Money Every Minute

@porwest (87794)
United States
July 11, 2024 9:42am CST
Make every single minute of every single day an earning minute. Whether asleep or awake. At work or at home on a weekend. While standing at the stove stirring up your soup or stew. Sitting on the toilet enjoying a daily or doing the laundry, mowing the grass, sitting on a beach with an umbrella drink in your hand on vacation. Earn anything. Earn something. Like the digital display on the gas pump, let the numbers never stop charging higher. Let your earnings be on a constant forward path. Of course, I am talking about finding ways to create and generate passive income. It's your best friend. It's your financial silver lining. It's your beck and call. It's your salvation and freedom. It's how you really start to get ahead and worry less about things. It's how dreams morph into realities and how more of your time becomes yours. I can't tell you HOW to do that in this post. I can only plant the seed and set the mood. I can only encourage the idea and the prospect of it. I can only try to illustrate the benefit of it. The rest is up to you.
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10 responses
@pitsipeahie (5014)
12 Jul
Too bad, I thought you were going to spill the secrets!
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@moffittjc (121382)
• Gainesville, Florida
13 Jul
He has spilled secrets in his previous discussions going back through the years. He has always given us a piece of his financial wisdom.
4 people like this
12 Jul
@porwest Touche! You've got us wanting more of your financial wisdom.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
12 Jul
Well, if I did that, how could I write more and more posts expanding on the thought? lol It's like when I did a four year stint in pest control. The customer would ask, "Did you kill them all?" I'd respond with, "No. Of course not. I left just enough behind so you have to call me back."
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@akalinus (42874)
• United States
11 Jul
All the sites I used to work on are either gone or pay so little it is hardly worth it. The bank moves so slowly that I am in doubt here. I put articles on Helium that earned about nine cents a year. Yipee yi yay!
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
11 Jul
Passive income is not just from sites. Investing can accomplish that as well. But I am right there with you. Man, the days of being able to rake in loads of cash from these sites are long gone. Hell, back in the day, between HubPages, WebAnswers and Bubblews, it was literally thousands of dollars a year. I wish those days were back.
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@akalinus (42874)
• United States
11 Jul
@porwest I wrote on Bubblews. I think everyone did. The glory days are over, I think. I wrote on Associated Content, Helium which still owes me $42, and Chatabout where I found a connection to write for Australian websites (now gone.) It is discouraging. Also for Storylane, Yahoo Voices, and a few other places long forgotten. I wrote for magazines too. I think that was easier. I sent in the story or article and they either accepted it or returned it with a coffee ring. I liked that check in the mail.
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@lovebuglena (44203)
• Staten Island, New York
11 Jul
@porwest I was on these three sites and I never made that much in one year.
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@moffittjc (121382)
• Gainesville, Florida
13 Jul
There are so many ways to earn passive income, but I guess sometimes people get stuck in the mindset that they can't do it because all they think about is a bank savings account paying measly interest rates. Or, they get the mindset that passive income is earning pennies on sites like myLot. Yes, both of those are a small (very small) part of the equation, but there are so many other ways to earn passive income. Like you've preached many times before, let your money work for you!
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@akalinus (42874)
• United States
14 Jul
My bank sent me a penny recently.
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@akalinus (42874)
• United States
17 Jul
@moffittjc The bank I use for my finances. They gave me a penny dividend, my first ever. I am getting fabulously rich.
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@moffittjc (121382)
• Gainesville, Florida
16 Jul
@akalinus A penny? Which site sent you a penny?
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@just4him (317022)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
13 Jul
I'm doing what I can, writing, publishing, posting, it all earns. But unless someone buys my books, I don't earn from all my work.
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@akalinus (42874)
• United States
14 Jul
@porwest Where are the articles still earning you money? I wrote many articles but all the sites I wrote on are gone and are earning me nothing. I found some of my Helium articles on other sites. People think it is alright to copy, I guess.
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@just4him (317022)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
13 Jul
@porwest Yes, it is a source. I'm glad you're earning from articles you wrote 15 years ago.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
13 Jul
Still, it's a source even if a small one. I think the best passive income is from investments, of course. But there are many ways to create income that happens all the time after the fact. It's even fun knowing that articles I wrote 15 years ago still earn something.
