I am surprised I haven't broken my phone.
@kaylachan (75686)
Daytona Beach, Florida
August 1, 2024 4:29pm CST
I got the laundry done, folded and put away. I got a bag of trash ready for me to put in the bin, before it goes to the curb. George has decided to go out again for a second time.
All this is all well and good.
My doctor's office called, asking me to schedule an appoitment for an eye screening, diabeties A1C check and so on. And, even after saying 'no' multable times, I flat out got nasty with them. Apparently they think if they tell me my insurance company is requesting the screening, I'll do it. Uh, hell no.
George is STILL not driving. I CAN'T leave him alone. I am not spending money I don't have to drag us back and forth to get the bloodwork and make the appoitment. My insurance company, themselves, even tried the week before. And, it's like no... just no.
I DO NOT like unnecessary bloodwork. I DO NOT like having to pee in a cup. I CAN do it, but it's painful and I can't afford to not be able care for George.
I for the life of me cannot get them to understand, I can't loose my vision to diabeties when I don't really have it to start with. I have almost no distance vision, I see shape, light and color. That's it. It's been that way since as far back as I can remember. I will never drive as a result. And, I can't get them to understand that.
I Do NOT want to be on diabeties medicine when I don't need it.
And, I wish the so-called medical professionals understood how aganizingly painful fasting is.
I slammed my phone down on a table and i'm thankful it's not broken. though it might be a bit more scuffed up after this.
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4 responses
@BearArtistLady (6036)
• United States
2 Aug
You also need to realize that you are denying the doctor and labs income!!! By going in and peeing in the cup and having them take blood you are providing them with extra income. If they don't schedule you for an office visit then they make sure that they get "labs" done. There are a whole string of people that make money from your getting labs done, from the doctor all the way down to the janitor. It makes you wonder how humanity survive this long without having all the tests done in the past.
The medical profession has gotten to the point that they feel they can ORDER you to do something right away, as in right now, and you're going to comply. They get even more upset when you tell them there is no way that you can. I ended up firing the pain clinic I had because of their ordering me around like I was the village idiot and would do as they demanded. Stand on your rights and let them know the answer is "NO" and let them know why. It's long over due that we have our rights too.
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@kaylachan (75686)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
2 Aug
I suspected that my doctor's office is struggling to stay afloat. I remember one time last year, I was called by their scheduling team to ask me if I was okay and if I wanted to be seen. But.... get this.... I'd been there the month before to do the whole song and dance. At this point, I'm about ready to block my doctor's office. I am so over it. They always call literally right before they close or just after. I don't know how many times I've refused to schedule an appoitment because George isn't driving? I almost considered just doing it and getting it over with for the year, but after this, no. Not worth it.
If I had been suffering from diabetic symptoms, sure. Maybe, but are you kidding me?
After my "diagnosis" they kept me wanting to come back month after month. I did it for a couple months, but George and I finally put our foot down. I was supposed to go in last november, but I was in the hospital with George. I called, cancled the appoitment, and they tried to vilify me when I explained, I don't know when I'll get there. My husband had a stroke and I can't leave him.
Every couple of months they call, and I tell them the same thing. I can't afford to do the back-and-forth, draging George all over town, just to put money in their pocket.
Bad enough I have to take him to the VA to get his lab work done. But, you know what? that's easy. The lab and doctor are in the same buliding. fine. If there's an issue, I can go talk to someone. None of this back and forth like when I have to go to a lab.
I tried for years, my doctors office insisting the orders had been sent to lab. We got sick of it. So we started hetting a paper coppy of the orders and taking them when I went to the lab.
Now George isn't clared to drive. So that's an added expence to do the back and forth.
@kaylachan (75686)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
2 Aug
@BearArtistLady No kidding right? If they actually cared, they'd let us call the shots. They work for us, we don't work for them. I am sure that the pain clinic also failed to realize, that all that travel.... could squew any results from any testing.
But... of course... none of that matters, right?
@BearArtistLady (6036)
• United States
2 Aug
@kaylachan The pain clinic got on my "S" list when they called me about morphine being in my urine and where did I get it. I told them I hadn't had any and they essentially told me I was lying and that I had to come down right now and do a urine test. They are 30 miles from where I am, I don't drive and would have to take a bus-take a in town bus and do the urine test and hope to be able to get home. (The call was 4:30 p.m., the next bus south was at 5:30 p.m. and the pain clinic closes at 5 p.m.) I told them what to do with themselves and their clinic. My primary care physician took over prescribing my pain meds and he gained the "Tude" so I gave him back the pain meds. I hurt like crazy right now, and in a way I wish I had the pain pills, but it ain't worth the heart ache and grief that they are handing me.
I have gotten in the habit of getting paper copies of the paperwork for "Just in case" purposes. I am tired of being treated like a instant teller that they plug into their computers and I poop charges for them to get money from the various insurance companies. I think that they make up some of the problems I supposedly have just to pad the bills, I can't prove it, but I wouldn't put it past them. Somewhere along the line they need to realize that we are living, breathing, human beings that have brains and not an instant teller machine where they shove their debit cards up our butts, pull our tongues and we spit out cash. As I said once before, I'd rather go to a VooDoo Witch doctor, at least when they dress up and dance you get entertained and there is something for you to enjoy for your money. 

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@RasmaSandra (82931)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
1 Aug
Now take a deep breath and calm down, It is understood, However, if necessary never neglect your own health in any way, Get things done when it can work out for you. I hope all will be good for you anyway.
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@kaylachan (75686)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
1 Aug
I don't neglect my health. I really don't. I know better then that. However, I am fine. I know I am not diabetic because I know how I'd been eating. I test my blood sugar two three times a day and monitor it closely. When I went to the doctor last year, I had just gotten back from a staycation, and had eaten things I normally don't. I also drank a lot more soda then I usually do. Both of those things are going to cause a spike in my blood sugar. It's going to make me pee sugar, too. I tried explaining this to my doctor, as did George. But, we both were flat out ignored. In the time since, I've reduced my soda concumption to a lot less then I had before. My numbers are trending on the lower side, and, I'm not eating those triggering foods.
I also lost about 30-35 pounds. But, none of this matters to the doctor's office, nor does it matter to the insurance company. They are too quick to diagnose someone falsely without taking the time to talk to them. But, that's just how the healthcare system works.
When you have free insurance like I do, they will bend over backward to get you to do all this testing so they can say they are giving you quality care, but the doctors don't actually get to know the patiences. They don't treat us like we have half a brain.
If there was a valid reason for me to see the doctor, I would. But, I have never believed in unnecessary diagnostic testing just to please someone in an office somewhere to say 'it was done'.
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@RasmaSandra (82931)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
1 Aug
@kaylachan well virtual hugs to you and I understand. As long as you're feeling fine and things are OK as they say, you know better, I hope they stop bothering you,
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@kaylachan (75686)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
2 Aug
@RasmaSandra I thank you for your concern. And, you're right. I know my own body. I know what I was or wasn't doing. But, the doctors don't actually listen.
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@kareng (69351)
• United States
2 Aug
@kaylachan Next time start talking like a child and just keep chattering away until they hang up!
@kaylachan (75686)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
2 Aug
No. I don't know how many times or ways I have to say no, for them to get the hint.
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@LindaOHio (184040)
• United States
2 Aug
It bothers me that you're not getting the necessary medical help that you need; but I understand the reasons why. I hope in the future that you will be able to go get the testing that you need. Have a good day.
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@kaylachan (75686)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
2 Aug
Here's the thing.... if I DID need it, I would. But, I don't.
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