Is there anything you regret not doing when you were younger?

@Shavkat (137975)
September 20, 2024 6:37pm CST
The most regretful thing that I have done during my younger years is not to continue doing miracle work for the needy ones. It has been more than a decade that I have not done something like this. I tried to do volunteering across the country before and still want to help others. The mere fact is, it is not easy to leave things behind and go for it.
As a human, we have our own passion and interest. I was teaching Korean students in one of the biggest academies in the city. Then, I had acquainted with my...
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2 responses
@patgalca (18310)
• Orangeville, Ontario
When I was growing up, we didn't have parents who preached on how you could do anything you wanted to do, anything you set your mind to. There is nothing holding you back, etc. I wasn't encouraged to do anything, not even go to camp in the summer. Being the youngest of five, my parents were pretty much done with driving kids around and left me to my own resources. I wish I had more interests. When my kids were little we put them in different things until they found something they liked. Both girls started in gymnastics. Then my younger one tried every sport in the book and has loved them all with soccer being her favourite. My older daughter went from gymnastics to Tae Kwondo and stopped there. Stopped once she got her black belt. I do regret giving up the piano. My father was in the music publishing business. He had a deal with a piano teacher so we had to take piano lessons for one year. We could quit if we wanted to but had to take it for one year. I wish my father had encouraged me to continue. I regret giving that up.
@JudyEv (335364)
• Rockingham, Australia
That was great work that you did. I think we're now a bit old to be doing too much.