@Ghostlady (1018)
United States
July 25, 2024 6:45pm CST
Went to my Leg doctor today. He sent me to the Vascular place across the street from where I live to get a Sonogram. The lady said since they were letting me go home, that the test must not be too bad. LOL So apparently I do not have a Blood Clot. She said they would contact me about the test probably tomorrow or Monday. Meanwhile my leg is getting redder, and below my ankle is just about purple. That is why I was so worried it was a blood clot. The leg doctor said that the vascular place would call me for an appt. But when the nurse came in..she was a little upset that he didn't try to send me over today...SHE called the vascular place and asked if I could come right now or should I go to the ER. They accepted me. She gave me paperwork, but when I got there, they told me they had everything and never asked for the Order. LOL I went into the Vascular place quite worried, but left more at ease. And STILL have no answers as to how long I am going to have to deal with this pain.
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11 responses
• Cloverdale, Indiana
26 Jul
What happen?? did you sprain it? or twist it some way or fall?? cause I don't know how it would do what your saying, if it's not a blood clot, I hope it gets better soon.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
26 Jul
@Ghostlady wow sounds nuts to me, have you tried to put a heating pad or ice on it to see if that helps. I woke up the other day (last week) & seen I had a BIG bruise on the INSIDE of my knee area & I have NO idea how I got it, but it's since has left but still??
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@Ghostlady (1018)
• United States
26 Jul
@2ndchances24 Yeah, I have a heating pad that fits the elbow or knee, and it does help. It feels pretty good at times, and the minute I walk too much, or some doctor pokes around on it, the next day it hurts like the devil. Yesterday I had that test, and I was feeling a little decent...after that test..it hurt, and today I am in Severe pain. Was seriously thinking about going ot the ER..but decided to see if I could ease it on my own. I have an appt on Friday with my GP, and start therapy on my leg the 9th. I made my self clean up the kitchen. It actually feels better when I am standing except I really can't straighten my leg all the way. The kitchen is a galley kitchen, so lots of stuff to hold on to. LOL Tomorrow will be 2 weeks and it doesn't seem to be getting much if any better.
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@Ghostlady (1018)
• United States
26 Jul
I was just walking..put up the cart at Walmart..walked to my van, and a pain like someone stabbing me hit me in the back lower part of my knee. I reached back there to see WTH..and felt someone tear inside. The next day it was so sore. I knew I had an appointment on the 19th and it wasn't all that bad, so I let it go. But the appt was with the Heart Doctor, and he didn't think it was a clot..but he was more concerned about the pains I had in my chest than he was about my leg. It had started to be a little pink by then. I had to walk a ways into that office..when I got done there, I went to the Leg place...The lady squeezed my leg so hard I almost kicked her with my other leg. She just sent me home with a boot...but the boot hurts...anyway..3 days ago I woke up with my lower leg really RED, and almost purple around my ankle bone. Anyway, I am hoping the place I went today for the clot test will tell me they can help with the circulation of my leg as that is THEIR specialty. Too many dang Specialists, and they won't touch anything but what they are special in. So aggravating.
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@Dena91 (16488)
• United States
26 Jul
I am glad you don't have a blood clot. I do hope you get some answers and relief from the pain soon.
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@Ghostlady (1018)
• United States
26 Jul
Me too
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
26 Jul
Oh my goodness. You would think you would have an answer by now! I hope you can get some relief soon of the pain. Big hugs!
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@AmbiePam (88834)
• United States
26 Jul
That’s a lot of yo yo emotions.
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@Ghostlady (1018)
• United States
26 Jul
LOL yes it is! LOL
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@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
26 Jul
If it isn't a clot then what the heck is going on with your leg?
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@Ghostlady (1018)
• United States
26 Jul
I was walking and a pain hit the back lower area of my right knee. So far I have been told I pulled a muscle in my calf, but the pain was further up. I know it is swollen and stiff. When I sit it is mostly okay, but when I stand up, it feels like it is trying to stretch and hurts. Once I am up and walking with a cane or walker, it lets up. I keep trying to explain to these doctors...Not sure they listen.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
26 Jul
Sometimes these places don't seem to have their act together too well. It's good news that it isn't a clot.
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@Ghostlady (1018)
• United States
26 Jul
Made me feel better...hoping this Vascular place will call me tomorrow and offer to help open up those veins and get my circulation going better again.
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
26 Jul
That sounds just awful. I am glad you got the test, hope the results help guide your treatment.
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@kaylachan (65344)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
26 Jul
You got the ball rolling. Just try to stay off it as much you can.
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@jstory07 (137351)
• Roseburg, Oregon
26 Jul
I hope the pain ends soon.
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@Ghostlady (1018)
• United States
26 Jul
Me too
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@wolfgirl569 (102054)
• Marion, Ohio
26 Jul
I hope you learn something very soon
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
26 Jul
I'm sorry you're in pain. I hope you feel better soon. My husband will have to see a vascular doctor when he comes home. He has an aneurism in his chest that must be monitored; and his legs are black. Have a good weekend.
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