Working from home for everyone?

@Fleura (29833)
United Kingdom
July 18, 2024 5:56am CST
One of the announcements our new government has made about their intended new policies will be the right to flexible working for everyone. Luckily they have added the caveat ‘as far as is reasonable’. Phew. Yes it’s handy for desk-based workers to be able to work at home (although it also has disadvantages) and my main work I do at home and have done since 2010, but there are plenty of jobs for which it just isn’t feasible. Imagine you call a plumber and they just respond with a Zoom call telling you how to do the work yourself. How would a dentist, electrician, ‘recycling operative’ (or whatever they call bin men these days), gardener or chef work from home? Yes I know that nowadays you may be given a first consultation with a doctor over the ‘phone or a video call, and a surgeon may be assisted by a high-precision robot, but the anaesthetist still needs to actually be there to physically inject you. Workers in the food industry need to be there in person to hand over food and drinks. Cleaners can’t yet operate mops and dusters remotely. Sometimes I think the people in charge really have lost touch with reality even as they tell us how they have progressed from their humble beginnings! All rights reserved. © Text and image copyright Fleur 2024.
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10 responses
@cabuyogty (2766)
• Philippines
18 Jul
It's good that you can also work from home but not all of jobs can't be done at home like cooking food in a restauarant
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@Fleura (29833)
• United Kingdom
18 Jul
No they can't, not until we all get replaced by robots!
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@cabuyogty (2766)
• Philippines
19 Jul
@Fleura yes , you were right!
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@annierose (21602)
• Philippines
18 Jul
I completely agree! While flexible working is great for many, it’s definitely not practical for every job. Your plumber and dentist examples made me chuckle. It seems like the policymakers might need a reality check on how diverse the workforce really is!
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@annierose (21602)
• Philippines
19 Jul
@Fleura Haha, exactly! Can you imagine a hairdresser or a shepherd working remotely? That would be quite a sight! Some jobs just need that hands-on approach.
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@Fleura (29833)
• United Kingdom
18 Jul
What about a hairdresser? Or a shepherd?
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@GardenGerty (159885)
• United States
18 Jul
During covid they tried my main job, teaching, from home. For our kiddos that have special needs that just does not work.
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@Fleura (29833)
• United Kingdom
19 Jul
It was a disaster for us!
@JudyEv (335364)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Jul
Half of these projections later have to be altered to fit in with reality.
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@LindaOHio (171927)
• United States
19 Jul
It's nice for the people that can work from home; but not all jobs can be done remotely. Have a good weekend.
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@porwest (85968)
• United States
18 Jul
Yeah, there are definitely some jobs that simply cannot be done remotely. At the same time, this will not work for everyone even if their job CAN be done remotely. Some people need more supervision and guidance, so how will they deal with an employee that is hauled into the office because they aren't getting the work done?
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@Fleura (29833)
• United Kingdom
18 Jul
It's also hard to build a real relationship with your colleagues if you never meet them at all! While I enjoy my current work I have taken on some extra part-time jobs just so I can get out and meet people!
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@porwest (85968)
• United States
19 Jul
@Fleura There is something to being able to get out of the house.
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@popciclecold (38071)
• United States
18 Jul
You make a great point.
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• China
18 Jul
The policymakers is only building castles in the air.
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@xFiacre (12821)
• Ireland
18 Jul
@fleura I suppose the PM must be a dab hand at working from home. As a retiree I do all my work from home, especially my moaning.
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@just4him (317036)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
18 Jul
I agree with you. Many jobs cannot be done at home.
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