Do you remember the first photo you ever took?

@shaggin (71909)
United States
July 22, 2024 4:39pm CST
When I was about 7 my mother gave me a camera with film in it. This would have been late 80s early 90s. The very first photo I took was of my quints dolls. Then my Hugga bunch dolls and I don’t recall what followed but those two really stick in my memory. From the time I was a young teen I was never without a camera. By my early adult years Digital cameras came about and I haven’t been without one since either. I use my cell phone camera a lot but prefer a nice digital camera. This isn’t the last photo I took but it was the last one I took with my digital camera and I thought it was a nice one to share with you.
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14 responses
@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
22 Jul
I think my first were ones taken with an Instamatic. They were so fun to take. Lovely picture.
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@shaggin (71909)
• United States
24 Jul
@celticeagle I’m not positive what an instamatic is. Would that be like a Polaroid?
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@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Jul
@shaggin ......Yes, Polaroid Instamatic.
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• United Kingdom
25 Jul
@celticeagle I thought instamatic was the camera that you loaded the film into that had to be sent off to be developed? The Polaroid was the one that you got an instant picture. Like OutKast sing about in Hey Ya! “Shake it like a Polaroid picture”
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@RasmaSandra (77609)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
22 Jul
That is a beautiful flower, I was a teenager when Polaroid cameras came along, I remember taking all kinds of photo just to see them right away but I have not idea what even happened to them, Most of the photos my dad took of my childhood was with his old reliable Kodak,
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@shaggin (71909)
• United States
23 Jul
@RasmaSandra I bought a Polaroid when my first daughter was born. It took terrible photos so I only used it twice. They are still making them and the qualify is better but nothing compares to a real photo from a camera or digital camera.
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@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
22 Jul
That's a gorgeous picture. It looks professional. I don't know if it was the first picture or not, but in 3rd grade I took a picture of my realistic looking poodle stuffed dog in a dog house and told everyone it was my dog.... What a rapscallion! I think all the kids believed me. I didn't actually set out to lie, but someone asked me "Is that your dog?.. I nodded yes, and everyone wanted to see it, you know how kids are.
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@shaggin (71909)
• United States
24 Jul
@snowy22315 thank you for the compliment on my photo. What a cute story about you and your pet poodle . I can see at that age going along with it instead of telling the whole truth.
@much2say (54804)
• Los Angeles, California
23 Jul
Oh gosh, I totally do not remember my first photo. My dad had some gadgets and he'd often let me try them out . . . so I'm sure I was allowed to take some photos around the house at a very young age. When I finally got my own camera when I was maybe 10-12 (it was 110 camera), I don't remember what I first took, but I do remember taking it to city hall on a field trip and I took photos of the mayor's actual office - that was pretty exciting back then. Ohhh, pretty flower!
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@shaggin (71909)
• United States
24 Jul
@much2say I bet it was exciting back then. I’m sure not a lot of kids your age had their own camera.
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@much2say (54804)
• Los Angeles, California
25 Jul
@shaggin Yep - those were the days of no smart nor flip phones. Having a camera was definitely a privilege.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
23 Jul
That's a lovely photo. We call it a native hibiscus.Does it have a different name there?
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@shaggin (71909)
• United States
23 Jul
@Judyev I had no clue what it was called but I looked it up and think you are right. I saw this at a story garden I took my little one too. That had pink, white and this color which I thought was the prettiest.
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@shaggin (71909)
• United States
10 Aug
@LovesEverybody oh this is a big outdoor play area for kids. There are painted mailboxes all around with books in them. There are slides and playhouses and all kinds of fun stuff to do. It’s free but it’s so much fun families can go and spend hours and not get bored.
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9 Aug
@shaggin May I ask what a story garden is? Do you plant a garden yourself?
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@Dena91 (16488)
• United States
23 Jul
I can't say I remember taking my first photo. But I remember when I was 8 in 1974, I got a Polaroid Instant camera and loved it. I would get other cameras as the years went by. Photography is still my favorite hobby.
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@shaggin (71909)
• United States
29 Jul
@Dena91 I love taking photographs as well. I take many every day. My husband takes a few a year. Funny how different people can be.
