Gee, we come up with the darnest things to discuss...I might as well add my 2 cents worth...

United States
August 15, 2024 12:42pm CST
I've been trying to find things to do around the apartment and sort stuff out to get rid of. I am so tired of tons of stuff taking up space unnecessarily...a lot is going to be packaged up and sent to the local thrift shops. I ordered some crochet hooks and some patterns for chrochetting yarn stuffed critters. They kind of look like fun to do. We'll see how they work out. I got a set of corchet hooks for around $5, a bag of stitch markers for 99 cents, two pattern books for making bears for about $3 each and a kit for making mini turtles for $2.50. The US postal worker threw the package against my door yesterday, I knew it arrived from the huge BANG from the box hitting the door and my Siamese jumping in her place in the window. Hopefully it will be something cooler to do during the rest of the hot summer months. We are having a horrible bout of the worst kind of summer cold!!!! Our noses are running, we're coughing up clear mucus, we're blowing clear mucus out our noses...there is no getting comfortable with this mess. If you find yourself coughing, sneezing, wheezing, blowing, and generally uncomfortable, make sure you drink plenty of fluids and keep taking plenty of cough drops. You won't be real interested in food, but still try to eat something anyway no matter how small the amount. Stay warm and dry and be VERY careful!!!!! Take care of yourselves!!! And make sure you get PLENTY of rest. Toni
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10 responses
@wolfgirl569 (113530)
• Marion, Ohio
15 Aug
Hope you start feeling better soon. Enjoy the crocheting
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@wolfgirl569 (113530)
• Marion, Ohio
16 Aug
@BearArtistLady Hoping the antibiotics help. I am finishing a venus flytrap and working on an afghan for a Christmas present. If I don't want to think I do the afghan .
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• United States
16 Aug
I found that the doctor put me on a mild, well that word fell outta my head!!!! Ahhh, found it, a mild antibiotic. Hopefully it will get things under control and I'll be feeling great again. Hopefully everything will clear up and I can pick up the crochet hook this afternoon and start crafting. I've got a few patterns for crocheted bears and other critters, I'm going to try to get a few done and see if they will sell. I have a couple of ideas for them... I MUST be feeling better, my mind is working towards crafts and bears. Have a wonderful weekend, treat yourself to something special!
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• United States
17 Aug
I am going to enjoy the crocheting, I also ordered two more books of patterns for crocheting animals. They'll be in next week.
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@RasmaSandra (83324)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
15 Aug
Gee I hope you all feel much better soon, I hope you enjoy your crochet books, Sounds like no matter what the weather you need a lot of nourishing chicken soup,
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• United States
17 Aug
I am feeling somewhat better, I'm not coughing and blowing as much and the doctor prescribed some medication to help with all that problem. Boy will it be nice when everything settles down. I'm kind of lucky, I have a few containers of Raman noodles that I can fix. I only can eat a half a container and then save the other half for the next day, which is okay for now. I was going to go to the pharmacy, grocery store and bank (for a roll of quarters) but I just don't have the energy. Maybe tomorrow....I do need to do underwear-especially bras. The one I have on now should be in the trash, it is so ragged that it looks more like it was dragged from New York to San Francisco under an 18 Wheeler. If I end up at the ER they will take up a collection for me to buy some new bras with. I just ordered two more crochet books. I think it will help me regain my focus on the bears and other critters. I'm going to try working on the turtles this evening and see how they go. Hopefully it will be fun. If it's as fun as I think it might be, then I'll stop by the thrift shop and get the yarn I need for the Christmas I'll order the special crystals to go with it.
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• United States
17 Aug
@RasmaSandra I bought a couple of them at Wal Mart last month. They're in the laundry right now, waiting for me to get quarters to get around to doing it. I'm hoping my gentleman friend is feeling good enough to make a quick run to town, he was sick on Wednesday and I'm hoping he's better today. I don't want him out and around if he isn't doing well...I can so relate right now, it's a case of my debating whether to take the bus or not. If I feel good enough on Monday I'll grab the bus and do my shopping real quick, get my quarters and head home. Man this summer virus is horrible!!!! The front closing bras are great, the ones I got have what seems like a hundred hooks and eyes. I think they came up with them because they had an overage of hooks and eyes and decided to use them up on bras and frustrate us old ladies.
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@kareng (71060)
• United States
15 Aug
Not really wanting to eat much here due to the extreme heat!! Hope you feel better soon!
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• United States
16 Aug
Well, the one good thing about not wanting to eat much is I've dropped 3 and a half sizes. I drink enough fluids to float a battleship (The toilet flushing fascinates Freya. She sits on the seat and pats the clean water as it swirls in the bowl.) and am eating the snack size containers of cottage cheese for lunch and dinner. Not much of anything else. If I eat the cuppa noodles I only manage a half of a cup and the rest goes in the fridge for breakfast. If the heat keeps up I'll go down to a size "sub zero". The cold broke during the night, and I'm doing much better. I need to go to the Pharmacy and also get quarters. Also some more cuppa noodles and I'm set for a few days.
