One thing that bugs the heck out of me is mixed reviews

@snowy22315 (177323)
United States
September 18, 2024 8:57am CST
Sometimes there is something I want to do and before making a final decision I read reviews. I mean what do you do when half the reviews are bad, and the other half stellar? It stands to reason that possibly not very single person is going to have a good opinion of things, and some people never like anything, but I really don't feel like wasting my time on something that has a 50/50 chance or maybe less of working out. When it comes to something like a job especially, I don't want to be dealing with something that is unnecessarily aggravating. Even buying something, if there are more than one or two bad reviews, I would rather not take a chance. It is easy enough to find something that has more or less good reviews across the board. What do you think?
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10 responses
@Juliaacv (50332)
• Canada
18 Sep
With any review, if I see a common thread, a word used by various people who have offered reviews, I am prone to steer clear from it. Otherwise, I can take what a stranger says with a grain of salt and find out for myself.
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@snowy22315 (177323)
• United States
It depends for me on the overall tone of the revirws.
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@Juliaacv (50332)
• Canada
@snowy22315 That is what I meant.
18 Sep
It depends on what they say, many factors are up to personal taste. Then I tend to divide reviews in useful/useless, the score is less important. However, if the score was 3/5 or less, I would probably avoid said product. Yes, I don't see scores that low that often.
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@snowy22315 (177323)
• United States
18 Sep
It isn't just products. It can be anything really.
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18 Sep
@snowy22315 True, I've just realized you mentioned jobs too. I guess similar rules would apply.
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@AmbiePam (89291)
• United States
18 Sep
If there are like 12 reviews, and 2 are bad, I’m likely to get it. I may assume the problem was the customer not knowing how to use it (depending on what the item is). But if I’m not taking chance if the reviews are more mixed than that. I don’t want to waste my time or money.
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@snowy22315 (177323)
• United States
18 Sep
Yes, and it just don't apply to products. I have been interested in jobs, and the company has a variety of mixed reviews..all in all, I would rather spend my time someplace where no one has anything bad to say.
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@LadyDuck (467763)
• Switzerland
18 Sep
I there are more than 3 negative out of 10 reviews I prefer to skip. I do the same when I buy something through Amazon.
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@snowy22315 (177323)
• United States
18 Sep
No use setting yourself up for problems.
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@snowy22315 (177323)
• United States
18 Sep
@LadyDuck Yes, I had that situation recently.
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@LadyDuck (467763)
• Switzerland
18 Sep
@snowy22315 - Exactly, sometimes we are deceived even if the reviews were good.
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@JudyEv (335275)
• Rockingham, Australia
This is a toughie. We don't take too much notice of bad restaurant reviews but it depends on what is said. If a few say the same thing then we're more likely to take notice of it.
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@snowy22315 (177323)
• United States
Another that happens at least with apps is people who used to like the app who say now it is terrible That is about when I was looking to sign up for it.
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@Kandae11 (54844)
18 Sep
It would take a bit more than 50 / 50 to make me decide to dump it. Maybe 75 % should convince me. Otherwise l would also go with my gut feeling and the realisation that people have different likes.
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@snowy22315 (177323)
• United States
18 Sep
It really depends on what they say. Sometimes though even if the reviews are good on something there could still be some problems. Recently, I bought a can opener that didn't seem to have any negative reviews, but I didn't like it. It didn't seem to work well, and the attachment at the top seemed flimsy. I sent it back.
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@xander6464 (42616)
• Wapello, Iowa
You have to be especially careful with hotel and restaurant reviews because so many of them pay for good reviews.
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@snowy22315 (177323)
• United States
I had one contact me one time after I wrote a bad review..asking for a second chance. I told them I would for a 29 dollar gift card. It was better when I went back. I think they had a talk with the manager
@LindaOHio (171842)
• United States
I read reviews very carefully. With the bad reviews, it depends on what they are complaining about. Have a good day.
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@snowy22315 (177323)
• United States
Sometimes I wish I had paid more attention to then.
@cabuyogty (2758)
• Philippines
I believe also in reading customers' reviews before buying product online
• India
I have through the same set of challenges ,and found a different way to tackle things. When we are looking for something , we should have features on mind where we will not compromise on quality. Next check the negative reviews. See how many of them are touching these features and how recent are they. If there are recent posts which says there are issues with the features we are interested in and at least in good numbers, we need not go for the product. Also look for any common feature that is being mentioned negatively , in all the negative posts. This will give us some fair idea on the product. Post these assessment , you can look at the positive and neutral reviews.