every single transaction we make goes online by the banks. As we know, many banks have had hackers and accounts were compromised, so it is certainly no guarantee of safety anymore to write a check.
@wolfgirl569 (102054)
• Marion, Ohio
6 Jul
As the banks have everything online anymore your information is there anyways
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@arunima25 (87128)
• Bangalore, India
7 Jul
I have a check book but I don't use it all. It must have been few years since I wrote any check. We are more and more into digital transactions and net banking. I don't remember the last time I visited a bank physically.
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@arunima25 (87128)
• Bangalore, India
8 Jul
@MarieCoyle I have done that a few times in the past when I used to have piggy banks for saving. Now, with more digital transactions, we hardly collect any coins.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
7 Jul
The last time I visited a physical bank, was last fall. I had a huge amount of change to cash in, and my bank has a change counter (you just dump the coins in, it counts and adds it up and pays you). There is no charge to do that if you have an account with that bank, so usually once a year, I make a point to cash in the coins.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
9 Jul
@arunima25 Yes, the coins do not add up as fast as they used to, by any means!
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@May2k8 (18258)
• Indonesia
8 Jul
I never write checks, for bills I mostly use pay online via banks or e-wallets without having to pay any additional fees.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
8 Jul
It's best to avoid transaction fees, they have a way of adding up.
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@marguicha (219877)
• Chile
6 Jul
I only use checks to go to the Bank and get some cash. For any thing else, I use my credit card which I pay every month.
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@marguicha (219877)
• Chile
7 Jul
@MarieCoyle I can get money out of any ATM. But the nearest is in my Bank 3 blocks away. And I have to use those checks somewhere. The supermarket does not accept checks anymore.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
6 Jul
If I am at my bank, I just use my debit card to get cash in the ATM. No check to write, no fee because it's my bank, and the ATM spits out a receipt.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
7 Jul
@marguicha I understand. But it is good that at least the ATM is available to you.
@Orson_Kart (6546)
• United Kingdom
6 Jul
Checks ( or cheques, as we call them) have been on the way out for years here in the UK too. In fact, I do so much payment online or with debit card, I hardly ever use cash either. I do have a cheque book, but it’s still got all of its slips in.
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• United Kingdom
7 Jul
@MarieCoyle I’ve had a small amount of cash in my wallet, for emergencies, that hasn’t been touched in over a year. So long, that I am now worrying about the depreciation.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
7 Jul
@Orson_Kart I got a huge laugh out of the depreciation statement! You are so right!
@MarieCoyle (34016)
6 Jul
I try to always keep a bit of cash, but no, I don't use the cash I used to use, either.
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@LeaPea2417 (37339)
• Toccoa, Georgia
7 Jul
I only have one bill at the moment that I write a check to pay and send it through the mail.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
7 Jul
We just cannot count on the mail here to get anything to it's destination in a timely manner. Not ever. Our service just sucks.
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@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
7 Jul
Swiss Banks stopped delivering checks at least 10 years ago, but it could be more. Now we pay everything using online banking, or bringing the bills to the bank that will charge a fee to do the job we can very well do ourselves.
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@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
8 Jul
@MarieCoyle It is a long time that we do not have checks here in Switzerland. I remember we had a check account when we bought the house in 1999, but when we moved to live here in 2006 checks had already disappeared.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
7 Jul
So, no more checks in Switzerland! Yes, they appear to be on the way out.
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@Shiva49 (26470)
• Singapore
7 Jul
Checks have gone out of fashion with many other easier payment options available.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
7 Jul
They are just not efficient anymore, not to me.
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