
@dfollin (25305)
United States
July 17, 2024 10:37pm CST
I am American and was as well as always speaking English. When I was a child for a few years our next door neighbors were from France. The woman taught me some words and she informed me that I had a great accent to speak the French language. Her children were a lot younger then me and we were in the basement playroom and the doorbell rang. She went upstairs to answer the door while I stayed downstairs to mind the young children and I said something in French to the toddler. The woman returned downstairs with her guest that was also a French woman. As they were coming down the steps they were laughing. Her friend said, "I see" . The mother of the children told me that her friend had heard me speaking to her son and thought I was a French person speaking. When I started going to Junior High school (Middle school) I took 1 year of French I class. Then we moved and I missed a year of French class and took French I over in High school and was unable to continue taking classes in higher levels. I learned a few words in Italian from a friend when I was in High school too. So I only know English completley and a little French from what I can remember. How many languages do you know?
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7 responses
@kareng (59055)
• United States
18 Jul
One; English!
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@dfollin (25305)
• United States
18 Jul
I would like to go back and learn French more.
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@dfollin (25305)
• United States
19 Jul
@kareng It takes money!
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
19 Jul
@dfollin That would be nice! Do it!!
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• India
18 Jul
I was born in middle east and learned Arabic till 8th Grade. While I started working , I was mostly working with Europeans and hence learnt elementary Spanish , Italian , Swedish , German and French. Among these , Italian, Spanish and Swedish are the easiest to catch up with . Learning language takes time and effort. Plus, we may lose the fluency if we dod not have the people to speak with. Glad to hear your part of life.Thanks for sharing!
@dfollin (25305)
• United States
18 Jul
Thanks and you are very welcome. You are lucky to know that much languages. Which language do you mostly speak now?
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
18 Jul
I loved French and have tried to keep it up over the years. I used Duolingo in recent years to revise my French.
@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
18 Jul
English. I made the mistake of taking Latin in high school. I should have taken French. Have a good day.
@dya80dya (36155)
18 Jul
I know my native language and English. I want to learn French too.
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@dfollin (25305)
• United States
18 Jul
I would love to be able to learn what I learned before and more. It's funny because we had to have our name or something close to it as our name in class when I was in High School. My name is Donna and there wasn't Donna in French, so my teacher chose Diane, pronounced Dee Ahn in French.
@porwest (85053)
• United States
18 Jul
I can speak some Spanish. Over the years I have found it useful.
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@dfollin (25305)
• United States
18 Jul
I have picked up a few words in Spanish, but that's it. I refuse to learn Spanish because I lost a job because I was promised a job if I took a $300 class, which I did. Then when I proved to them I did they said that the criteria changed and I had to know basic Spanish!
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@dfollin (25305)
• United States
19 Jul
@porwest Private Investigator for Support Enforcement
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
19 Jul
@dfollin What kind of job was it?
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@jstory07 (137353)
• Roseburg, Oregon
18 Jul
Just one English.