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@lovebuglena (44203)
• Staten Island, New York
11 Jul
Having passive income is great. But it is not that easy to find good passive income these days, forgetting about stocks and bonds, etc. Savings accounts pay very little. CDs are better but not a lot either. Book sales can make good passive income but it depends on how effective you are at getting people to buy the books. If you suck at marketing/promotion then your passive earnings will be low or even non-existent.
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@lovebuglena (44203)
• Staten Island, New York
14 Jul
@porwest many top banks offer crap in interest on their savings and CDs. Wonder why that is.
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@lovebuglena (44203)
• Staten Island, New York
14 Jul
@porwest I know I’m not as active on here as I used to be but still, pennies are slow crawling here these days…
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
13 Jul
Yes. I agree. Aside from stocks etcetera, it's difficult to find things that pay well enough that it makes it worth your time. Even myLot's payouts aren't REALLY worth the time, but at the same time I also enjoy the interactions. Of course, I'd never do it for free. As for savings and CDs, rates are still not as good as investments, BUT many high yield savings accounts are still offering around 4%-5%, and likewise on CDs. Just a couple of years ago you were lucky to get half a percent.
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@LindaOHio (174650)
• United States
12 Jul
My days of hustling are over. When we had a portfolio of funds I would constantly switch my money around and would make an average of 22%. Our banker even said, "I can't do any better than that....just continue what you're doing." Have a good weekend.
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@LindaOHio (174650)
• United States
13 Jul
@porwest Yup. Now we are bleeding money. It's a good thing we have always been savers.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
12 Jul
From what I can gather, it seems to me you did very well for yourself. But I agree. There's a time to hustle and there's a time to enjoy the fruits of the hustles.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
13 Jul
@LindaOHio My aunt used to spend like no tomorrow and still does. She liked to say, "You can't take it with you," to which I'd reply, "But you will still need it before you leave." She is now 74, still working, and she owes more money on her house than she paid for it nearly 50 years ago. Oh well, you can't get through to them all. lol
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• Philippines
11 Jul
Wow that's cool, but as i read it I feel so tired as if every minute we are working without a rest. I hope some of it are passive income.
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• Philippines
11 Jul
@porwest that's a bit tiring I want rest. Hahahaha!
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
11 Jul
If you are working for it, it's not passive income. lol
@NJChicaa (119104)
• United States
11 Jul
I miss Epinions. That was a great way to earn some extra cash each month. I'll never forget when I surprised my ex with an iPad 2 for his birthday. I was able to get a paper check so the $$ never hit our bank account for him to see. I don't even remember where I wound up buying it from. It had to be somewhere in person. Maybe Best Buy. It was great earning $$ on reviews of stuff that I was buying anyway. That site was great. Oh I bought toilet paper? Let's review it!
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@Beestring (14358)
• Hong Kong
11 Jul
Having money comes in while you are sleeping is the beauty of passive income. I make it happen when I invest in dividend paying stocks, and put money in fixed deposit to earn interest.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
12 Jul
That is THE best way to do it. Stocks and dividend or interest bearing vehicles. Of all passive income sources, they require the least work, and because of compounding, offer the greatest benefit to grow the income requiring very little else to accomplish that.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
12 Jul
You can lead horse to water but you sure can't make him drink, is my saying to it. I use to have all kinds of sites I worked but over time I got tired of trying to keep up with it all & just stayed on here.
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@akalinus (42874)
• United States
3 Aug
@2ndchances24 Some YouTubers earn by mowing overgrown lawns for free. People find the videos of them mowing and creating a new yard relaxing and satisfying to watch. They get a lot of views which translates into cash.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
13 Jul
myLot is definitely NOT passive income. Some sites CAN be. Like Blogspot and HubPages for example. But the real passive income that adds up to a lot comes from savings and investments. There's none better.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
13 Jul
@porwest maybe not, but I'd rather be doing SOMETHING other than sitting at home on the computer all day like I do. I'd like to have a way to make videos about fishing or gardening where I find that to be a good way to make $ on you tube.
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