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@kareng (71060)
• United States
17 Aug
@BearArtistLady Good to hear that you are feeling better! Sorry you are losing so much weight! I could loan you some, if only!!!
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@hexeduser22 (7418)
• Philippines
15 Aug
We're in a similar situation here. Half of my son's classmates caught the flu and couldn't go to school. Is it easy to learn crochet?
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• Philippines
17 Aug
@BearArtistLady, it's great to hear you're recovering from COVID. It's not as frightening as it used to be. We're making sure to drink plenty of water daily, and that’s probably why the kids are still doing well.
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• United States
16 Aug
Actually it is. If I remember correctly crocheting was developed by fishermen as a way to fix fishing nets. They created from there to the point of the beautiful patterns we have today. I spoke to the doctor yesterday and she thinks I might have had a case of Covid that I am finally getting over. She prescribed medication for me to take until I can get to see my Primary Care Physician next month. So I have plenty of time to get started. I'll post my progress. BTY, make darned sure that you drink plenty of fluids. I drink iced tea like crazy, usually about a gallon a day along with plenty of cold bottled water. The heat has kind of turned off my appetite, and the cold/ covid hasn't helped either.
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@xstitcher (33606)
• Petaluma, California
16 Aug
Sorry about the summer cold. My grandmother tried to teach me to crochet once, but I just came out with a twisty--thing.
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• United States
16 Aug
Gee, at least you had something come out! When my Mom tried to teach me I just came up with string with no stitches or twisty stuff. She told me if I knew how to knit I would never learn to crochet. She was totally wrong. It helped me a lot when I used the diagramed patterns rather than the written patterns. It sounds kind of funny, but they were great and super easy to follow.
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@Deepizzaguy (107986)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
15 Aug
I will do my best to drink liquids as a way to stay hydrated from the heat advisory outside my home.
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@Deepizzaguy (107986)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
17 Aug
@BearArtistLady Thank you for your advice.
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• United States
17 Aug
I wasn't too good about drinking just liquids. I finally had to give in and make iced tea. Having a big container of iced tea in the fridge really helps me keep hydrated. Plus I buy bottles of water that I keep in the fridge too. I don't have a lot of foods in there but I have plenty of water and fluids. Make darned sure that you drink plenty of fluids and stay hydrated. If I hear about you getting sick from dehydration, I will hunt you down and beat the living daylights out of you!!!! My drinking as much water and iced tea is what helped keep me from serious problems with my heat prostration. (My neighbor thought it was a stroke). She had the paramedics here along with the ambulance; man were those guys all cute!!! And they all wanted to check out my vitals!!!! I, stupidly, kept refusing. It isn't every day you have four gorgeous men want to take care of you!!!!
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@kaylachan (76295)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
15 Aug
George's been dealing with that a lot. Getting him to drink is an exercises in patience. I push a lot of water through his peg tube each feed, to ensure he stays well and hydraded.
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@jstory07 (142658)
• Roseburg, Oregon
16 Aug
Share a picture of the mini turtles when you make them.
• United States
16 Aug
I figure I may start on them tomorrow or Sunday. It depends a LOT on how I feel. I am doing a lot better, but I have another discussion to post that is a total riot!!! When I was finally able to sit down in my living room, I sat and laughed for 5 minutes straight!!! When I get home from getting the medication, quarters for the laundry, and a few groceries I am going to give the turtle a try, then there are some miniatures in a book I bought that I'm going to give a go...they would be a great seller, both in a store and on line. It would be a great craft for me to do to recover with, I still feel far from 100%....who knows when I actually felt that good.
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@paigea (36315)
• Canada
16 Aug
Hope you feel better soon!
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@Dena91 (16865)
• United States
16 Aug
I have had people try to teach me to crochet but I never could get the hang of it. I hope you enjoy your project. And that you feel better soon.
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• United States
16 Aug
I taught myself to crochet in Thailand, and also taught a group of the GI's there how to crochet. We had a wonderful time in our corner of the USO, laughing, drinking iced tea, and correcting each other's mistakes on our projects. I hadn't crocheted in many years, and it was amazing that I could pick up a hook and go back to work right off. It's going to be great when I feel so much better being able to do a lot of the stuff I want to try. I am doing better, and hopefully with the medication the doctor prescribed yesterday I'll start feeling tons better. I pick the stuff up this afternoon. The doctor thinks it might have been Covid from the symptoms. I have to look them up. All I know is today I feel like the whole mess broke loose and I on the sunny side of better.
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