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@shaggin (71909)
• United States
10 Aug
@LovesEverybody a phone camera is definitely better than nothing! Mines an old model so the photos aren’t as good as I would like but they really are improving the camera a lot on phones now a days!
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9 Aug
@shaggin I sometimes go years without taking photographs. This year I took one when I got a library book one day and it matched perfectly with a bookmark from my collection and I used the bookmark with the book. I sent a picture to my sister via my phone, I wanted her to see it. I don't have another way to take a photograph.
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@Orson_Kart (6546)
• United Kingdom
25 Jul
Hey! How lovely to see you on here. As a child I can’t remember being allowed to use the camera. My dad had a box brownie and it seemed very complicated to use it and he didn’t like to waste film. 1st camera I do remember using was a Kodak instamatic. That will have been maybe early 70’s? I’m not sure. It was much easier to use: point and shoot. I’m guessing it would have been a family shot, because again, we weren’t allowed to waste film back then. 10 or 20 shots which often were terrible when they came back from the developers. Blurry or blank for some unknown reason. It’s great these days to have digital cameras or phones to be able to review and delete as necessary and take as many shots as we like. Now it’s just the storage. Also, I rarely print any off, so the memories are mainly stored in the cloud. Crazy
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@shaggin (71909)
• United States
30 Jul
Even when I was young it was rare for anyone my age to have a camera. Now kids at that age have their own phones and take a million photos. Seems so many people now think they are photographers when they just have a cell camera they use. My mom thinks she takes amazing creative photos and they really are just terrible.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Aug
That photo is beautiful!! As a photographer, I absolutely love taking photos and always have as far back as I can remember.
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@shaggin (71909)
• United States
9 Aug
@Lovingmybabies thank you! I know you and I both love photography. I recall when you started your business! How are things going with it?
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@shaggin (71909)
• United States
9 Aug
@LovingMyBabies I thought I used to follow you on instagram but I don’t see this username on there.
• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Aug
@shaggin You're welcome! It's going amazing, thanks so much for asking!!
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@jstory07 (137351)
• Roseburg, Oregon
23 Jul
The first picture I took was of a castle when we lived in Europe.
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@shaggin (71909)
• United States
23 Jul
@jstory07 I have seen a few castles but only once was inside one. Did you get to tour that one or just took a photo from the outside?
@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
23 Jul
Lovely photo. I wasn't a Girl Scout; but I had a Girl Scout camera when I was quite young. The first picture I took was of a dog I saw on a field. I adore dogs; so that doesn't surprise me. Have a good day.
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@shaggin (71909)
• United States
30 Jul
@Lindaohio I have never heard of a Girl Scout camera. How nice you remember that being your first photo and makes sense for sure!
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
31 Jul
@shaggin Wish I still had that camera. It would be a collectible.
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@dya80dya (36155)
23 Jul
It is beautiful. I don't remember my first photo.
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@shaggin (71909)
• United States
30 Jul
@dya80dya thank you. Probably not a lot of people do remember as it wouldn’t be very significant for them but I have always loved photography!
9 Aug
I don't remember the first picture I ever took but it is a good question
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@shaggin (71909)
• United States
10 Aug
@LovesEverybody it is a big memory for me so I wondered if others remembered their first time behind a camera. I’ve always loved photography.
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@shaggin (71909)
• United States
15 Aug
@LovesEverybody I hate having my photo taken as well but sounds like it’s even harder for you
13 Aug
@shaggin I don't remember if I was allowed to have a camera back when I was born in the very early 70s. I don't remember if my parents took a lot of pictures. I am glad you have that memory! Even better that you like photography so much! I am not really into photography because I am afraid somebody will see me with a camera and want to take my picture (shudder) i refuse to have my picture taken unless it every few years for my ID card
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@grenery8 (7248)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
23 Jul
maybe on some family vacation i got the camera in my hands.
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@shaggin (71909)
• United States
30 Jul
@grenery8 that’s always a good time to take photos when you see and experience new places and things.
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@grenery8 (7248)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
3 Aug
@shaggin it was, indeed.
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23 Jul
the first pic i took was was at my young age,i rem being given so much toys to catch my attention so i could accept to atleast pose,my childhood photos have great memories
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@shaggin (71909)
• United States
30 Jul
@rzozzytjay hmm it sounds more like that is the first photo someone took of you?