Here's to Pushing for MORE Inflation

@porwest (97465)
United States
August 19, 2024 4:27pm CST
How many times do I have to explain it? About corporate taxes? How many times? Well, I guess as many times as it takes. You see, Harris has now proposed rolling back some Trump tax cuts. Namely the corporate tax and she wants to raise it to 28%. The question is the timing of it. Not that it's ever a good idea necessarily for OTHER reasons I have also explained a million times. But when inflation is not yet under control? Why do it? Because the thing is that corporate taxes, and I want you to hear this loud and clear, are never ever paid by the company burdened with the tax. NEVER. It doesn't happen. The tax charged is simply a cost of doing business and every single cent of the cost of doing business is passed along to the consumer. EVERY SINGLE PENNY. Businesses, you see, maintain a desired margin. And that margin desire does not adjust DOWN from the tax imposed. It remains static. If the company wants to maintain a profit margin of 11%, it adjusts what it charges to keep the 11% after the tax has been paid. If the corporate tax is raised, it will simply make things cost more at a time when people need relief more than ever. At the same time, businesses also tend to scale back employment if they can't reasonably meet the margin simply by raising prices. So it's one or the other. Either things will cost more or less people will have jobs. It makes no sense.
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12 responses
@kaylachan (76140)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
19 Aug
And, this is why we need leaders who've actually lived through this inflation. Who have had to struggle to feed their famlies. Who are directly affected by inflation.
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@porwest (97465)
• United States
20 Aug
And to understand that taxes are not PAID by companies. They are COLLECTED from the end user. The END USER pays the tax. NOT the company.
2 people like this
20 Aug
@porwest certainly won't come out of their huge profits and salaries. Tax time for those huge mega million salaries.
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@porwest (97465)
• United States
20 Aug
@JimmyDeen All of which are earned, and success should never be punished. Without the rich and the businesses they create we would enjoy no products to consume and no one would have jobs.
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@2ndchances24 (10086)
• Cloverdale, Indiana
20 Aug
I keep telling people if she gets in we're ALL ??ed & if they think she's going to HELP bring inflation down they had BETTER think again cause she's lying through her ?? don't believe ANYTHING she has to say cause all she's doing is putting you MORE in debt & taking what $ you make or get & taking your jobs away from you.
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@porwest (97465)
• United States
20 Aug
They CREATED the inflation. How in the hell do they 1) deny they did and 2) convince the American people they can control it when they haven't bee able to since it started? Beyond that, they continue to blame price gouging and greedy business which has NOTHING to do with the causes of this inflation. It just boggles the mind what they are selling, and what some people are buying. Like I have said a couple of times here, it's like a salesman having sold a broken TV and they stare at a blank screen thinking what they are seeing is the greatest show on Earth.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
20 Aug
@porwest I hate to say this but some people have their heads in a fog & looking through the jungle thinking it's a great place to be & it's NOT.
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@kareng (70681)
• United States
23 Aug
@porwest And nothing done about all the illegals coming in. And giving them everything we all worked for all of our lives. Where does it end at?
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@kareng (70681)
• United States
20 Aug
An entire mall has closed in Shreveport, Louisiana because lack of sales due to inflation and the economy that is NOT booming like Kamela says and claims. This mall is located next to a casino and normally has a good flow of traffic there. The casino has also had less people there and this has affected the mall next door by a large margin. I'm afraid we are fixing to see a lot of this!
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@kareng (70681)
• United States
23 Aug
@porwest Exactly. I don't get it at all. And now they are reversing their stance on a lot of things. But will they follow through. NO WAY! Just lies to get votes.
@porwest (97465)
• United States
20 Aug
Whenever the Democrats talk about this "booming" economy, it just boggles my mind. What world are they living in? Clearly not the same one we are.
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@rebelann (113426)
• El Paso, Texas
19 Aug
In the 80s something similar was going on and a lot of banking type firms ended up going under, it hit everyone really hard ...... and no I don't remember what it was called but it's in the books, savings and loan companies maybe???
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@Ghostlady (1635)
• United States
20 Aug
Savings and loans went out...people swarmed them to get their money out..I only keep enough money to pay the bills in my credit union. Tom does the same thing. We started doing that after hurricane Michael..could not get to our bank for money for almost a week. Couldn't even use a credit card or debit card in the County. Had to drive almost 50 miles in order to get gas. When I hear people talk about Digital Money...I just Laugh at they have no idea what it is like to not be able to use your money when the power is gone for weeks!
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@kareng (70681)
• United States
20 Aug
@rebelann No electricity! No machines to run the cards.
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@rebelann (113426)
• El Paso, Texas
20 Aug
That's sounds scary @Ghostlady What I don't understand is why you couldn't use your credit card, I've never had a problem with that.
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@JimmyDeen (250)
20 Aug
This is a good explanation if those tax cuts result in growth. If they go in their pockets and im sure much of it does, then corporate tax it is. Seems even with the tax cuts inflation still goes higher.
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@porwest (97465)
• United States
20 Aug
This inflation was not caused by tax cuts. It was caused by policy. When the government prints money it dilutes the money supply and makes every dollar in circulation less valuable. There are three key reasons inflation happened. The American Rescue Plan, the Inflation Reduction Act (which really had nothing at all to do with inflation but instead was a climate change bill—those two acts came at a cost of nearly $6 trillion. Biden also reversed Trump's energy policies on day one, and gas prices jumped almost immediately, and because transportation costs are all largely tied to oil, those costs had to be added into the cost of the delivery of goods. You have to remember something about the American Rescue Plan and its impact as well and how it relates to inflation. It came at a time when businesses were reopened and the economy was already beginning to recover. It put more free money into a lot of hands, causing a labor shortage, which contributed to supply chain disruptions, which also led to higher wages to try to get people back to work. When you have undeliverable goods sitting in storage containers and no one to deliver them, it adds cost to everything especially if it rots or you have to pay people more to move it around.
