I supported my US myLot friends today

@JudyEv (334404)
Rockingham, Australia
July 12, 2024 3:47am CST
I had a hankering for ginger biscuits once and made myself some. Vince said they’d be better if they had walnuts in them so now I add walnuts. I seem to be forever making them so now I make a double lot and freeze some. I went to buy walnuts today. I had the choice of Australian or Californian nuts. Usually, we try really hard to buy Australian and will pay a bit more for our own produce. But the Aussie walnuts were double the price of those from California. As they’re not cheap to start with, I let the side down and bought the imported ones. I consoled myself thinking I was supporting my US myLot friends. You can thank me later (That’s a joke.)
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19 responses
@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
12 Jul
Walnuts are expensive and I also buy California walnuts, because the (very good) French walnuts cost the double.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
12 Jul
This happens time and time again where Australian products are dearer than imported goods.
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@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
12 Jul
@JudyEv Most Swiss products are more expensive than imported goods. No surprise considering that Swiss salaries are higher than the rest of EU salaries. To produce they pay more, the products cost more.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Jul
@LadyDuck The Swiss have always had a reputation of producing high quality items.
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@ptrikha_2 (46478)
• India
14 Jul
I think Horse and Greg (Xander) could be the biggest beneficiaries. Horse due to his rapport with many US exporters. Greg might have hidden Australian Shell company which profits from both the US one and the Aussie one. The worst part is gathering proof because these two guys are "supposedly" much more smarter and logical than me. Anyways, leaving that aside, I too would love such cookies. Also a motivation for me to do a "series" of Cookies. Or shall we say "Cookie Posting"?
@ptrikha_2 (46478)
• India
15 Jul
@JudyEv Neither would I like to start another discussion about Cookies vs Biscuits! People here would likely get bored of that topic. By the way, the word "Cookie" has caught on in India in just the recent 10 to 12 years. Biscuits ( accent varies from "Bees-Keet" to "Bee-Skoot" and a few more). Well, I would just stop now !
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
15 Jul
These are about the only biscuits/cookies I make. I am very stubborn and refuse to use the term 'cookies' too often!
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@much2say (54804)
• Los Angeles, California
12 Jul
Thank you for getting walnuts from out my way . We have a bag of walnuts, but to be honest, I don't even know where they came from .
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@much2say (54804)
• Los Angeles, California
15 Jul
@JudyEv I just looked and it said "California" . I do wonder if the Australian ones taste different!
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
16 Jul
@much2say I don't think they would but you never know.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Jul
Hopefully they're local ones. Wouldn't it be funny if they were Australian. It should say on the packet if you still have it.
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@Orson_Kart (6546)
• United Kingdom
13 Jul
I eat walnuts along with other nuts and seeds as part of my healthy diet. My walnuts are bought from Tesco, but the packet doesn’t say where the origin is. I suspect it’s not Australia as they are cheap. It’s crazy how local produce is more expensive than imported. It’s the same here.
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• United Kingdom
13 Jul
@JudyEv I thought the same applied here. Obviously not! One thing I do know - they’re not British.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Jul
I think in Australia packaging has to say the country of origin. Sometimes it might say something like 'Packaged in Australia with 40% Australian content' or somesuch.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
13 Jul
Thank you for supporting American walnut producers. Have a good weekend.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Jul
@LindaOHio True but I don't know why the difference.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Jul
It seems crazy that Californian walnuts are cheaper than our own.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
13 Jul
@JudyEv It doesn't make sense!
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@grenery8 (7248)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
13 Jul
i am siding with you
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Jul
Thanks. Does Croatia produce most of their own foodstuffs?
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@grenery8 (7248)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
14 Jul
@JudyEv like any country, yes. we import more, which is not nice. and taxes are too high for a small country like us but we like to compete with bigger ones, not realising we aren't that big.
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
12 Jul
That is absolutely weird that they should cost less since they come from the US. Send me some ginger biscuits with walnuts, will you? They sound perfect for my sweet tooth.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Jul
It's the same with a number of other products but the difference isn't usually so marked.
@allknowing (132209)
• India
12 Jul
Odd that what is imported is cheaper How is that possible? Next time buy something Indian and help Indians
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@allknowing (132209)
• India
13 Jul
@JudyEv If you visit Indian Malls you will find them . If you browse I am sure there will be many.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Jul
I'll have to keep an eye out for Indian products. I can't remember seeing too many.
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@rebelann (112254)
• El Paso, Texas
13 Jul
That really doesn't sound so good for CA, were the walnuts smaller or less tasty? I'm just curious, I didn't know walnuts grew in CA anyway.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Jul
The walnuts get chopped up to go in the biscuits so size doesn't really matter. And they all taste the same to me.
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@FourWalls (65390)
• United States
15 Jul
We appreciate your support. They might change your accent, though.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
15 Jul
Do you think so? I hadn't considered that!
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
12 Jul
It's surprising the imported ones were less expensive than the ones from Australia.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Jul
We see this a lot but usually the price difference isn't quite so great.
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@Dena91 (16488)
• United States
13 Jul
Thank you for supporting our walnut farmers.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Jul
You're welcome. It wasn't really by choice! lol
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@Dena91 (16488)
• United States
13 Jul
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15 Jul
I am seeing the ginger biscuits for the first time
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
15 Jul
I make them a lot as they are not too sweet. Vince isn't supposed to have too much sugar.
@porwest (85053)
• United States
12 Jul
Why, thank you ma'am. I am sure our economy will thank you. I'll have to see if I can find something made in Australia the next time I am out to return the favor.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Jul
We seem to import quite a lot of California fruit in particular and it's often cheaper than our own. I don't know why that would be.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
15 Jul
@JudyEv That IS a bit strange. I'd expect it to be more too.
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@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
12 Jul
Thank you on behalf of all U,S, residents. I like walnuts and they are very good as well. I last bought them at a grocery outlet. They were. about two bucks for maybe 6 ounces. Decent price.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
12 Jul
I bought 4.5 ounces for $3.60 ($US2.44). The Aussie ones were very expensive.
@Tampa_girl7 (49864)
• United States
12 Jul
I love nuts and find it difficult to find good deals on most of them.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Jul
Most nuts stick in my throat but Vince likes these biscuits so I make them. I like pistachios and cashews. They don't seem to bother me.
@wolfgirl569 (102054)
• Marion, Ohio
12 Jul
I understand buying the cheaper ones. Food is expensive enough
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Jul
I don't mind paying a little extra for Australian made but this was A LOT extra.
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• United States
12 Jul
Thanks for supporting the US by buying California walnuts. Walnuts really are expensive and I bypassed buying them the last time I had them on my shopping list.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Jul
The biscuits aren't incredibly sweet so are a good choice for Vince. We don't eat them otherwise.
@Beestring (14133)
• Hong Kong
12 Jul
I love walnuts. I buy local walnuts, but they are expensive too.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Jul
Perhaps it's quite labour-intensive to pick and process them.
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