I Think the Depression

Arvada, Colorado
September 19, 2024 9:31am CST
Is ruining my appetite. Nothing tastes good to me much. And I have a variety of what I can choose from. But I just don't have the desire anymore. For years now, I had tried to make meal time special, as when I was a kid we sat at the dining table every night. Meal time was family time. This does not exist here in my household anymore. I miss it.
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19 responses
@NJChicaa (118750)
• United States
19 Sep
I understand how you feel. I love to cook and eat but it isn’t enjoyable to me these days
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• Arvada, Colorado
19 Sep
What a shame for you too as I know you are such a marvelous cook Chicaa, sorry that is happening to you too, thanks.
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@Aansh13 (11320)
• New Delhi, India
Can't tell how much I relate to this, before getting married, I come from the family where all three meals are taken along with complete family, including pets. Post marriage, its only me... Honestly, I skip meals because there is no one to accompany.
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@GardenGerty (159885)
• United States
20 Sep
That would be depressing.
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@much2say (54916)
• Los Angeles, California
20 Sep
I wish you could be here to share meals with us . I make it point for us all to eat together too . . . just as you said, it is family time . . . I do tell my kids not to take this time for granted.
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@rakski (114582)
• Philippines
20 Sep
sending hugs to you. I wish I am there with you, I would surely enjoy your cooking and all
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• India
20 Sep
I went through that phase. At some point in our lives, we get into a state where things are disappointig , depressing or stagnant. We are not getting the thrill as we used to. One formula which seem to work is trying new things.It is going to be difficult but if you do things right , it can be a beautiful journey. It is chasing new things , new desires or new ambitions. So , you need to check out new and possibly foreign recipes and try them out and also chase a new dream. That should slowly bring back you to life. Change everything in your life to possibly new ones and that should help out.
@allknowing (132679)
• India
20 Sep
Accepting whatever the situation is the way to go.
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@sjvg1976 (41246)
• Delhi, India
19 Sep
Oh it's sad to know. You need to see a professional to help you out of this situation. Don't you have real friends?
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@akalinus (42451)
• United States
19 Sep
Have you considered talking to a counselor or pastor about these feelings? They are scary. I hope you start feeling better soon. Prayers.
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@JudyEv (335364)
• Rockingham, Australia
20 Sep
I'm sorry you have depression. I don't have a huge interest in food, especially if I have to cook it. I know I need to eat so I do although I have lots of foods I like more than others.
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@Kandae11 (54851)
19 Sep
Dinner time can be a happy time with nice family members around. Does your son live with you?
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@dgobucks226 (35068)
As a kid, you didn't want to come home for dinner when playing outside with friends. But when you got older, dinner time for me became more social and special. I'm still fortunate to still have siblings who visit during the summer, and I really enjoy having dinner with them whether home or at a restaurant. I can understand the loneliness of not having that special time anymore. When I'm eating alone, it's just a way to satisfy my hunger. You need to order a special meal for delivery OT. Maybe once a month, or so, depending on your savings situation. But you are right, eating alone is not fun.
• Rupert, Idaho
19 Sep
I am sorry to hear that
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@Beestring (14213)
• Hong Kong
19 Sep
I am sorry you are feeling depressed. Please take care. Seek professional help if necessary.
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@abhi_bangal (4819)
• Ahmednagar, India
Oh yeah it's hard. Really hard to miss those good old days. And to add to that, the non-existence of not having a family meal time. My father always used to tell me that we should at least take one meal of the day with the entire family (that was years ago), talk about the day, discuss tomorrow's plans, the future plans, etc. And that nothing should be hidden anything from any family member. There was a lot of truth and experience in what the elderly people in our house used to tell us. Even today, we make it a point to have our dinner together. But it's possible for us to have both lunch and dinner together. So, I really never missed it. But yes, the good old fun isn't there. That's missing for sure
@jstory07 (137898)
• Roseburg, Oregon
Meal time here is anytime we get hungry and we might not even eat the same thing.
@Shiva49 (26510)
• Singapore
Meal time means only the two of us. That is at times just a chore without happy interaction with others. I see many elderly being lonely and adrift. I hope things change for the better for all of us.
@dya80dya (36225)
I know what you mean. Nostalgia makes me extremely sad. I had such meals when my grandmother was alive. She was an amazing woman.
@arunima25 (87217)
• Bangalore, India
Sorry about that Rebecca. I enjoy my meal with my family more than eating alone. I can understand and relate to what you say.