My friend Yasmin has just been round.

The herd in Tamworth.
@sharonelton (28095)
Lichfield, England
July 8, 2024 6:46am CST
My friend Yasmin has just been round to collect some newspapers that she uses for bedding and stuff for her pets. She said she was coming around 10:00am, and she came at about 10:40am. She sat down on the sofa next to my Mum and we had a chat. I had shown her the elephants that I'd photographed on Friday on Facebook messenger, and I asked her if she'd seen the ones in Tamworth. She said no, and she thought they should be pigs in Tamworth. I told her there was one called Tamworth Pigs but it had been vandalised. I sent her a picture of the elephants that are in Tamworth that I got off the March of the elephants twitter (X) account (above) and I sent it to her via Facebook messenger while she was here. Her phone went ping, and she said, Have you sent me another message! She was talking about the trouble she's been having with her Mum who has dementia, and her Mum's carers who she's very frustrated with. She also said that, aswell as being deaf, her husband John is a bit autistic, which I didn't know before. She told my Mum she should put her feet up. Other people have been telling her that too. My Mum needs to move the coffee table out of the way and put that somewhere to make room for the footstool that I gave her for her birthday or Christmas several years ago. Yasmin has been looking at people she used to know on Facebook and commenting on how they've changed! One of them was her ex-boyfriend she was going out with when she was coming to my Church! His name was also John! I said, Yasmin, you're married now, why are you looking at your exs on Facebook! We talked about other stuff aswell. Yasmin was commenting on the my craft stuff that's behind Mum's sofa, because she was wondering if Mum could get a recliner chair and she was wondering if I could put my stuff in the garage! I said, NO! The mice will get at them! Then we were talking about my bedroom and the fact that it's cluttered, but in a neat way! So I took Yasmin in to see my bedroom! When we went back in the living room Mum showed Yasmin the footstool that I'd got her. Yasmin had brought 4 bags with her, and she also brought my bag back that we put some of the newspapers in last time she came for them. We managed to fill 2 of the bags that Yasmin had brought. Then I carried one of the bags to the car for her. I waved her off and then came back into the house. I took the bag that Yasmin had brought back for me into my bedroom and then I got my lunch. I didn't have time to cook anything with Yasmin coming so I had a banana and a packet of mini cheddars. What are you lot getting up to today? I hope you are all well. Have a nice day.
8 people like this
8 responses
@xFiacre (12867)
• Ireland
8 Jul
I grew this
@sharonelton Sunny here so I mowed half the back lawn - I only do half at a time so that I don’t wreck my back. I want to grow a lemon tree. Listening to old songs from the 80s and making myself melancholic and maybe a little touch morbid. Decided to go back to Paris in September which I know will upset me but there you go.
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@sharonelton (28095)
• Lichfield, England
8 Jul
Nice flower. I'm glad it's nice and sunny there, and I'm glad you managed to do half the lawn. It's a good idea to do half at a time to saving wrecking your back. We have a gardener who comes round to do ours. I hope you will be able to grow a lemon tree. If I want to cheer myself up I listen to Sam Ryder. Which songs from the 80's make you melancholic and morbid? Why will going to Paris upset you, and if it will upset you, why have you decided to go?
1 person likes this
@xFiacre (12867)
• Ireland
8 Jul
@sharonelton We lived in Paris for a year just after getting married and our first son was born there. That’s were we feel most at home. No visits to the Eiffel Tower etc, just normal Paris which is in itself extraordinary. Listening to the shirts, the yachts, group sportive etc. my I’ll brother lives in Paris and we want to see him while he is still able - Parkinson’s.
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@sharonelton (28095)
• Lichfield, England
8 Jul
@xFiacre That sounds great, but why would it upset you then?
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@snowy22315 (178806)
• United States
8 Jul
It sounds like you had a good visit with Yasmin.
2 people like this
@sharonelton (28095)
• Lichfield, England
8 Jul
Thank you very much. Yes, it was nice.
2 people like this
@popciclecold (38205)
• United States
8 Jul
Happy you had a good visit with Yasmin. Nothing much here we are doing some cleaning. I think it was a good suggestion about putting your Moms feet up I think I'll do it starting today.
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Jul
@sharonelton Thank you much.
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@sharonelton (28095)
• Lichfield, England
9 Jul
@popciclecold You're welcome.
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@sharonelton (28095)
• Lichfield, England
9 Jul
Thank you very much. It was very nice. I hope you got all the cleaning done that you needed to do. Yes, she should do that to help with the swelling. Good idea. I hope you are well. Have a nice day.
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@just4him (317022)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
8 Jul
I'm glad you had a good visit with Yasmin.
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@just4him (317022)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
9 Jul
@sharonelton You're welcome. I'm getting better every day.
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@sharonelton (28095)
• Lichfield, England
9 Jul
Thank you very much. Yes, it was very good. I hope you are well. Have a nice day.
1 person likes this
@sharonelton (28095)
• Lichfield, England
10 Jul
@just4him Thank you very much. I'm glad to hear that.
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@JESSY3236 (19815)
• United States
9 Jul
I had to schedule two doctor appointments. Nothing bad, just follow ups. I also worked on my cousin's diamond painting.
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@sharonelton (28095)
• Lichfield, England
10 Jul
I have to make an appointment for a review soon, but I'll leave it till Monday because I don't want to ruin my birthday week! I hope your cousin's diamond painting is coming on OK.
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@LindaOHio (174650)
• United States
9 Jul
I'm glad you had a nice visit with Yasmin. Nothing going on here. Have a good day.
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@sharonelton (28095)
• Lichfield, England
9 Jul
Thank you very much. It was very nice. I hope you are well. You have a good day too.
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@psanasangma (7278)
• India
9 Jul
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@sharonelton (28095)
• Lichfield, England
9 Jul
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@JudyEv (337535)
• Rockingham, Australia
9 Jul
It's hard to find room for things sometimes. Yasmin sounds like a lovely friend.
1 person likes this
@sharonelton (28095)
• Lichfield, England
9 Jul
You are too right! The place is crammed full! She is. She's my bestie.
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