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@porwest (97465)
• United States
20 Aug
@JimmyDeen The problem is not what the rich pay, it's what the Congress has allowed them to deduct. The Democrats have sold a BIG lie claiming the rich don't pay their fair share. They pay what the LAW says they are REQUIRED to pay. And who are the RICHEST people in Congress? Democrats. Now tell me why the laws don't reflect what they say they want to do? Because they want you to believe they are on your side when all along... They write laws that suck taxes out of the average working class guy and leave the rich alone. Sneaky? Yep. By design? You bet it is. The Democrats have ZERO interest in taxing the rich. They just want to make it look like they want to. Like Trump said to former senator Hillary Clinton in a debate when she accused him of not paying enough taxes. "I paid according to the laws YOU wrote. If you don't like what I paid, change the law."
1 person likes this
20 Aug
@porwest these things certainly caused inflation to rise. We need to go those high incomes that pay little taxes. It's the lower income brackets that should get the tax cut. Their taxes should be 2 percent or less of income.
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@Ghostlady (1635)
• United States
20 Aug
You are so right...I keep telling people this, but can not make them understand...they just think the Corporations have all kinds of money, they can afford to pay higher taxes. It is like talking to a WALL!
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@porwest (97465)
• United States
20 Aug
It's just this constant misunderstanding that corporations pay taxes. They don't. They collect them to pay. It's like the analogy I use all the time about being a property owner with renters. I do not pay property taxes. My property taxes are collected from the renter. If my property tax goes up and I expect an 8% ROI, my rent goes up in direct relation to the tax going up. I maintain a margin and make a profit, but never pay a dime in taxes because the taxes I pay are collected from the rent I charge. If the tax goes up, the rent goes up, and I still make the EXACT profit I did before the tax was imposed. The ONLY person who pays more is the renter. It's such a simple concept, but virtually NO ONE gets it. lol
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@Ghostlady (1635)
• United States
20 Aug
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@xander6464 (44920)
• Wapello, Iowa
20 Aug
You totally forgot that Kamala is also going to clamp down on price gouging, which is what you wrongly call inflation. As usual, you simply don't understand what's going on. When corporations are making record profits and CEOs are getting huge raises, it is not inflation, it's gouging and increased taxes will solve the problem. You should leave the economic analysis to smart people.
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@xander6464 (44920)
• Wapello, Iowa
20 Aug
@porwest What a bunch of malarky that is. Written by an idiot for morons. The kind of people who bought Truth Social stock because they think Trump is a good businessman. It does fit your ignorance of business and economics, though.
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21 Aug
@porwest Bookmarked The Springboard Blog. Added to Homescreen.
@porwest (97465)
• United States
20 Aug
If you think price gouging is the problem, or even a are an idiot and I will just leave it at that.
Is it just me, or is anyone else getting the passing of the buck on inflation that has been dealt time and time again by the Biden administr...
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@RasmaSandra (83173)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
19 Aug
Thank you for the explanation,
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@porwest (97465)
• United States
20 Aug
The question is, does anyone get it? Corporations do not pay taxes. They COLLECT them. They make the same profits, and the PEOPLE pay for it. NOT the company. It's so basic it boggles my mind NO ONE gets it. Charge me whatever you want for property taxes. If I am charging rent, your rent will go up in DIRECT relation to the higher tax. I don't pay it. The renter does. I will make my 8% regardless of the tax charged. Raise my tax and I raise your rent. Who pays? YOU. I REFUSE to pay the tax. I will ALWAYS pass the tax onto the end user. Every single time.
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@moffittjc (123162)
• Gainesville, Florida
21 Aug
Politicians on the left have painted big corporations as evil, and have convinced the population that they are evil and responsible for all that is wrong in the world, and that the only way to punish big, bad and evil corporations is to make them pay more taxes. People are convinced it will shift the burden from their pockets to the pockets of these conglomerates. HA! Wishful thinking, for exactly the reasons you stated. It just blows my mind that people are that stupid and gullible.
1 person likes this
20 Aug
@porwest Thank you for this post. Enlightening and helpful to be in the "stand still, see and watch, be ready and fight" mode. America is at war-- Good against evil. And people with understanding are beginning to open their eyes and see truth, Divinely. Whether you believe it or not.
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@xander6464 (44920)
• Wapello, Iowa
20 Aug
@porwest There is much more at stake in this election than so many people care to realize. -----There was a lot at stake when Trump had a chance of winning.
@porwest (97465)
• United States
20 Aug
There is much more at stake in this election than so many people care to realize.
2 people like this
21 Aug
@porwest When President Trump becomes president, is it possible to recover back from this horrible 3 1/2 years inflation? I know that there's evidence of "economic boom" in 2016-2020 with Trump-- recovering from inflation crisis during Obama's 2-term presidency 2008-2016. I'm just honestly curious. And you are knowledgable about these things. Thanks!
• Northampton, England
31 Aug
Good point but way too much is in tax havens, only to get bigger when we move to A.I and profit is ten fold
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• Northampton, England
6 Sep
@porwest THE U.K, 52% of them are ourS
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@porwest (97465)
• United States
5 Sep
Who creates the havens, though? I mean, the laws our elected officials determine what you can and cannot do with money.