Pendulum Swings

@jaylar (372)
Kingston, Jamaica
September 2, 2024 8:07am CST
When Angela Merkle opened Germany and demanded the rest of the E.U. welcome migrants, I knew this Far Right would be given a red carpet. In the past migrants were vetted. Ellis Island, was where migrants landed and were checked out. They were at the Island until cleared and had a place to go so wouldn't be on the street. This was in 1892. It isn't surprising Germans objected.
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1 response
@Kandae11 (54840)
2 Sep
I watched a real nice movie not too long ago about immigrants and Ellis lsland. So many progressive countries were literally built by immigrants.
@jaylar (372)
• Kingston, Jamaica
2 Sep
yes. the thing is, that people were 'screened' before entry. What Merkel ought have done is create some kind of center before people came in. The most recent knife attacks were gifts to the far right.
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@Kandae11 (54840)
2 Sep
@jaylar There were knife attacks? By whom?
@jaylar (372)
• Kingston, Jamaica
2 Sep
@Kandae11 in germany there was an asylum seeker who was refused and killed some people. it was all over the news...
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