Another Scam?

@akalinus (42426)
United States
September 6, 2024 12:31pm CST
I have been getting bill notifications for Norton. I hope it is a scam. I looked it up and it said if you ever used it, you will keep getting bills for it. It said to sign in to your account to turn it off. I do not know how to do that. I used Norton years ago, but I changed to something else because it used too much memory or RAM. I have not gotten bills for it until now. I don't know what to do. It is over $400 and I don't have it on my laptop. Have you gotten similar emails? What do you do with them. Why do people feel entitled to take other people's money that they need to live?
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12 responses
@nela13 (57281)
• Portugal
6 Sep
Don't you have a way to get in touch with them?
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@akalinus (42426)
• United States
6 Sep
I have no idea how. I did forward it to Norton. If they start renewing subscriptions after all that time, does that mean other security systems I used at one time will do the same? It seems like a money grab to me, unless I am missing something.
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@nela13 (57281)
• Portugal
9 Sep
@akalinus It seems a money grab to me as well.
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@akalinus (42426)
• United States
9 Sep
@nela13 It was a scam. I knew that when I started getting emails with different sender names on them.
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@kaylachan (65953)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
6 Sep
That's deffently a scam. If you had it, you'd still have the login. You can always go to and try to sign in. If you don't remember the password, you can usually get those reset. If it is ligit, then something about a past due balance will pop up when you try. Generally, if you stop paying your membership is canceled and when you try to sign in, you'll get a message saying just that.
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@kaylachan (65953)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
6 Sep
@akalinus Yeah. Deffently a scam. Some products like that have an auto-renew feature, so you'd know if you were still getting billed by them. If the auto-renew fails, or you chose to manually renew and don't the account simply becomes deactivated. They aren't going to bother to collect on a ten-year-old debt. And, at such a low price, too. I know 400 sounds like a lot, but if you took your anual fee and multpied that by ten, it would be a hell of a lot more. For example, if you paid 20 ten years ago, (assuming the price didn't go up anually over the years) it would actually be 2,000 today. I highly doubt norton charged you 4 dollars ten years ago.
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@akalinus (42426)
• United States
6 Sep
@kaylachan I searched through my bank account and don't see anything about them in it. I need to check my credit card next. My bank and credit cards have changed since then. My bank changed hands at least four times and my credit is different.
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@akalinus (42426)
• United States
6 Sep
It has been over 10 years since I used it. The bill is over $400 for something I don't even have and did not have for 10 years or more.
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@AmbiePam (89269)
• United States
6 Sep
It’s a scam. Ignore it completely.
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@akalinus (42426)
• United States
7 Sep
I realized for sure it was a scam when I started getting the same emails with different names on them.
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@snowy22315 (177264)
• United States
7 Sep
I am sure it is a scam.
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@TheHorse (214560)
• Walnut Creek, California
6 Sep
It's just a scam. I get those all the time. Make sure not to open anything. Like links.
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@jaylar (371)
• Kingston, Jamaica
7 Sep
i use free aps. whether malware protectors. disc cleaners etc. I never buy anything, from macaff to notorn
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@akalinus (42426)
• United States
7 Sep
I have Malwarebytes Premium which I pay for. I also have an antivirus on my phone which I pay for and it has saved me from scammy pages, viruses, Trojans, and whatever.
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@akalinus (42426)
• United States
9 Sep
@jaylar I use the free antivirus and Premium Malwarebytes. I have gmail and lately a lot of suspicious stuff shows up in my inbox.
@akalinus (42426)
• United States
10 Sep
@jaylar It is full of trash even though they are supposed to filter it. I usually glance at the social and promotion sections and delete all that I don't care about.
@rakski (114394)
• Philippines
7 Sep
I usually ignore them
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@akalinus (42426)
• United States
7 Sep
That is wise. I wish I had done that instead of worrying about it all this time.
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@rakski (114394)
• Philippines
7 Sep
@akalinus we have our share of naivety at one point or another or sometimes we are just bored?!?
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@akalinus (42426)
• United States
8 Sep
@rakski You never know these days. Everything is so complicated that you just don't know.
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@JudyEv (335192)
• Rockingham, Australia
7 Sep
I'm sorry I can't help you with this but I hope someone can.
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@akalinus (42426)
• United States
7 Sep
Different people started sending me the same email. They are gone now.
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@Deepizzaguy (100079)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
6 Sep
I had an email from PayPal stating that I owe them a huge amount of money on a purchase I did not make. When I looked it up on my Pay Pal account, I found out it was a false alarm and deleted the request.
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@akalinus (42426)
• United States
7 Sep
People will do anything to rob other people's money they earned.
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@akalinus (42426)
• United States
8 Sep
If you get another one of these, email it to They can use the information to help track down these scammers and stop them.
@Deepizzaguy (100079)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
7 Sep
@akalinus That is very true like using the "I am broke" story.
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@LindaOHio (171729)
• United States
7 Sep
IGNORE THEM! It's a scam. There are dozens like this out there. Have a good weekend.
@Shivram59 (33624)
• India
6 Sep
I have never had such emails.Most people are greedy.They tend to use other's money to be rich without warning hard..Scams are ways to make easy money.
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@akalinus (42426)
• United States
7 Sep
I do not like scammers. They think they are entitled for something you worked hard for.
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@Shivram59 (33624)
• India
7 Sep
@akalinus Nobody likes them.But it does not matter to them if you like them or not.They are selfish and greedy.And you know;scammers are everywhere.
@dya80dya (36211)
6 Sep
Yes. I received the same email. It was a scam because I never used Norton recently. I used it when I was a kid.
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@akalinus (42426)
• United States
7 Sep
I used it more than ten years ago. I'm not paying for years of non-usage.