Do you often take naps?

@Shavkat (137973)
September 19, 2024 9:31pm CST
I admit that I snooze every day. You can't hold that against me because I typically wake up exhausted. I go to bed immediately after my classes at midnight and get up at roughly five in the morning. I had to take my power nap after lunch because of this. If I don't, I can be certain that I will be dead tired on my feet before my afternoon classes until after midnight online. Image Credit:
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21 responses
@AmbiePam (89335)
• United States
Bless your heart. You need a whole day just to catch up on your sleep, don’t you. I used to not be able to take naps even if I didn’t sleep the night before. Nowadays, I can get a good nap, and it isn’t enough. You’re a hard worker, and I hope people see that.
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@Shavkat (137973)
• Philippines
I will take it as a compliment. Thank you very much. I was trying to balance everything as much as possible. I need to work harder right after the pandemic. Besides, I just want to make myself busy because losing a mom three years ago made me feel like missing her day by day.
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@AmbiePam (89335)
• United States
@Shavkat Your mom must have been very special.
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@Shavkat (137973)
• Philippines
@AmbiePam She was my best friend aside from our God. She was the strongest woman that I know of in my entire life.
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@Deepizzaguy (100140)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
I take breakfast naps before late morning to feel refreshed and go to work,
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@Shavkat (137973)
• Philippines
That is also a good habit. As for me, I usually have a coffee meditation early in the morning and do other things. Next, I will prepare for my work in the morning. Then, I can have my afternoon.
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@Deepizzaguy (100140)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
@Shavkat Thank you for kind words.
@sallypup (59945)
• Centralia, Washington
That's great that you are caring for you.
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@Shavkat (137973)
• Philippines
I need to, Leonore. It is not a good thing to get sick while trying to face the reality of our world. As they said, it is more expensive if we get sick. That proves the phrase, "Health is wealth."
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@KityCat (7741)
• India
Most days I feel sleepy after Lunch but now I am refraining from sleeping because if I sleep in the afternoon I am unable to sleep at night .
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@Shavkat (137973)
• Philippines
I can understand how it feels. In the past, I observed that most of my Chinese colleagues would sleep after lunch in China. I found it odd. Though they told me that it is a form of energizing them before going to work again.
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@Beestring (14213)
• Hong Kong
I take a 15-30 min afternoon nap every day.
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@Shavkat (137973)
• Philippines
I assumed that it goes the same way. You usually have the power nap right after having lunch, right?
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@Beestring (14213)
• Hong Kong
@Shavkat Not right after lunch. About 2 hours after lunch. I eat some snacks after the nap.
• India
I understand your situation and it makes sens to have power naps with your schedule. From my childhood, I have not been fond of naps and prefer sound and deep sleep at night. I do take naps when i am sick or tired and it is comparatively less. For me , naps could be anywhere between 15 minutes to 2 hours. Worse part for me is that my night sleep gets delayed even if i take power nap of jut 10 or 15 minutes. Perhaps thats what my body and mind is programmed for. I am aware of people who take power naps and that gets them refreshed and better going through the days.
@Shavkat (137973)
• Philippines
I still remember during my childhood years. Our biological parents require us to sleep in the afternoon. As they claimed that it will make us grow taller, among the other reasons. It was funny that one of our childhood friends's grandfathers used to stay at the bedside and let us sleep in the afternoon. He was quite a traditional old folk in the past.  I also think that I might not sleep late at night if doing the power nap. The funny thing is that it did not apply to me. I still sleep like a lard.
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@youless (112383)
• Guangzhou, China
I seldom will take a nap. If I do, probably it means I am going to feel ill.
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@Shavkat (137973)
• Philippines
That sounds weird. It seems that it contradicted what I had witnessed when still working in my former company in Guangdong. Most of my Chinese colleagues usually sleep after they had their lunch. I guess things had changed through the years.
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@youless (112383)
• Guangzhou, China
@Shavkat Some people need to have a nap but that's not for me
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
I really wish I could take a nap in the middle of the day, but time will not allow it. I am exhausted in the evening though and will typically fall asleep on the couch for a while until it's bedtime .
@allknowing (132675)
• India
I do Every single day - for about half an hour after lunch
@kaylachan (66080)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
I do when I need to. But it's not a daily habit. I had to wake George I think to get him to take his night pill on time.
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@kaylachan (66080)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
@Shavkat Our lives seem to dictate when we sleep and wake. Before someone figured out what a clock was, people often slept not long after the sun went down and woke with the sun. That was your clock.
@Shavkat (137973)
• Philippines
I can feel you. When my mother was still alive, I noticed her sleep-wake cycle had changed. She usually sleeps in a short time, and then she is going to sleep in between the whole day and even at night.
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@jstory07 (137893)
• Roseburg, Oregon
It is good to take a nap every day. It refreshes you.
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@rakski (114566)
• Philippines
I nap when I sleep less at night
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@Shavkat (137973)
• Philippines
I also do the same thing. If I sleep for long hours during my day off, I do not need to do this.
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@rakski (114566)
• Philippines
@Shavkat I try to sleep more on weekends
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@RasmaSandra (78025)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
There are times in the afternoons i like to stretch out and read and sometimes I get a sleepy and not off for a while,
@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
That's a very long working day for you. I'm not surprised you need a power nap during the day. I'd need two or three if I worked those hours.
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@Shavkat (137973)
• Philippines
You are right. I need at least 2 hours of power nap in the afternoon.
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• United States
Yes! I personally have Elhers Danlos Syndrome so I take naps frequently! It’s recommended due to lack of sleep on a nightly basis, if I don’t nap it can cause serious memory issues/brain fog/irritability. My naps last for three hours at time! Then I sleep anywhere from four hours to thirteen. My record is eighteen hours!
@wolfgirl569 (102597)
• Marion, Ohio
I take naps when I need to
• United States
I nap every afternoon
• Philippines
Why are your classes scheduled until midnight? Taking naps during the say should be helpful. I used to take a lot of naps at daytime, but for some reason, I rarely get sleepy now. I think the noise of the building constructions nearby is disturbing my daytime nap.
@dya80dya (36225)
No, never.
@cabuyogty (2766)
• Philippines
Yes , i can relate. But i can nap in that time around five in the morning , i will sleep again then maybe i can wake up around seven in the morning!